The Latest News from the Shoebat Foundation

Can we start talking about what really happened on September 11th now?

As supposedly responsible people continue to point fingers over who knew what (and when) relative to what caused the 9/11/12 attack in Benghazi, we thought it timely to revisit Walid’s discovery on September 13th; it puts so many ‘experts’ to shame. In the closed-door testimony of former CIA Director David Petraeus on November 16th, he […]

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Video: CAIR-Chicago’s Ahmed Rehab says anti-Jihad ads are… Racist

Now that Pamela Geller’s ads have made their way onto buses in Chicago, CAIR-Chicago’s Ahmed Rehab is chiming in that the ads are racist. Two things that Mr. Rehab obviously ignores: 1.) Islam is not a race 2.) The racist history of CAIR’s parental group (Muslim Brotherhood) h/t BNI

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What Kenya Will Become If The Obamas Succeed

As Walid Shoebat has shown, the Obama family in Kenya wants their country to turn Sharia. Well, this video shows what the Muslims in Somalia are doing to people who convert to Christianity, and Kenya will end up with the same violent society if the Obama family should succeed. This is nothing but human sacrifice, […]

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Weeping for our Nation

Keith Davies What has become of us as a nation? Everywhere I look I see dishonor, dishonesty, corruption and malfeasance, both in our Government and in our society. America has become more wicked and self-centered than righteous. America has turned away from our founding principles; it has turned away from liberty and justice for all, […]

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Video: Pallywood is back in Gaza

The phenomenon that is Pallywood was discovered by Richard Landes after he gained access to the France 2 studios and was exposed to raw footage or “rushes” from the Palestinian territories. His 2006 documentary blew the lid off of a despicable strategy used by Palestinians. That strategy involves staging scenes for news cameras in which […]

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That didn’t take long; Race-Baiting congressman says Susan Rice being attacked because she’s black

A mere hours after President Barack Obama defended Susan Rice in response to a question about Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham pledging to block her nomination as Secretary of State, Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) played the race card. We predicted that this very thing would happen. Rice, the United States ambassador to the United […]

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Video: Israel takes out Hamas Military Commander in seconds

As Palestinian militants continue to launch rockets indiscriminately into civilian areas inside Israel, the response from the IDF is precision strikes, one of which killed Hamas Military commander Ahmed al-Jabari. Nonetheless, the New York Times decided to call Israel’s attacks “ferocious” while referring to what prompted them as merely “persistent”: Israel on Wednesday launched the […]

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Recommended viewing for David Petraeus on the eve of his testimony

Before former CIA Director David Petraeus lays his head down to sleep on the eve of his closed-door testimony in front of members of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees, perhaps he should watch the climactic scene (below) from the 1992 film Scent of a Woman, starring Al Pacino and Chris O’Donnell. **SPOILER ALERT** (But […]

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Video: Obama admits that Susan Rice was Sent, not Sought, to speak on Sunday talk shows about Benghazi

The Weekly Standard’s Daniel Harper finds something cleverly hidden in plain sight here. It also might help explain why Barack Obama doesn’t like to answer tough questions; he reveals more than he’d like to even when he’s doing all he can not to. At an otherwise predictably controlled news conference, Obama was asked by ABC’s […]

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Was David Petraeus Blackmailed by the White House?

The definition of “blackmail” is as follows: any payment extorted by intimidation, as by threats of injurious revelations or accusations. If then CIA Director David Petraeus was instructed to give false testimony to Congress in the days after the 9/11/12 Benghazi attack in exchange for his extramarital affair to remain under wraps, that would be […]

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Report: MPAC Openly Partnering with group that has former Counter-Terrorism Czar on Advisory Council

Regular readers might remember the name Haris Tarin. He is the Executive Director for the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) in Washington, D.C. He is one of Huma Abedin’s defenders. Tarin was featured in an article at OnIslam that focuses on MPAC’s work with a group known as the National Security Network (NSN). Via OnIslam: […]

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Palestinian parents infecting their children with the Pallywood virus

Just watch. Just sick. h/t Atlas Shrugs Back in 2006, Boston University professor Richard Landes produced a groundbreaking documentary entitled Pallywood: According to Palestinian Sources. If you haven’t seen this video, please take the time to watch. Incidentally, Ben Barrack’s new book, Unsung Davids, also features a chapter on Richard Landes about his fight with […]

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Petraeus case shows why relationships matter

A common theme emerging from the sex scandal involving CIA Director David Petraeus is that relationships matter when you’re talking about someone with a top secret security clearance. The alleged extra-marital affair Petraeus was engaged in may not have been illegal but, as we’re learning, it quite possibly posed a problem for national security because […]

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