The Latest News from the Shoebat Foundation


Is this why Democratic Party platform no longer acknowledges Jerusalem as Capital of Israel?

The 2012 Democratic Party platform is on full display this week and one of the most glaring omissions is verbiage that identifies Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Could the increase in the number of Muslim delegates at the Democratic National Convention have anything to do with it? Via Newsmax: A record number of Muslim […]

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Democrats = Communists?

Keith Davies It appears that the Democrats are just one step away from an admission that they are a full-fledged communist party. The Democrat party removed from the convention platform the mention of God (it is rumored that Allah will replace God at the next Democrat convention’s party platform) and it also removed the policy […]

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Democrats = Communists?

Keith Davies It appears that the Democrats are just one step away from an admission that they are a full-fledged communist party. The Democrat party removed from the convention platform the mention of God (it is rumored that Allah will replace God at the next Democrat convention’s party platform) and it also removed the policy […]

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Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff delivers very curious comment about Israel

It is important (and sometimes difficult) to remember that when military Generals say things that make them sound like dhimmis and the military they lead seem more interested in acquiescing to Islam, their boss is the President of the United States. Their public words reflect the policies of their Commander-in-Chief. Nonetheless, it is painful to […]

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2001 Video: Anwar al-Awlaki speech at ISNA Convention

Patrick Poole over at Pajamas Media has a huge find; it is a speech given by the man who inspired Fort Hood jihadist Nidal Malik Hasan – Anwar al-Awlaki. The speech (seen at the bottom of this post) was given at the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) convention on September 1, 2001 – just […]

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Report: U.S. tells Israel they’re on their own against Iran

If reports are correct, the Obama administration has told Israel not to expect any support from the United States if Netanyahu decides to attack Iran. Via the Debkafile: The Obama administration has put Israel on harsh notice that an attack on Iran to disrupt or delay its nuclear armament will be refused US missile backup […]

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Egypt’s Mohamed Mursi and John McCain on same page over Syria – Why?

Senator John McCain (RINO-AZ) used his speech at the Republican convention to give voice to a common refrain of his – that the United States should arm the Syrian rebels against Bashar al-Assad (video at bottom of this post). Almost simultaneously, Muslim Brotherhood leader / President of Egypt Mohamad Mursi was calling for the end […]

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A Dead Usama gets more attention than his living Financiers

Walid Shoebat The Navy SEAL whom Fox News reported was Matt Bissonnette, wrote a book entitled No Easy Day, which is due to be released on September 4th. Frankly, I have zero interest in how Mr. Good-Riddance Usama Bin Laden was killed and when I listen or watch American media (be it right or left), […]

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CNN gives Muslim Comedian once promoted by CAIR a platform to bash Michele Bachmann

His name is Dean Obeidallah and he is a Muslim comedian. His act has also been promoted by the Council on American Islamic Relations Los Angeles (CAIR-LA). CNN published an opinion piece of his during the Republican convention in which Obeidallah claimed that the GOP has a ‘Muslim problem’. He singled out Bachmann specifically and […]

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