The Latest News from the Shoebat Foundation


FBI refusing to release Report on Awlaki emails with Fort Hood shooter

After the Fort Hood shooting, an investigation was done into the emails between Anwar al-Awlaki and Fort Hood Jihadist Nidal Malik Hasan. Though the report has been completed for some time, the FBI is not releasing it. Via Catherine Herridge at Fox News: In a letter to FBI Director Robert Mueller, Republican Rep. Frank Wolf […]

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Report: New French President has banned consumption of Pork in Government Offices

This is a new report translated from a French website but if true, it’s not surprising. We will monitor to confirm or deny its authenticity. Via BNI: Effective immediately, the new French head of state never again will allow pork to pass his lips…or the lips of his staff, other government officials, or foreign guests. […]

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Egyptian Philosopher: ‘Muslim Brotherhood (is) required to start wars’

His name is Murad Wahba and this entire video is worth watching. Basically, what he is saying here is that in Egypt, a major reason for the tension between the military and the Brotherhood is that the military is focused on fighting in the interest of national security / defense while the Brotherhood is interested […]

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Muslim Street Preacher in London gets Catholic to convert to Islam

Watch as Damian the Catholic runs into a Muslim street preacher in London and is persuaded to convert to Islam, which he does by uttering just a few words. The bad news for Damian is that if he decides to recant, he’s an instant apostate guilty of a sin worthy of death. At the 5:30 […]

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George W. Bush’s disturbing take on the ‘Arab Spring’

After having eight years to study the motivations of America’s Islamic enemies, George W. Bush both curiously and disturbingly expressed a rather uneducated opinion relative to the ‘Arab Spring.’ Via MSNBC: A stone’s throw away from the White House, former President George W. Bush said today the world is in an “extraordinary” time for freedom […]

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CAIR says Muslims in U.S. treated like Jews in Nazi Germany

Seriously, where does one even begin with this? During an appearance on Iran’s Press TV, two representatives from CAIR-NY – one in particular – likened the treatment of Muslims in the United States today to how Jews were treated in Nazi Germany. Via IPT: Two officials representing the Council on American-Islamic Relations’ New York chapter […]

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Conflict between Islam and the West? 63% of Americans think so

The DHS released a report warning of Right Wing Extremism; the FBI Director said 99.9% of all Muslims in America are patriotic; Homeland Security Advisor John Brennan said we’re not at war with Jihadists; Barack Obama himself said, “The United States is not and will never be at war with Islam.” Someone forgot to tell […]

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Alleged new Recordings of Jeremiah Wright cast doubt on Obama’s Christianity

In 2008, video recordings of Jeremiah Wright’s sermons came closer than anything else to derailing Barack Obama’s presidential campaign. Now, four years later, there appears to be audio recordings of Wright that may be damaging to Obama as well. Those recordings, allegedly in the possession of author Edward Klein, consist of Wright telling Klein some […]

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Egyptian MP pushing for implementation of Female Genital Mutilation

It’s important to remember that approximately 20% of the new Egyptian Parliament is made up of Salafists (Muslim Brotherhood with the mask off). According to the Egypt Independent, one of those Salafist Members of Parliament continues to push for mandating female genital mutilation, based on religious grounds (sharia law). Via EI, h/t WZ: Female circumcision […]

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NYPD wants to name a street in Harlem after slain Officer; told to get permission from Mosque

What would you say if you learned that a police officer was shot and killed inside a mosque while on duty and that a movement to name a street after that officer ran into resistance from a local community board because the leadership of that mosque might be offended? Whatever you would say, say it […]

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FBI Workshop: ‘Combating Islamophobia’

The FBI is sponsoring a workshop this week in Huntsville, AL to combat – wait for it – Islamophobia. It hasn’t even been one week since FBI Director Robert Mueller appeared before the House Judiciary Committee and made the case that the purging of his Bureau’s training materials was completely legitimate and not motivated by […]

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ISNA welcomes Tunisian Muslim Brotherhood leader

Rachid Ghannouchi is recognized as the leader of Tunisia’s Muslim Brotherhood movement. He also heads Ennahda, an Islamic political party. In August, Ghannouchi will be speaking at the upcoming annual ISNA convention. Remember, the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) is a confirmed Muslim Brotherhood group, despite what Suhail Khan said at CPAC in 2011: […]

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Egyptian sentiment for ending Peace Treaty with Israel growing?

In left wing parlance, the term ‘Hudna’ is nothing more than a ‘peace treaty’ that gives both sides the opportunity to reach a mutually beneficial understanding. ‘Peace treaty,’ like ‘Arab Spring’ sounds so tranquil and welcoming, doesn’t it? In the Muslim world, Hudna means something far more tactical: What is being touted as a ‘cease-fire’ […]

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Whaddya Know: Egypt’s Stealth Muslim Brotherhood candidate calls Israel a ‘racist state’

Abdel Monem Aboul Futuh is one of two frontrunners in the Egyptian presidential election. His closest opponent is Amr Moussa. Conveniently, Futuh is NOT the official Muslim Brotherhood candidate but he still has unkind words for Israel. Via Egypt Independent: A leading Islamist candidate in Egypt’s presidential election has branded Israel a “racist state” and […]

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Washington Post reports Egypt’s Coptic Christians fear ‘Ultraconservative’ Muslims

Leila Fadel at the Washington Post has now officially chimed in on the fears of the Coptic Christians in Egypt as a direct result of the removal of Hosni Mubarak last year. Interestingly, she affixes a curious label to the ideology of those who threaten the Copts. A year after an attack by ultraconservative Muslims […]

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