The Latest News from the Shoebat Foundation

Kids In Drag - Episode 1 (Documentary) _ Our Stories 0-28 screenshot

The Goal Of The Homosexual Agenda Is Pedophilia

The goal of the sodomite agenda is pedophilia. They want children. Look at the thinkers of the homosexual ideology and you will see that, at its roots, pedophilia is sought after. The 1984 essay “Thinking Sex” is considered to be one of the founding documents for “gay and lesbian studies”. Its author is Gayle Rubin, a […]

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We're Raising Our Kids With No Gender _ MY EXTRAORDINARY FAMILY 0-8 screenshot

Federal Judges Side With The State Of Tennessee’s Abolishment Of Giving Children “Transgender Drugs”

The government of Tennessee has prohibited minors from receiving “transgender drugs” and “surgeries,” and of course activists for the LGBT (Sodom and Gomorrah) complained that this is discrimination. But federal judges have sided with Tennessee, as as we read on Life Site News: Tennessee is likely to succeed in defending in court the state’s prohibitions […]

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Woman Agrees To Become A Surrogate Mother For Two Homosexual Men. The Women Then Gets Cancer And The Two Homosexuals Demand That She Stop Chemo. The Cancer Gets Worse And They Demand That She Abort The Child

A woman got an abortion after two homosexual men demanded that she get one. She was the surrogate mother for the homosexuals, but after she was diagnosed with cancer the two homosexuals demanded that she not do treatment in fear that the baby might get affected. When the cancer got worse, the two homosexuals demanded […]

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Christians In Georgia Attack LGBT Rally And Chase Gay Activists Out

Christians in Georgia confronted and went against an LGBT rally and chased the gay activists out, as we read in RIA: In Tbilisi, LGBT opponents broke through the police cordon on Lake Lisi, where the Pride Week festival was to be held, broadcast by Georgian television companies. ” “Law enforcement officers failed to protect the […]

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Joe Biden Goes Against Ukrainian Membership In NATO, And Warns That If Ukraine Joins NATO The USA Will Have To Go To War With Russia

President Joe Biden has gone against NATO membership for Ukraine, warning that such a thing would obligate the US to have a war with Russia, as we read in AIF: In an interview with CNN, the American leader said that NATO membership is premature for Ukraine. And even after the war, Kyiv can only count […]

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Racism Amongst The Jews In Israel Is Alive And Well

There was a Messianic Jewish concert in Israel and an Orthodox Jewish hate group arrived and harassed Christians who were trying to access the concert: This viciousness is not surprising, because such vitriol was seen at the time of Saint Paul. What you see in this footage is what St. Paul saw, so today you […]

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Ukrainian Nationalists Try To Take Over Orthodox Church Screaming “Death To The Enemies!”

Ukrainian nationalists tried to take over an Orthodox Church screaming an old fascist, banderite, slogan, “death to the enemies!” As we read in Raskolam: On July 4, 2023, there was an attempt to seize the UOC Cathedral of the Transfiguration Cathedral in Bila Tserkva. Live video was published on Instagram by the Bila Tserkva diocese. […]

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Inside China’s People’s Liberation Army _ Preparing For Dangerous Storms - Part 1 _ CNA Documentary 4-10 screenshot

Japanese Government Says That China May Have 1500 Nuclear Warheads By 2035

The government of Japan has expressed concern about China’s military buildup, stating that China may have 1500 nuclear warheads by 2035, as we read in RFI: In a draft 2023 version of Japan’s defense white paper, Japan expressed serious concern over Russia and China’s increased military activities in its surrounding waters, saying they appeared to […]

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