The Latest News from the Shoebat Foundation

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Rebels Block Earthquake Aid In Syria Because It Comes From Assad Controlled Areas

Rebels have been blocking aid for the earthquake because it comes from areas controlled by the Assad government, as we read in Reuters: A convoy from the Kurdish-led northeast destined for an area in the northwest held by Turkey-backed rebel factions – enemies that have fought numerous bouts of conflict during the civil war – […]

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German and Dutch soldiers training in Scotland

The Dutch Now Want To Merge Their Military With The German Military

The Netherlands now wants to merge completely its military with the German military. As we read in the European Conservative: A confidential roadmap for the proposals was signed off in December at a meeting of military officials in Dresden with the war in Ukraine accelerating calls for a defence harmonisation between the two countries. Regulations […]

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Argentina And Brazil Declare New Plan To Form Their Own Currency To Break Away From American Control

Argentina and Brazil have declared a plan for their own new currency as a way to break free from American control. As we read in Geopolitical Economy: The governments of Brazil and Argentina are making plans to create a new currency for Latin America, called the Sur (“south” in English), according to a report in […]

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Austrian Military Leader States NATO Soldiers Can Just Take Off Their Uniforms And Ride The Tanks In Ukraine As Private Contractors

Austrian military leader, Colonel Markus Reisner, recently stated that NATO soldiers don’t (technically) need to be sent to Ukraine to ride the new tanks (the American Abrams and the German leopards) as NATO soldiers can just take off their uniforms and ride the tanks as private contractors. Its a loophole and actually that they can […]

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Video Shows Ukrainians Using Chemical Weapons On Russian Soldiers, And The Russian Soldiers Convulsing To Their Deaths

A video shows Ukrainians using chemical weapons on Russian soldiers. One can see the Russian soldiers convulsing to their deaths. A Ukrainian song plays in the background of the video to mock their deaths: #Ukranian channels celebrating use of chem weapons on #Russian soldiers.After release of the canister the men appear to have spasms and […]

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Turkey’s Plan For The Ethnic Cleansing Of The Armenians

Turkey’s plan for empire faces multiple fronts: there is North Africa, where Turkey wants to control Libya; the Middle East where Turkish troops are in Syria and Iraq; in the Mediterranean where it has a territorial dispute with Greece, and the south Caucasus where Turkey backs the aggressor nation Azerbaijan against Armenia. For over a […]

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Japanese Report: No Longer Will Japan’s Military Be Dependent On The United States

A recent report published by the Japan Times has stated that now under Kishida’s government the days of Japan’s military being dependent on the US are over: Taken together, Abe’s policies marked a historic shift in Japan’s defense policy and regional standing. No longer would Japanese security be a matter of wishful thinking, willful blindness […]

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US Military Admits That Its Going To Be Very Difficult To Drive The Russian Military Out Of Ukraine

U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley recently stated that it would be extremely difficult to completely drive out the Russian military from Ukraine. He added that believes that eventually both parties will be brought to the negotiating table. So much for helping Ukraine to win this war. As we read in the Japan […]

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Ancient Gaul And Julius Caesar’s War Against A Rising German Reich

There is a great distance that we put between antiquity and now. We imagine the ancients looking like the actors in movies like Troy and 300. But reading Julius Caesar’s account of his conquest of Gaul, one sees parallels with the modern world. In antiquity, there were oligarchs, just like today, and there was also […]

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