The left has obviously adopted a much lower standard for journalistic integrity since the days of Jayson Blair and Dan Rather. Instead of conceding to said “journalist” being caught with his / her hand in the cookie jar, the left now pretends nothing happened. Case-in-point is the New York Times’ Cairo Bureau Chief, David Kirkpatrick. […]
Tag Archives | Benghazi
Why ex-CIA Deputy Director may be ‘a Co-conspirator with Al-Qaeda’
If former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morrell lied to administration officials when altering the Benghazi talking points, he became a ‘co-conspirator with al-Qaeda’ according to Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer, who appeared on Fox and Friends this morning to discuss these developments. Shaffer is a winner of the Bronze Star and the Defense Meritorious Service Medal […]
Muslims Kidnap Several Christians, And Shoot Each One In The Head
By Theodore Shoebat The bodies of seven Christians were discovered on a Libyan beach near Benghazi, each one with bullets in their heads. One police officer said: They were killed by headshots in execution style …We don’t know who killed them. It is pretty obvious as to what happened: Muslims murdered them. This is going […]

Lying NY Times Writer Busted, Doubles Down on Benghazi
The release of a bipartisan Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) report on Benghazi last week was preceded by a discredited New York Times piece by the paper’s Cairo Bureau Chief David Kirkpatrick. In fact, the SSCI report itself delivered a haymaker to Kirkpatrick’s credibility but alas, as liberal New York Times writers are wont […]
Rep. Rohrabacher in Egypt, meets with Egypt’s al-Sisi
What are the odds that Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), who introduced our work on Egypt’s involvement – under Mursi – in the Benghazi attack into the Congressional record, didn’t broach the subject with Egypt’s General Abdel Fatah Al-Sisi when the former visited Egypt this weekend? What are the odds that the subject of the charges […]
Senate Committee Confirms Egyptian tie to Benghazi
By Ben Barrack There is a very distinct reason why any Egyptian connection to the Benghazi attack on 9/11/12 is extremely important. That reason is simple. The parent organization of all Sunni Islamic terror groups – including al-Qaeda and Ansar Al-Sharia – was the official governing body of Egypt at the time, led by President […]

Benghazi a pre-planned Movie Narrative?
Thanks to declassified documents from testimony given by military officials to the House Armed Services Committee, we now know that the attack on the U.S. Special Mission Compound (SMC) was identified as a terrorist attack within minutes. We also know that then Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and Joint Chiefs Chairman Martin Dempsey were both […]
Benghazi Blood on hands of Bush and Obama
By Ben Barrack Closing the Gitmo detention center in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba has always been a top priority for Barack Obama. Within hours of his first inauguration, he signed an Executive Order in an attempt to close it within one year. Barely more than one year prior to signing that order, Abu Sufian bin Qumu […]
State Caves a bit on Benghazi; still avoids Egypt Link
The State Department has identified Ansar Al-Sharia and its leaders as terrorist organizations and terrorists respectively, something we (and others) demonstrated several months ago. Let’s see, well over a year after the Benghazi attack, State has conceded something that was beyond painstakingly obvious within hours of that attack. There is something else that is quite […]
Applying Christie Standard to Benghazi
On one hand, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie appears to be tearing a page out of the Hillary Clinton playbook when it comes to accountability. A headline about the burgeoning scandal known as ‘Bridgegate’ proclaims, ‘Taking Responsibility But Dodging Blame, Christie Takes His Time’. The Washington Post’s Eugene Robinson echoed similar sentiment, writing, “The governor […]
Muslims Murder Woman’s Husband, She Remarries, They Murder Second Husband
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims murdered the husband of a Christian woman in Nigeria, named Faith Kore Usman. When she got remarried, the Muslims murdered her second husband. As Faith explained it herself: My first husband, Davou Philip, was killed by Muslim Fulani herdsmen in Jol Village in Riyom Local Government Area in 2002 …I had […]

Benghazi WAS about a Video
Why I was contacted by Anti-Muhammad Filmmaker By Walid Shoebat The controversy over the anti-Muhammad video the Obama administration attempted to blame for the attack in Benghazi on 9/11/12, resurfaced recently when an exhaustive New York Times piece doubled down on the involvement of that video. In his December 28, 2013 piece, Cairo Bureau Chief […]
NY Times Writer Accidentally Tells Key Benghazi Truth
In his largely fictional missive about Benghazi, New York Times writer – and Cairo Bureau chief – David Kirkpatrick argued that neither al-Qaeda nor groups outside Libya were involved in the attack on the U.S. Special Mission Compound. He seemed to concede Ansar Al-Sharia was, but in so doing, Kirkpatrick decided to play semantics. As […]
Why NY Times Lied about Benghazi
Cairo Bureau Chief should know better The New York Times’ David D. Kirkpatrick may have a motive for wanting to leave out any evidence of an Egyptian connection to the Benghazi attacks on 9/11/12; he is the Cairo Bureau Chief. After reading what amounts to his “novel” – replete with actual chapters – in the […]
Man who should be Attorney General talks Benghazi
This is mildly dated (October 30) but we hadn’t seen it before it was sent to us by a reader. It is nearly three and a half minutes of pure righteousness on Benghazi from a man who would make an excellent Attorney General. The man speaking is none other than former prosecutor, Rep. Trey Gowdy […]
Muslims Have People “hacked to death, burned alive, or shot”, Christians Take Revenge
By Theodore Shoebat Numerous murders by Muslims have been taking place in Nigeria, specifically in Plateau and Kaduna states. According to one report, victims “were hacked to death, burned alive, or shot simply based on their ethnic or religious identity”. These Christians are being killed every day, but there is something you can do about […]