By Theodore Shoebat The Muslims are slaughtering Christians every day in Syria, and who is backing and organizing this horrific killing? The Harlot of Babylon nation of Saudi Arabia, and the Antichrist nation of Turkey. Just this week Syrian church leaders gathered together in a meeting in London, and Eustatius Matta Roham, Metropolitan of Jazirah […]
Tag Archives | blood drinking
Muslims Kill Christians, Bottle Their Blood, And Sell It For $100,000 A Piece To Saudis
By Theodore Shoebat A nun in Germany has recently done a presentation in a conference of an independent investigation she conducted of the treatment of Christians in Syria under the hands of Muslim fundamentalists. She revealed that Muslims are butchering Christians, draining their blood in bottles, and selling each bottle for $100,000 to Muslims in […]
Muslims Kill Christians And Drink Their Blood, And Say It Gives Them Salvation
Watch this video of Theodore Shoebat talking with Michael Voris on what demonic and bloody rituals Muslims do with Christians in the Islamic World: AFTER WATCHING THIS, PLEASE DONATE AND SAVE CHRISTIAN LIVES

Islam and Cannibalism UPDATED
We added various additions to this article on Islam and cannibalism, using now Hadith which reveal that blood drinking was done by Muhammad’s first followers, and also we posted a video of an Egyptian sheikh calling for the eating of Jewish flesh. By Walid and Theodore Shoebat In the future, the Egyptian Islamists will not […]