Ryan Mauro over at Radical Islam has a shocking expose’ on New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s continuing penchant for putting Muslims with extremely questionable backgrounds, in positions of power. Via Radical Islam: A RadicalIslam.org investigation has discovered that at least four Islamists sit on New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s Muslim outreach committee, which was formed […]
Tag Archives | cair
Video: CAIR-LA Executive Director blames Israel
Executive Director for the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) Los Angeles, Hussam Ayloush appeared on a KTLA morning newscast to talk about the fighting between Israel and Hamas. Guess whose side he’s on. Conspicuously absent from Ayloush as he defended Hamas and portrayed himself as a champion of all human life, was the fact […]
CAIR New York goes after both U.S. Senators from New York (Democrats) for supporting Israel
Muslim Brotherhood groups in America have overwhelmingly found the Democratic Party to be the most welcoming party when it comes to the Muslim agenda in the United States. New York’s two U.S. Senators (Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand), who are both Democrats, are catching some flak from the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) for […]
Video: CAIR-Chicago’s Ahmed Rehab says anti-Jihad ads are… Racist
Now that Pamela Geller’s ads have made their way onto buses in Chicago, CAIR-Chicago’s Ahmed Rehab is chiming in that the ads are racist. Two things that Mr. Rehab obviously ignores: 1.) Islam is not a race 2.) The racist history of CAIR’s parental group (Muslim Brotherhood) h/t BNI
When a Hate Crime becomes an Honor Killing; Does CAIR Care?
Some of you might remember this case from back in March. A woman from Iraq was found beaten to death in her San Diego home with a note that said, “go back to your country”. Her murder took place as the Trayvon Martin case was dominating the headlines. That was a case tailor-made for race […]
CAIR touts Muslim voter turnout in Tuesday’s election
Corey Saylor, spokesman for the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), is cheering the defeat of members who belong to what he calls the “anti-Muslim caucus”. Via Illume Magazine: Prior to the election, Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) identified eleven members of Congress who make repeated use of biased themes regarding Muslims. The anti-Muslim caucus […]
Muslim group sees victories in all 4 ‘Key Races’ it targeted at fundraiser attended by Pelosi
It appears that all 4 of the Congressional / Senate races targeted by the National Muslim Democratic Council (NMDC) – a Muslim group that included the participation of both the Executive Director of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and founder of the Muslim Student Association (MSA) – went their way. A fundraiser sponsored […]

Photo: Pelosi caught at Fundraiser with CAIR Founder Nihad Awad
Steve Emerson’s Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) has published a photo of Democratic House Minority leader Nancy Pelosi at a fundraiser with none other than Nihad Awad, the founder and Executive Director of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) this past May. The purpose of the fundraiser was apparently to raise money for Democratic […]

Libyan Leaks: Secret Document reveals Al-Qaeda ‘brother’ put in control of U.S. Embassy in Tripoli
Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack A treasure trove of secret documents has been obtained by a Libyan source who says that secularists in his country are increasingly wanting to see Mitt Romney defeat Barack Obama on November 6th. This charge is being made despite Muslim Brotherhood losses in Libyan elections last July which resulted in […]
Three ‘experts’ fail in attempt to debunk Bachmann
The Muslim Brotherhood and Ansar al-Sharia (the group that claimed responsibility for the Benghazi attack) share one thing in common. Both seek the implementation of Sharia law wherever it does not exist. The most important difference between the two groups is how to get there. Groups like Ansar al-Sharia and al-Qaeda believe in doing it […]
Keith Ellison praises John McCain and Chris Christie in interview with Al-Jazeera
U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) and Governor Chris Christie (R-NJ) have been presented with yet another sign that they’re on the wrong side of the Muslim Brotherhood issue. In an interview with Sam Bollier of Al-Jazeera, Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) praised both men for their defense of Muslims with questionable ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. […]
The Obamas’ Wahhabist Fundraising Empire: Obama’s First Cousin Spills The Beans (on video)
By Walid and Theodore Shoebat Click here to see Musa Obama’s extremely revealing interview. While Obama’s connection to his Muslim family in Kenya is an acceptable topic for discussion in the Arab world, it is viewed as a ‘great taboo’ in the United States. Why is that so? This ‘taboo’ should be considered unfair at […]
One Anti-Muhammad Film, a Terrorist Financier, and FBI Failures
**YES, this is the report we have been promising our readers. Thank you for your patience.** In a shocking investigative report released today by Walid Shoebat, Research Director of Forum For Middle East Understanding, the real identity of the character and background of the “Innocence of Muslims” producer is exposed. The culprit, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, […]
Video: CNN does it again; runs interference for CAIR
The pre-recorded interview Pamela Geller gave to CNN’s Erin Burnett, host of Out Front, was supposed to provide viewers with information about Geller’s anti-Jihad ad campaign that had been cleared by a federal judge; it includes multiple posters being put up throughout the New York subway system. While it did do that, the interview also […]
Hillary Clinton wastes no time… Celebrates Muslim Holiday two days after 9/11 Attacks with man who supported Scotland’s release of Lockerbie Bomber
Two days after an act of war was committed against the United States in both Egypt and Libya, on sovereign American territory, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was in the Ben Franklin Room in Washington, D.C., celebrating the end of Ramadan (Eid Mubarak). With her was Ali Sulaiman Aujali, Libya’s Ambassador to the United States, […]
Huma Abedin Defender Alert: CAIR Attorney in South Florida
His name is Wilfredo Amr Ruiz. In addition to being Legal Counsel for the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) in South Florida, Ruiz is also a writer for the Huffington Post. He has written about Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff, Huma Abedin and guess whose side he’s taking? Before we get to that, […]