Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) is rearing its head again in Saudi Arabia but somehow health officials and scientists can do little more than scratch their heads when trying to explain where it comes from. The problem is the most likely cause is almost as easying as adding two plus two and getting four. According […]
Tag Archives | Camel urine
Extremely Deadly Virus will Come from the Muslim World
Exclusive by Walid Shoebat When it comes to MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) it kills nearly a third of the people it sickened. Most people still haven’t twigged to the existence of MERS but that may be changing, with new MERS infections popping up recently in Malaysia, Greece, the Philippines, Egypt, and late last week, […]

Deadly SARS-like Virus caused by Drinking Camel Urine?
Back in August, Walid wrote about the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) virus. At the time, suspicions about the deadly virus coming from camels caused camel meat inspections. Suspicions about what animal the virus comes from may have been validated but how the virus is contracted by humans likely extends beyond camel meat. Via AFP […]
Camel Urine: A Mouthful a Day [Does Not] keep the Doctor Away
By Walid Shoebat “A mouthful a day” is supposed to keep the doctor away, reports CNN in Arabic, under “Health and Technology.” You can take it straight up, fill up direct from the source, in capsule form – just like you would with fish oil, massage it into your hair or apply it directly to […]
Camel Urine: Drink Up and Bon Appétit!
Message from Walid… In the Arab world, Camel Urine products are going viral.. It’s a solution for cancer, hair loss, cosmetics… even camel urine shampoo, in capsule forms, camel urine oils… debates on which is the best way to apply camel urine on blogs, I searched and searched the Arabic for some sanity but no […]