Tag Archives | catholic history

Islam Is A Form Of Protestantism, That Wants To Destroy The Catholic Church

By Theodore Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive)  In a recent video I made, I said that Islam came as a protest against the Catholic Church and its doctrine, since in Muhammad’s time, all Christians were Catholics. This irked Calvinist apologist, James White, whom many consider to be the most formidable Protestant apologist, who argued that the Catholics of Muhammad’s day could […]

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The Muslims Will Invade The Vatican, And Try to Destroy The Roman Catholic Church

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat I remember a few years ago spending time with an Evangelical friend of mine. Within our conversation, somehow, the subject of the Crusades came up. Of course, I defended the Crusades, explaining that they were fighting off Islamic invaders in the Middle East. He, on the other hand, vehemently condemned […]

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Why Catholics Having Icons Is RIGHT, And Evangelicals Not Having Icons Is WRONG

By Walid Shoebat When I first attended church they told me that when it comes to church, that we needed to follow the Book of Acts model. I began to ask myself, what was the church like that was described in Acts? What was the church that Peter and Paul established in Rome like? Did […]

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How John Hagee, Tim LaHaye, And John MacArthur, Ruin Christian History

By Theodore Shoebat When one observes lies, one will always find them connected to some truth. The window of lies always needs the hinges of truth to have people feel comfortable enough to open it. And indeed, it has been opened many a time within the American church. We have all heard of the old […]

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