During an interview on Newsmax TV with Steve Malzberg, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) spoke of a meeting she attended as part of the House Republicans with former Vice President Dick Cheney. According to Bachmann, Cheney told the group that the Muslim Brotherhood is the umbrella for all of the Islamic jihad organizations. It’s really nice […]
Tag Archives | congress
Benghazi Select Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy Stabbed in Back by Republican Colleague
A soon-to-be released House Intelligence Committee report on the Benghazi attacks reportedly lets the Obama administration off the hook, concluding that there was “no deliberate wrongdoing” on the part of the administration relative to the attacks. A consequence of this is that Benghazi Select Committee chairman Trey Gowdy is being stabbed in the back by […]
Two Democratic Senators Call for Resignation of CIA Director who Allegedly Converted to Islam
When two Democratic Congressmen stray from the Obama reservation, it’s a rare day. When two Democratic Senators do so, it’s virtually unheard of and represents an extremely significant event. That happened today when U.S. Senators Mark Udall (D-CO) and Martin Heinrich (D-NM) called for the resignation of CIA Director John Brennan, whom former FBI Agent […]
Accessory to Terror Funding Lois Lerner calls Conservatives ‘A**holes’ who are worse than ‘Terrorists’
In a shocking revelation, emails from former IRS official Lois Lerner show that she once referred to patriotic Americans as “assholes” and likened them to “terrorists”. The thickly-laden irony is that Lerner’s signature is at the bottom of the 501(c)(3) approval letters for at least one terrorist front group (CAIR), a highly questionable Muslim organization […]
Michele Bachmann on Right Side of History as she Introduces Anti-Muslim Brotherhood Bill
By Ben Barrack U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann and seven other congressmen have formally introduced a bill that would designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) and impose sanctions on its supporters in the U.S. Though the chances of the bill passing with a Democrat majority in the Senate and Barack Obama as […]
Russia Bans Traitorous U.S. Congressman
By Ben Barrack Russia has banned 13 people from entry into its country. One of those 13 people is U.S. Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA), who has a disturbing history of aligning with stealth jihadists. According to Russia, Moran’s ban was in response to the recent ban on a member of Russian Parliament. The recent shooting […]
Congressmen who are Getting Closer to 9/11 Truth
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** As Americans bemoan the Obama administration’s stonewalling and redacted pages at the center of mounting scandals, they have also been largely ignoring 28 very significant pages about the 9/11 attacks that were redacted by the Bush administration. Those documents and their contents remain unavailable to the American […]
Obama Accused of being Irresponsible by Irresponsible Boehner
House Speaker John Boehner expressed frustration with Barack Obama similar to the frustration conservatives have with Boehner. Irony is apparently lost on the Speaker. At a press conference, Boehner showed frustration with Obama’s responsibility with respect to the illegal alien border crisis and blurted out: “He’s been president for five-and-a-half years! When’s he going to […]
Obama’s Border Crisis Backlash
Coordinated Political effort may be Backfiring on Obama administration By Ben Barrack Barack Obama’s decision to be photographed playing pool with Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper instead of making a visit to the U.S. southern border amid a crisis Obama himself facilitated isn’t sitting well… with Democrats. Based on how many attempted diversions have backfired on […]

Blaming Video the BEST DEFENSE for Benghazi Suspect AND America
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Far be it from us to offer legal advice to the defense team of Ahmed Abu Khatallah but paradoxically, if taken, it could ultimately help Americans get the whole truth about Benghazi. In response to an 11-page motion filed by the U.S. Justice Department, which alleges that […]
Republican Congressman Blames Obama for ‘Policy Failure’ without Acknowledging his Support of the Policies that Failed
In a recent speech, House Intelligence Committee Chairman, Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI) attempted to defend his turf over the failures in Syria and Iraq. He maintains that the terrorists are making such huge gains not because of an ‘intelligence failure’ but because of a ‘policy failure’. That is actually quite true but what Rogers does […]
Executive Director in Obamas’ Lois Lerner Approved Terrorist Empire REVEALED as a U.S. Intelligence Agent
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** In a stunning discovery, the Executive Director listed on the 990-EZ for the Barack H. Obama Foundation (BHOF), which was approved by the IRS’s Lois Lerner, is Ray Baysden, a former U.S. intelligence agent. Baysden, who knows the Obama family, is a former State Department employee who […]
Republican Congressman VIOLATES his Oath at IRS Hearing
On today’s Ben Barrack show… Segment 1: How CGI – the company that built the notorious Obamacare website – is connected to the video the Obama administration blamed for the Benghazi attacks. Also, the administration was flat-busted recruiting escorts for the illegal alien children invasion. How does this provide further evidence that the Obama administration […]
Eight Members of Congress Closer to Giving up the Ghost on Benghazi Coverup
By Ben Barrack A legal watchdog group has filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Departments of State and Defense. Essentially, the suit demands information about the U.S. operation in Benghazi before the attacks. In particular, the information will reveal much of what eight members of Congress knew and when they knew […]
‘Lost’ Emails between Lois Lerner and White House may be about Obama’s Brother
By Ben Barrack Was there any email correspondence between the White House and former IRS Tax Exempt Director Lois Lerner relative to Malik Obama’s Barack H. Obama Foundation (BHOF)? If so, when would it have taken place? Could it have been any time between January 2009 – April of 2011? The reason that should be […]
Hillary is Horrified by Benghazi
By Ben Barrack If there is one thing all politicians must do to protect their hides in the face of scandal and controversy, putting on a happy face, even when everything around them is crumbling, is at the top of the list. Perception is everything. If the reality is terrifying, public perception has to be […]