Back on July 5th, Sharyl Attkisson of CBS News reported that the Pentagon would not divulge the whereabouts of Marine Corps. Col. George Bristol, who may have valuable information about what happened in Benghazi, to those in Congress who wanted to talk to him because they “cannot compel retired members to testify before Congress.” According […]
Tag Archives | congress
Ben Barrack appears on KTEK in Houston about Benghazi
After learning that Rep. Dana Rohrabacher had introduced our report into the Congressional record during a Foreign Affairs Joint Subcommittee hearing, Ben Barrack appeared on the Price of Business with Kevin Price on KTEK 1110 in Houston to talk about it. Here is segment 1: Here is segment 2:
Rohrabacher cites Shoebat’s work on Benghazi in Hearing
At a House Foreign Affairs Joint Subcommittee hearing into the Benghazi attacks this week, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) introduced our report into the Congressional record. Upon doing so, Rohrabacher made the findings of our report the central focus of his exchange with witnesses. The witness list included Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, Director of the Center for the […]
Job for NSA? DoD not helping Oversight Committee locate Benghazi witness
A retired Marine colonel may have crucial information about what happened on the night of 9/11/12 in Benghazi but the Department of Defense (DoD) doesn’t seem interested in helping the House Oversight committee contact him. Sharyl Attkisson has the report. Via CBS News: Marine Corps Col. George Bristol was in a key position in the […]
Video: Paul Ryan’s Incoherent defense of Amnesty
When it comes to the immigration debate, the Republican Party establishment obviously wants Senators and Congressmen who are perceived as conservatives to be at the tip of the spear in the debate. In the Senate, that person is Marco Rubio, who has been taking an increasing amount of heat from the base over his inexplicable […]
Four Benghazi Deposition Subpoenas
Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), Chairman of the House Oversight Committee sent a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry informing him that the Oversight Committee has issued subpoenas to interview four State Department officials with information about the situation in Benghazi prior to and shortly after the attacks. At least three of these four officials […]
Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA) attacks FBI for Identifying Terrorists but defends IRS for Profiling Tea Party Leaders
Earlier this month, when Tea Party leaders testified in front of the House Ways and Means Committee about being profiled by the IRS, Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA) essentially told them that they should expect to be profiled when applying for tax-exempt status. Now, McDermott has complained to FBI Director Robert Mueller for the FBI having […]
Video: Rep. Louie Gohmert hits Mueller’s FBI for working with CAIR
One day after Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) became understandably frustrated with FBI Director Robert Mueller during a House Judiciary Committee hearing, he took to the House floor and railed against the FBI for working with the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a Muslim Brotherhood group. Via MediaIte: One day earlier, Mueller shockingly admitted in his […]
The Petraeus Effect and Stephen King’s Andre Linoge
By Ben Barrack CIA Director David Petraeus was forced to resign in a meeting with the President one day after the re-election of Barack Obama on November 6, 2012, over revelations of the former’s extra-marital affair with Biographer Paula Broadwell, but multiple news sources reported that top officials at both the FBI and the Justice […]
Elijah Cummings and the Elephant in the IRS Scandal Room – Malik Obama
On Sunday, June 9th, Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD), ranking member of the House Oversight Committee told Obama sycophant Candy Crowley on CNN’s Face the Nation that if he was in charge, the IRS scandal investigation would be closed and that it’s time to “move on”. That Cummings is not in charge is proof that those […]
Video: Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) Rips FBI Director on Counter-terrorism Policies
In this exchange between Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) and FBI Director Robert Mueller, the question Gohmert wants answered has to do with why the identities of ‘subject matter experts’ who were allowed to remove portions of FBI training manuals that Islam found objectionable, had to be classified. Mueller could not answer the question and Gohmert […]
FBI Director Grilled by Rep. Jim Jordan on IRS Scandal Investigation
It’s been one month since the IRS Scandal broke. As such, it’s been one month since the FBI launched an investigation. Fast forward to today. At a House Judiciary Committee hearing, FBI Director Robert Mueller came off as intellectually vacant about the investigation. Although he attempted to whip out the standard line, “I can’t comment […]
Video: Megyn Kelly interviews Rep. Jim McDermott; doesn’t bring up the IRS Uber-Scandal when presented with Golden opportunity
One day after Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA) came to the defense of the IRS and chided leaders of Tea Party groups at a House Ways and Means Committee hearing, he appeared on America Live with Megyn Kelly. Here is a portion of what McDermott said in defense of his actions in that hearing. Via Fox […]
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Video: When asked if Benghazi talking points were ‘scrubbed’, Far left Democrat Dennis Kucinich says, ‘of course’
If you have any doubts that far left-wing Democrat Dennis Kucinich agreeing that the Benghazi talking points were ‘scrubbed’ is a big deal, just watch Chris Wallace’s reaction; his eyes seem to communicate the Fox News anchor didn’t believe what he was hearing. Via GWP:
What Benghazi Whistle-blower has in common with Station Wagon filled with Nuns
The Democratic defenders of the Obama administration stonewall have been taking political shrapnel all week; it’s even been coming from the liberal media in some cases. The spinning that has been increasingly difficult for the Democrats just got tougher. Gregory Hicks – the Benghazi whistle-blower whom the Democrats have accused of coming forward because he […]