When Barack Obama released five terrorists from Yemen, it sent a message. That message was that when Paris terrorist Said Kouachi was killed, so too was a terrorist with connections to not only Yemen but to one of Islam’s most revered martyrs – Anwar al-Awlaki. In the wake of the attacks in Paris, it was […]
Tag Archives | Dennis Hastert
Anwar al-Awlaki’s Murderous Muslim Terrorist Outreach Continues to be Felt as Western “Leaders” Continue Covering Up and Living in Denial
The consequences of U.S. federal officials allowing Anwar al-Awlaki to slip through their fingers in 2001 are still being felt years later, in much the same way that the consequences of the Obama administration flooding Mexico with high powered weapons in Operation Fast and Furious will be felt for years to come. In the case […]
Muslim Brotherhood Infiltration and John Boehner’s Support for Jeb Bush
The elephant in the room is getting larger by the day and Republican establishment figures – like Karl Rove, John Boehner, Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, et. al. – who are ignoring it are only making things worse and blatantly more obvious by doing so. The ‘elephant’ is Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the U.S. Government. Those […]
American Greed and Cover-up the Reasons Why American Politicians Prostituted Themselves to Antichrist
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** During a recent interview with Michael Savage, Walid was delivering rapid fire answers to very hard questions. There was one question he admitted to having no answer for; he simply couldn’t explain it. That question was: Why do so many American politicians support the Muslim Brotherhood, Turkey, […]
Obama Administration’s Plans to give Complete Power to Muslim Brotherhood
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** A relationship between the former chairman of a mosque in the U.S. notorious for breeding terrorists may help to further illustrate the connection between the Muslim Brotherhood, the Syrian opposition, Turkey, and unfortunately, the U.S. Government. At Shoebat.com, we have demonstrated that Bassam Estwani, who chaired the […]

George Bush’s Dubai Ports World deal vs. Al Gore’s Al Jazeera deal
Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a mere 236 miles east of Doha, Qatar, where the headquarters of Al Jazeera is located. After the sale of Al Gore’s Current TV to the Arabic news network, Al Jazeera America is expected to broadcast from New York. Via World Atlas: In 2006, the Dubai Ports World (DPW) […]