Tag Archives | egypt

Actual And Literal Islamic Human Slaughterhouses For Christians Discovered

EXCLUSIVE By Walid Shoebat and Theodore Shoebat Saif Al-Adlubi told the story when the Egyptian butcher would examine the row of people who were waiting their execution. Al-Adlubi witnessed at least two Armenians who were waiting their turn to be slaughtered since no one paid their ransom, the sum of $100,000 each. “He grabbed the […]

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Racist! Egyptian Woman calls Obama a ‘Donkey’

In the U.S., any criticism of Barack Obama is portrayed as racist by the left. The standards are all upside down. In the video below, an angry Egyptian woman yells ‘shut up your mouth, Obama’ in English and then calls him a ‘donkey’ in Arabic. If there’s a war on women, this woman seems to […]

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Obama Administration keeps driving Egypt’s El-Sisi into Putin’s Camp; U.S. Congress acting impotent

The Obama administration has just done more damage to Egyptian relations by denying the shipment of attack helicopters that were to be used to fight terrorists. Reports indicated that one of the reasons for the recent spat of U.S. Congressional delegations to Egypt was to help soften relations between the U.S. and Egypt, which has […]

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The Arab Spring, But The Christians’ Winter

By The Persecuted Christian The joke of the “Arab Spring” has intrigued the thinkers & analysts of the topic since its sudden upsurge in 2011. One of the most neglected of these revolutionary democratic waves that destroyed countries, displaced millions and killed & persecuted hundreds of thousands of minorities are Christians here. When discussing the […]

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Muslims Execute Innocent Man In A Very Cruel Way

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Libya captured a French citizen who was working in Benghazi to upgrade a hospital. One official concluded: He was killed with three shots This poor French man was only trying to make a living, and these devils murdered in cold blood. This makes the murder a very cruel one indeed. […]

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The Endless Slaughter Of Christians Is In Our Midst

Exclusive By The Persecuted Christian and Theodore Shoebat It was said that Cain lived his life as a wandering vagabond, but now we see the saints, traveling from city to city, treading upon the earth, walking on the path of uncertainty, not knowing to where Providence will lead them, without the much desired knowledge as […]

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Muslims Force Christian To Convert To Islam, Then Brutally Behead Him

By Theodore Shoebat A Christian man was captured by Muslims in Syria, and forced him to declare the Shahadatan (“There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger). After he stated the heretical creed, they deemed him an infidel anyway and brutally beheaded him. Rescue Christians is now working on the ground in […]

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Muslims Impose Taxes And Sharia On Christians

By Theodore Shoebat In the Syrian city of Raqqa, Muslims, who are a part of the jihadist group The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), have imposed taxation on the Christians living there. Its called Jizya, a taxed imposed on non-Muslims in Sharia code, and it is a part of the Pact of […]

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Malik Obama Genie out of the Bottle in the Arab World

Tens of millions of Arabs are now familiar with the Malik Obama case and it is long past time for the U.S. Congress to investigate what is clearly now top-of-mind news in the Middle East. If Congressmen are wondering what would make Gen. Abdel Fatah el-Sisi abandon the U.S. for Russia and Vladimir Putin, they […]

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Obama’s Brother an ‘Al-Qaeda Enemy Combatant’ according to Egyptian who filed Complaint his Country is taking very seriously

On Today’s Ben Barrack Show… Note: At the beginning of the program, Barrack makes a verbal addendum to last week’s show by commenting on Karl Rove and Oliver North. Here is a link to that show. To view the show on T-SPAN Channel 5, click here. An extremely explosive charge was levied against the brother […]

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Anders Breivik Says He’s Against Islam In Order To Get Media To Attack Walid Shoebat

Finally, the truth is revealed behind the intentions of Anders Breivik, the killer who slaughtered over 70 people in Norway. He initially said that he was influenced by Walid Shoebat and other counterjihadists, but now has confessed that he purposely referenced to the material of the counterjihadists in order to pit the media against Walid […]

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21st Century Nazis Descend on New York City

Pro-Muslim Brotherhood protesters gathered in front of the Saudi consulate in New York City earlier this month and just could not keep their masks on. Among their charges were that the Saudis sold Egypt to the Jews and that the Saudis “are much dirtier than the Jews”. They also called for the execution of Gen. […]

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Report: Congressional Delegations to Egypt about Obama’s support for Terrorism

Last December, Reps. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), Louie Gohmert (R-TX), and Steve King (R-IA) visited Egypt. The Washington Post referred to the details of the visit as “hush-hush”. Last month, a delegation led by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) which included Rep. Steve Stockman and Rep. Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) paid Gen. el-Sisi a visit. This week, Rep. […]

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Muslim Blows Himself Up And Slaughters Innocent Christians

By Theodore Shoebat A Muslim group linked to Al-Qaeda, called Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis, has one of their jihadist low lives suicide bomb himself like a kamikaze in a tourist bus filled with Christians from South Korea, in Egypt. Over a dozen Christians were injured, three Christians were killed, and the bus driver also lost his […]

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Two Malik Obama Missiles Fired at Congressional Wall of Silence

The Forum For Middle East Understanding (FFMU) has partnered with Dr. Sadek Raouf Ebeid in sending – via certified mail – correspondence to several members of Congress, requesting that an investigation be opened relative to the alleged terror connections of Malik Obama (links to each letter are at the bottom of this post). A political […]

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Sources: House Intel Chair looking into Malik Obama case while in Egypt

Before reports surfaced that House Intelligence Committee Chairman, Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI) was in Egypt, our sources informed us that he was personally looking into the case against Malik Obama. We cannot reveal anymore of what we may or may not know but those claims appear to have been given additional credence based on Egyptian […]

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