Brave Lone Daniel Stands Against The Hate Daniel, a young man stands alone against a hateful group of Islamists and Leftists. CLICK HERE TO VIEW
Tag Archives | gaza
UNRWA: Starring “The United Nations” as LORDS OF MISERY UNRWA: Starring “The United Nations” as LORDS OF MISERY What role does the United Nations fill in Gaza? CLICK HERE TO VIEW
What is an Israeli Checkpoint REALLY like? What is an Israeli Checkpoint REALLY like? CLICK HERE TO VIEW CLIP
Heroes of Hamas Heroes of Hamas How do you make a hero in the world of Hamas? CLICK HERE TO VIEW CLIP
The Sickness We Face A presentation brought to you by CNN and TED. This CNN piece exposes what will come our way eventually if we do not awaken 1% of 1.5 billion muslims is 10.5 million jihadists. CLICK HERE TO VIEW
Shouldn’t We All Be Israelis Now?
Written by a Catholic journalist.. . Shouldn’t We All Be Israelis Now? By Kyle-Anne Shiver For the past three weeks, I’ve been on vacation, purposely avoiding news of any kind as I sought to refresh my soul. The very first thing I read upon resuming my vigil on the world’s affairs was a report describing […]
Satire that exposes Hamas and Iran
Satire that exposes Hamas and Iran presents: How these issues are discussed (Middle East Conflict), in particular how Israel is demonised, has become just too absurd. So here is our response. CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE CLIP
Palestine Myth
Gaza not as poor as the propaganda suggests
Gaza not as poor as the propaganda suggests
Hypocrisy and Insanity from all sides
Hypocrisy and Insanity from all sides It is shameful to watch Turkey lead the chants and propaganda of the world against Israel with concern to the “peace activist” Gaza flotilla. The rhetoric from the Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu at the UN on June 1 2010, – “Another member state has committed a crime against […]
Gaza Flotilla was a Martydom Operation
Dear Friends For all those that wish to help Israel in the PR war we need you to help now. The Muslims are trying to use the Gaza Flotilla incident to exploit in the Propaganda war against Israel. The Gaza Flotilla was a deliberate attempt to provoke Israel and the intention was to “kill Jews” […]
Why Israel loses the PR war
Israel’s PR strategy and what is wrong with it can be identified with two words – “defense only”. We watch with frustration at what can only be identified as ineptitude the way the Israeli government, as well as the Jewish and Christian communities in all parts of the world attempts to deal with what they […]
How I Survived Gaza by Golani Brigade Soldier
Subject: How I Survived Gaza by Golani Brigade Soldier Eleven days ago today, Israel terminated an operation after having reached a state of cease-fire with a cowardly and murderous foe. We pulled out of Gaza. I pulled out of Gaza. We were first called up on a Shabbat, right at the end of ten months […]
Israel acts because the world will not defend her
The Times January 7, 2009 Daniel Finkelstein Israel acts because the world won’t defend it The scenes from Gaza are heartbreaking. But the whole conflict could be avoided if the Palestinians said one small thing. It was strictly forbidden to have a notebook in Belsen, but my Aunt Ruth had one anyway. Just a little […]
Hague Decision on Security Fence
Dear members. I would like to add my voice to the disgust at the Hague decision on the security fence. When six million Jews who were murdered by the Nazis the world did nothing and only its own guilt was Israel founded as a haven and rightful home for the Jewish people. Europe and the […]