Freshman Texas State Rep. Molly White (R-Temple 55) came under tremendous fire recently for rightly pointing out that the group which sponsored Texas Muslim Capitol Day in Austin – CAIR – has connections to terrorism. If there is a U.S. Congressman who should stand with her, it’s veteran Rep. John Carter (R-TX). White’s district sits […]
Tag Archives | Homeland Security
ISIS Defended by Muslim News Network with U.S. Presence
A television host for the Qatar-owned Al-Jazeera is referring to the west’s fight against ISIS as a “new crusade”. This is clearly an attempt at moral equivalency on par with Hamas and Israel sharing the same mutually justified grievances. It’s also apparent that when such figures use the term “crusade”, it is meant to be […]
Homeland Security Adviser makes case FOR Islamophobia
If stealth jihadists are open to ‘dialogue’, we’d like to introduce a new term into the discussion. It’s called IsLamOGIC (Is-LOMB-o’-jik). It is a term that is synonymous with illogic but more narrowly focused to refer to the knots Muslim Brotherhood apologists, sympathizers, apparatchiks, and members twist themselves into when arguing their case. Is-L-am-OGIC: a […]
EXPLOSIVE New Development in Current TV sale to Al Jazeera!
Don’t look now but the controversy over the sale of Current TV to Al Jazeera just became a whole lot more significant, thanks to what appears to be a scorned architect of the deal named John Terenzio, who has filed a lawsuit against Current TV. These latest developments also make House Homeland Security Committee chairman, […]
Videos: Cliff Kincaid interviewed about ‘traitorous’ Al Jazeera deal
In a recent interview with World Net Daily, Cliff Kincaid of America’s Survival provided more information about his efforts to get the House Homeland Security Committee to take up the case of Al Jazeera’s purchase of CURRENT TV. At one point, Kincaid reveals what he was told by a committee staffer after Kincaid attempted to […]
Chairman of House Homeland Security Committee not making Al Gore’s sale to Al Jazeera a priority
Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX), the new chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, doesn’t appear to be interested in making Al Gore’s sale of CURRENT TV to Al Jazeera a priority. Accuracy in Media’s Cliff Kincaid was told as much in no uncertain terms from an aid to McCaul. Via AIM: Despite this looming threat […]
Audio: Lynn Woolley interviews Cliff Kincaid about Current TV sale to Al Jazeera
Syndicated talk show host Lynn Woolley had Cliff Kincaid of America’s Survival on his show today to discuss the letter Kincaid sent to Rep. Michael McCaul, Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee. The letter, dated January 9th, which we wrote about, calls on Chairman McCaul to open hearings into the sale of Current TV […]
Radical Islam’s Ryan Mauro interviews Cliff Kincaid about opposing Al Jazeera sale
In an interview with Radical Islam’s Ryan Mauro, Cliff Kincaid of America’s Survival laid out his concerns about why the sale of Current TV to Al Jazeera should come under an intense Congressional spotlight and ultimately be labeled as an agent of foreign propaganda. Here is a link to that interview. A letter sent by […]
Walid co-signs letter calling on House Homeland Security Chairman to hold hearings on Al Gore / Al Jazeera deal
The new Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) – who replaced Rep. Peter King (R-NY) this month – has been sent a letter by Cliff Kincaid of America’s Survial and Accuracy in Media, which has several signatories, including Walid, Pamela Geller, Brent Bozell, Frank Gaffney, Steven Emerson, Larry Grathwohl, and […]

George Bush’s Dubai Ports World deal vs. Al Gore’s Al Jazeera deal
Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a mere 236 miles east of Doha, Qatar, where the headquarters of Al Jazeera is located. After the sale of Al Gore’s Current TV to the Arabic news network, Al Jazeera America is expected to broadcast from New York. Via World Atlas: In 2006, the Dubai Ports World (DPW) […]
Video: Top Obama Homeland Security Advisor scoffs at Bachmann’s concerns
While appearing at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Barack Obama’s top Homeland Security Advisor John Brennan was asked about the concerns raised by Rep. Michele Bachmann and four other Congressmen about the possibility of Muslim Brotherhood penetration of the U.S. Government. Brennan all but openly mocked Bachmann in his response. Via Huffington Post: The […]
AIM’s Kincaid demands answers about Huma’s Brotherhood connections
Accuracy in Media’s Cliff Kincaid raises some very salient points about the background of Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff, Huma Abedin. In particular, the comparisons he identifies between any alleged background checks administered to Huma and Van Jones are palpable. Kincaid points to what seems like a ‘thou doth protest too much’ defense of […]
Huma Abedin gets Attention at ‘Vetting Obama’ Conference
We were fortunate enough to be asked to contribute some information about Huma Abedin’s familial relationships to both the Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda by Cliff Kincaid’s group, America’s Survival. The group held a “Vetting Obama” Conference on July 19th at the National Press Club. Though the focus of the conference was primarily on Obama’s connections […]
Hezbollah, Iranian proxies roaming the United States in greater numbers
This is actually a related post to the one from earlier today. At a House Homeland Security Committee meeting today, it was learned that Iran has “hundreds” of operatives inside the United States right now. That means Hezbollah. Via IPT: Iran and its Lebanese proxy Hizballah have seeded the United States with hundreds of operatives, […]
Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood Favoritism Will Lead to War in the Middle East
By Keith Davies Over the last year we have seen our government sell out Hosni Mubarak, the key leader who has brought relative peace and stability in the region. Instead, we have jumped on board with the “Arab Spring” which has led to Islamists taking power. My colleagues and I are not privy to CIA […]