Tag Archives | islam

The Duggars Are A Cult

By Theodore Shoebat The Duggars’ are a cult, they promote the cult organization of Bill Gothard, and many victims have come out to give their accounts on the sexual abuse he inflicted upon them. I have done an entire video exposing the Duggars’ connection with Bill Gothard, and how the Gothard cult, and those like […]

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US Air Force To Atheists: Declare God In Your Enlistment Oath, Or You Cannot Join The Air Force

By Theodore Shoebat The US Air Force has now made it a rule that atheists must declare “So help me God” in their enlistment oath or they will not be able to enlist. To this I must say, good for the Air Force! We need less freedom for atheist ideals. They are like Muslims, the […]

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Muslims Dress Themselves In Military Clothing, Tell A Large Body Of Christians To Go Into A Shelter For Safety, And Then Slaughter Them All

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Nigeria, members of the jihadist group Boko Haram, are utilizing a more deceptive way to kill Christians. They dress as military soldiers and tell the Christians to go into a shelter for safety. Once the Christians are gathered together, the Muslims then slaughter all of them. They are acting as […]

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Russia Bans Islamic Books Deemed Dangerous To Society

By Theodore Shoebat Russia has banned Islamic books deemed too dangerous for society.The literature includes Fortress of the Muslim, which consists of “supplications” of the Prophet Muhammad collected by ancient Muslim scholar Saeed bin Ali bin Wahf Al-Qahtani, and a certain biography of Muhammad has also been banned. As of December 25th, Russia has banned […]

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Why Islam, And Every Satanic Religion, Must Be Banned

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat True liberty is not what is found on a piece of paper, written by idealists who think themselves enlightened, but on the hearts of men, inscribed with the eternal pen, and instilling the glorious laws of Heaven. For the holy David writes, “And I will walk at liberty: for I […]

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Muslims Are Atheists

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims are atheists. Why do I say this? The modern perceptive on atheism is that it signifies no belief in God’s existence or the existence of anything supernatural. While this is true in the modern sense, atheism can also indicate a disbelief in orthodox doctrines. Both Atheism and Islam want to force […]

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ISIS Expands Into Pakistan And Afghanistan

By Theodore Shoebat ISIS is now expanding into Pakistan and Afghanistan, by distributing copies of a pamphlet entitled Fatah (victory), to Islamists in these countries. As we read from a recent account: The dreaded Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is trying to expand its influence in Pakistan, with pamphlets being distributed in Peshawar […]

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Six Muslim Men Dress As Police Officers, Take Pregnant Woman, And Gang Rape Her In The Middle Of A Public Street

By Theodore Shoebat Six Muslim men in Kabul, Afghanistan, dressed themselves as police officers, went into a busy street and ambushed a car, attacking the men and seizing the women, one of whom was pregnant. They then began to gang rape all of them, even the pregnant woman, in public view. The victims were coming […]

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Phil Robertson On ISIS: Convert Them To Christianity, Or Kill Them

By Theodore Shoebat Phil Robertson recently made an excellent point: ISIS must be either converted to Christianity or killed. I absolutely agree, as this is the way to extirpate the wickedness of Islam. This was the mentality of the Spanish throne when Christendom was maintained. Phil said: Convert them or kill them. One or the […]

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Four Muslim Men Take 13 Year Old Boy, Throw Him Into A Car, And Gang Rape Him

By Theodore Shoebat A 13 year old boy named Naeem was seized by four Muslim men, they took him into a car and gang raped him. As Naeem was telling the story, tears came rushing down his eyes. He is completely broken. He recounts the horrid event: I was lying here sleeping and four people […]

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Muslim Woman Sends This Message To Christians: “You Christians all need beheading with a nice blunt knife… Come here I’ll do it for you!”

By Theodore Shoebat A British woman, named Sally Jones, who recently converted to Islam and changed her name to Umm Hussain al-Britani, sent this message to Christians: You Christians all need beheading with a nice blunt knife and stuck on the railings at Raqqa… Come here I’ll do it for you! This woman is most […]

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When Christian Militancy Goes Down, Islam Rises (Bring Back The Crusade!)

By Theodore Shoebat When Christian militancy goes down, Islam rises. We have lost the once fiery spirit of the Crusades, and now Christendom has all but fallen asleep, awaiting to be awakened from this nightmare so that it may live the dream that was once the glory days of Christianity. We know of the atrocities […]

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Chuck Noris Fights Against The Islamic Persecution Of Christians

By Theodore Shoebat Church Norris has recently written an article fighting against the Islamic persecution of Christians. Here are some statements which he wrote in the article: Do routine beheadings really seemed far-fetched — of even children — for such a barbaric group as the Islamic State? Or do we somehow expect this extreme terrorist […]

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Muslims Take Woman, Tie Her Hand To A Car, And Tie Her Leg To Another Car, Hit Their Accelerators, And Split Her In Two

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Iraq, all a part of ISIS, took a woman, a Yazidi, tied her hand to a car, tied her leg to another car, and after hitting the accelerator, split her in two. The horrifying story was recounted by one Hassan, a 22 year old student and Yazidis who witnessed the […]

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Muslim Put Men, Women, And Children In Holes, And Bury Them Alive

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Iraq, all part of ISIS, put men, women and children in holes and buried them alive. The victims were Yazidis. One survivor, named Ali, remembered: We did not understand. Then they started to put people in those holes, those people were alive… After a while we heard gunfire. I can’t […]

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ISIS Has Drones And Is Using Them In Their Terrorist Attacks

SHOEBAT.COM EXCLUSIVE Theodore Shoebat ISIS has drones and is using them to organize their terrorist attacks. Shoebat.com obtained a video made by ISIS, filmed from a drone in mid air scoping the last military base of Assad in the area of al-Raqqa. After the drone observes the stronghold, ISIS fighters moved into the base with […]

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