Tag Archives | islam

American Muslim Stabs Wife’s Neck 30 Times, For Not Being Muslim

By Theodore Shoebat An American Muslim, Robert William, has been found guilty for murdering his wife by stabbing her neck 30 times, and then dumping her body into his closet. He now faces 25 years to life. Chief Assistant District Attorney David Rossi, said: He may regret where he sits today. He does not regret […]

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Muslims Gang Rape American Woman In Colorado, In Rare And Horrific Ways

By Theodore Shoebat America helped Iraq, and now the immigrants who the nation has brought within its borders, are introducing to the people the reality of Muslim cruelty and deviancy. Five Iraqi men have been arrested in Colorado Springs in connection with a rape so disturbing, that Lt. Howard Black, who heads the Police Department’s […]

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Patriarch Of Russia Calls Out Obama

The Patriarch of Russia has called out Obama for his support of the Muslim rebels in Syria. The Patriarch remarked that his measures in favor for the rebels has resulted in the deaths of Christians, he wrote: Our special concern is for the fate of the Christian population of Syria, which in that case will […]

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Muslims Take Christian Out Of Car After Finding Cross, And Behead Him

Two Christian men, Firas Nader, 29, and Fadi Matanius Mattah, 34, were driving one day in Syria, from Homs to the Christian village of Marmarita, when five armed Muslims intercepted their vehicle and opened fire, severely injuring Firas. When the gunmen approached the car, they saw that Fadi was wearing a cross and so, in […]

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Muslim Woman Murders Mentally Challenged Daughter

By Theodore Shoebat A Palestinian Muslim woman has turned herself in to police, for beating and then hanging her mentally challenged daughter after finding out that she was pregnant, in an “honor” killing. The victim’s father and brother have disappeared since the murder, and the Palestinian Authority have commenced a manhunt. Amal Al Juabah, the […]

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Human Sacrifice Caught On Film

Posted by Theodore Shoebat When Muslims behead people, they believe that the blood of the victim appeases Allah, and thus they see it as propitiatory act. It is, therefore, an Islamic human sacrifice. For more on Islamic sacrifice, please see my latest article on this subject, here. Here is a video showing this evil:

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Muslims Want To Destroy Christian Civilization

By Theodore Shoebat We are currently trying to rescue 630 families in Iraq through our contact Sister Hatune Dogan. In order to accomplish this laborious endeavor, its going to cost $1300 to rescue each family. We cannot do this without you. Please remember your brethren and donate to save these poor and helpless saints. To […]

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Lawmaker Reveals Plot To Organize Holocaust On Christians

By Theodore Shoebat A serving member of the House of Representatives in Nigeria, named Peter Biye, has revealed that there is a plot by Muslims to wipe out Christians in the state of Borno in Nigeria. According to Biye, the Muslims have burnt to the ground 200 churches, leaving only a remaining eight standing in […]

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2000 Muslims Surround Church, What They Did Will Disturb You

By Theodore Shoebat 2000 Muslims surrounded the the the Archangel Michael compound in Egypt, setting Christian property ablaze with fires like rapacious and reckless barbarians, breaking and toppling crosses as though they were men possessed by demons, and declaring the blasphemies of Muhammad. Reda Gaballah Girgis, the church’s caretaker, said: We were lucky to escape […]

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War on Women: On Trial for Beheading his Mother

An Irishman who befriended a Muslim fundamentalist and began experimenting with Islam is on trial for beheading his mother, chopping her into pieces, and burying her in the back yard. Though the accused is said to have only shown interest in Islam, accounts of what happened smacks of an ‘honor’ killing. Via the Independent (h/t […]

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Armenian Christian Murdered For Refusing To Convert To Islam

By Theodore Shoebat According to khabararmani.com, an Armenian Christian named Minas was murdered in Syria after refusing to convert to Islam. He was executed by the Islamist group, Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, in one of the Aleppo prisons controlled by the group. It is because of martyrs and persecutions like these that […]

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