Rabbi David Saperstein was recently sworn-in as Obama’s Ambassador-at-large for Religious Freedom. This is no doubt, intended to demonstrate religious diversity within the Obama administration but Saperstein’s past stands, comments and associations indicate he is at best a dupe who is being used to further a Muslim Brotherhood agenda. At worst, he’s in league with […]
Tag Archives | ISNA
Muslim and Huma Abedin Defender Who Obama Welcomed Into White House this Week Shows True Colors by MOCKING Concerns about Muslim Brotherhood Infiltration
On Wednesday of this week, it was reported that President Obama met with ‘American Muslim leaders’ at the White House. The report captured more attention because the names of those Muslim leaders were not officially made public until they were listed at the end of the transcript of Thursday’s White House press briefing. Muslim comedian […]
Muslim Brotherhood Agent Pelosi Wants on Intelligence Committee Once Told Authorities that ‘Allah Will Not Allow You To Stop Us’
At the 2012 Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) Convention, Rep. Andre Carson (D-IN), a Muslim whom House Minority leader Nancy Pelosi named as her choice to sit on the House Intelligence Committee, expressed solidarity with the Muslim Brotherhood in his speech. During that speech, Carson referred to unnamed infiltrators of his event before saying […]
Ex-Deputy Nat’l Security Adviser Says President LIED About Islam Being Religion of Peace
Former George W. Bush Deputy National Security Advisor Elliot Abrams (2005-09) and former Chief Bush speechwriter Michael Gerson (2001-06) squared off recently over the issue of Islam. Abrams had a problem with referring to Islam as a ‘religion of peace’ and said Bush “was lying about the problem” whenever he said it. Gerson took the […]
SHOCKING VIDEO: Muslim Leaders Issue Islamic Call To Prayer From Pulpit of Christian Cathedral
President Barack Obama once told the New York Times that the Islamic call to prayer was “one of the prettiest sounds on earth at sunset.” On November 14th, leaders from Islamic groups with distinct ties to the Muslim Brotherhood treated the pulpit of a Christian Cathedral as a Minaret and delivered that call. The date […]
Speaker John Boehner is a Traitor
What’s more outrageous, the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives allowing an Imam with multiple connections to individuals and groups whose stated goal is to take down the United States from within OR calling the Speaker a traitor for doing so? There will, no doubt, be those who think calling the Speaker a traitor […]
ISIS Continues to Prove it’s Islamic and Muslims Who Say it Isn’t Continue to be Revealed as Liars
Self-proclaimed Caliph of the Islamic State / ISIS / ISIL / Da’ish Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has been making things difficult for stealth Muslim Brotherhood groups and leaders. Attempts by Barack Obama to insist that a group with “Islamic State” in its name is “not Islamic” and the PhD in Islamic studies hanging on al-Baghdadi’s wall […]
Muslim Brotherhood Leader who Visited White House to Criticize al-Qaeda after 9/11 is now Criticizing ISIS
During a recent sermon at his mosque, the former president of a Muslim Brotherhood front group in the U.S. and current religious director of the Islamic Society of Orange County (ISOC) Muzammil Siddiqi condemned ISIS and its claim of a Caliphate. A look at Siddiqi’s history might prove instructive as far as why he is […]
Obama’s Chief of Staff Caught Shaking Hands with Muslim Terrorist
**SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** In 2012, Denis McDonough, the man who would later be promoted to Chief of Staff to President Barack Obama was photographed in Doha, Qatar shaking hands and consorting with a known terrorist. The man McDonough was seen pressing flesh with is Sheikh Abdullah bin Bayyah, a deputy to Muslim Brotherhood’s spiritual leader Yusuf […]
Catholic Cardinal Praises Islam at event Organized by Group Headed by Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrator
The Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) organized an event at which a Catholic Cardinal used Islamic phrases and praised ‘Muhammad the prophet’. MPAC is a group with extensive connections to the Muslim Brotherhood and its Executive Director Salam al-Marayati has been identified by the Investigative Project on Terrorism as an infiltrator of the Obama administration, […]
Jimmy Jihad Carter Formally Betrays his Country at ISNA Convention
Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter spoke at the annual ISNA Conference in Detroit this past weekend. As has been demonstrated, the ISNA is a Muslim Brotherhood front group in the U.S. During his speech, Carter exhorted attendees to implement the “principles of Allah”. Regardless of what your take is on radical Islam vs. Islam, as […]
Jimmy Carter giving Keynote Speech at ISNA Convention after Assassination of Anwar Sadat; Like LBJ giving Keynote Speech at KKK Convention after MLK Assassination
The former U.S. President credited with bringing Egypt and Israel together to sign the Camp David Accords will be delivering the keynote speech at this year’s annual ISNA convention. The Muslim Brotherhood, which formed the ISNA was behind the assassination of Anwar Sadat, the President of Egypt who signed the treaty. Based on his role […]
Terrorists And Enemies of The United States Are Granted Tax Exempt Status
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Enemies of the United States should clearly not have tax exempt status. The problem is that said groups have been receiving such status for decades. Yet, Republicans – as well as attorneys for Tea Party groups harmed by the IRS – continue to ignore it. What is even more […]
Iraq EXPOSES Bush Administration’s Fatally Flawed post-9/11 Strategy
By Ben Barrack According to documents obtained in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, not only do we have further evidence that the Barack Obama administration has been quite cozy with the Muslim Brotherhood but to a degree, so was his predecessor, President George W. Bush. In partisan battles, no one wins and no […]
Red Alert! Benghazi Select Committee COMPROMISED
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** What every American must know as the Benghazi investigation is about to begin involves what happened after the first 9/11 attack. The Patriot Act, was drafted in direct response to attacks on the United States perpetrated by the Muslim Brotherhood’s terrorist agents on 9/11/01. How is it […]

Obama salutes Muslim Brotherhood in USA
The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) is a Muslim Brotherhood group in America. It shares the same ideals as the Muslim Brotherhood that birthed Al-Qaeda and the same Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt that wants strict enforcement of sharia law. The only difference is its stealth as it has to adapt to western culture in […]