Tag Archives | muslim brotherhood

Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrator of DHS who Called for Caliphate Leaves DHS One Day after Sotloff Beheaded by ISIS Caliphate

A man who has been identified as a Muslim Brotherhood infiltrator of the U.S. Government and who was identified as a person of interest in a 2012 five-member Congressional inquiry has stepped down from his position with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). It is not yet known the reason(s) behind Mohamed Elibiary’s departure but […]

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MORE Evidence ISIS and ‘Moderate’ FSA Rebels are the Same

U.S. politicians with a vested interest in supporting the ‘moderate’ Syrian opposition are increasingly being exposed as supporting a lie. The latest example comes from Lebanon, where a small village there is home to substantial collaboration between ISIS and FSA. Via Lebanon Daily Star: Free Syrian Army commanders around Arsal vehemently deny any involvement in […]

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Major U.S. Think Tank Influencing Dirty U.S. Politicians with Dirty, Filthy Arab Money

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** When it comes to the top nations that support Muslim terrorist organizations including ISIS, Qatar ranks in the top 10. That includes Qatar’s support for the so-called Syrian opposition (which has increasingly been revealed as ISIS) and Hamas which the U.S. State Department covers up; one spokesman recently lied […]

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ISIS Caught Collaborating with Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

A Muslim Brotherhood backed group in Egypt’s Sinai named Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis (ABM) is reportedly receiving training and other assistance from ISIS. This has the effect of blurring any lines of distinction between the goals of ISIS and the much larger Brotherhood itself. Westerners became familiar with the name Ansar al-Sharia after the Benghazi attacks. […]

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TIME Magazine gives Leader of Muslim Brotherhood Front Group a Platform to Profess ‘Islamic State’ is ‘Anti-Islamic’

The leader of perhaps the most prominent stealth jihadist organization in the U.S., which is connected to Hamas, Nihad Awad has been given a platform by TIME Magazine to prevent people from connecting his group to ISIS. Unfortunately for Awad, he may have been better off remaining silent. Right out of the gate, he asserts […]

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It’s Only Homeland Blood that will awaken the American people

by Keith Davies political commentator for www.Shoebat.com The news bulletins are reporting on the beheadings of American journalists, which has caught at least some attention of the public, but only those Americans who choose to be informed about what is going on the world. We have witnessed the apathy of the public as a whole […]

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American Journalist Sotloff Beheaded by Muslim Terrorists he Befriended

Andrew Sotloff was the Jewish grandson of holocaust survivors. Despite this, he befriended Muslim Brotherhood terrorists who are descendants of Hitler’s allies. Sotloff, who is the latest American to be beheaded by ISIS terrorists. As a reporter, Sotloff appears to have gotten access to terrorists by taking their side and reporting favorably about their efforts. […]

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Like James Foley, Steven Sotloff Got Too Close to Muslim Fundamentalists

Reports originating from the SITE Intelligence Group (SIG) claim that a video shows the beheading of American journalist Steven Sotloff. Another American journalist James Foley was beheaded by the same group two weeks earlier. As was the case with Foley, Soltoff appeared to be sympathetic to the causes of opposition groups in Libya and Syria […]

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Jimmy Jihad Carter Formally Betrays his Country at ISNA Convention

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter spoke at the annual ISNA Conference in Detroit this past weekend. As has been demonstrated, the ISNA is a Muslim Brotherhood front group in the U.S. During his speech, Carter exhorted attendees to implement the “principles of Allah”. Regardless of what your take is on radical Islam vs. Islam, as […]

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U.S. Alliance with Qatar is INSANE and of ANTICHRIST

Imagine if you will a scenario taking place in the mid-1930’s in which the U.S. considers Nazi Germany an ally. The Nazis are investing in the U.S. and elected politicians in the U.S. are facilitating the activity with the help of lobbyists. As the Nazis are slaughtering Jews, U.S. politicians are looking the other way […]

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Evidence: Hillary Clinton at WAR with FIRST AMENDMENT and not TERRORISM

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Explosive information previously available is being incorporated into our case that the Obama administration was indeed involved in the production and promotion of the video that has become known as “Innocence of Muslims” blamed for the attacks in Benghazi. This information also breathes new life into the […]

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‘Lone Wolf’ Fort Hood Jihadist who Committed ‘Workplace Violence’ wants to join Islamic Caliphate

Fort Hood jihadist Nidal Malik Hasan, whose murders the Defense Department identified as the result of ‘workplace violence’ (signaling that Hasan was a lone wolf not motivated by religion) wants to become a citizen of ISIS Caliphate. Hasan, who was mentored by Anwar al-Awlaki – a man whom the Department of Defense embraced after 9/11 […]

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U.S. State Department Official Gives Keynote Speech at Forum Hosted by Terror State

Anne Patterson, the woman who served as U.S. Ambassador to Egypt during the overthrow of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Mohammed Mursi last year recently gave the keynote address at an event sponsored by a country that is a chief supporter and financier of Hamas, a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO). The annual U.S.-Islamic World Forum is co-sponsored […]

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What Rand Paul Missed in Criticizing Hillary – HUMA!

U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) took a lot of heat from Republicans and some conservatives over his comments about Hillary Clinton being a ‘war hawk’. The implication was that Paul was placing himself to the left of Hillary when it comes to a tough foreign policy in much the same way that his father Ron […]

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Saudis Seeking Jewish Protection from Muslim Brotherhood, Turkey, and Iran

After financing anti-Semitic, Muslim Brotherhood terrorism around the world for decades, the Saudis are now seeking to normalize relations with Israel. In a clear gesture of self-preservation in the face of growing threats from the Brotherhood, Iran, and Turkey, the Saudis are seeking a rather unique alliance. This is obviously not about a change of […]

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Obama’s Pentagon Admits it Wants to Grow ‘Military to Military Relationship’ with Country that Supports Terrorists like the ones that Hit Pentagon

If there are two nations the U.S. continues to align with for seemingly very inexplicable reasons, they are Turkey and Qatar. Both of these nations support Hamas. Yet, when asked about concerns over Qatar’s support for terrorism in the context of the U.S. partnering with that nation, Pentagon Press Secretary Rear Adm. John Kirby deferred […]

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