Tag Archives | muslim brotherhood

Did Obama put a George Soros lackey / Muslim Brotherhood appeaser in charge of Benghazi investigation?

Did Obama really appoint a pro-George Soros / pro-Muslim Brotherhood appeasement artist to lead the investigation into what happened at Benghazi? Via Diana West: …is Thomas Pickering, Obama’s choice to lead the Benghazi investigation, the proper person to search for it? On first glance, Pickering, a retired top diplomat and State Department official, sets off […]

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Contents of Classified State Department cable illustrate why Huma Abedin should not be Hillary’s Deputy Chief of Staff

Fox News reporter Catherine Herridge has obtained a classified cable sent by Ambassador Christopher Stevens directly to “the office” of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on August 16th, just a few weeks prior to the attack in Benghazi. In this interview with Greta Van Susteren, Herridge pulls no punches and says flatly that “the State […]

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Libyan Leaks: Secret Document reveals Al-Qaeda ‘brother’ put in control of U.S. Embassy in Tripoli

Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack A treasure trove of secret documents has been obtained by a Libyan source who says that secularists in his country are increasingly wanting to see Mitt Romney defeat Barack Obama on November 6th. This charge is being made despite Muslim Brotherhood losses in Libyan elections last July which resulted in […]

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Munir Quddus: Muslims should vote for Obama because he defended Huma Abedin

In light of the fact that the Obama administration has implemented policies over the last four years that have benefited the Muslim Brotherhood at every turn, is it any wonder that Muslims are being encouraged to vote for him? In an op-ed entitled, Why Muslims Should Vote to Reelect President Obama, Munir Quddus offers several […]

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Three ‘experts’ fail in attempt to debunk Bachmann

The Muslim Brotherhood and Ansar al-Sharia (the group that claimed responsibility for the Benghazi attack) share one thing in common. Both seek the implementation of Sharia law wherever it does not exist. The most important difference between the two groups is how to get there. Groups like Ansar al-Sharia and al-Qaeda believe in doing it […]

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Bachmann-like letter sent to Hillary Clinton by Rep. Jim Jordan

Earlier this month, we reported on the appointment of the Executive Director of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), Salam al-Marayati to the represent the United States at the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). There are a plethora of reasons which illustrate why al-Marayati is worse than a bad choice. Anti-Semitism is […]

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John McCain asked to explain defense of Huma Abedin; responds with a lie

While campaigning in Florida with the Veterans for Romney, Senator John McCain was interviewed by Scripps Treasure Coast Newspapers. One of the questions had to do with why he defended Huma Abedin and railed against Rep. Michele Bachmann on the Senate floor. Not only was his answer disgraceful but it was demonstrably false (that means […]

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Tyrone Woods’ father: Hillary told me they would ‘prosecute’ filmmaker

It didn’t take long for many in the Muslim world to exploit the 9/11/12 attack in Benghazi by doing what the Obama administration did – they pointed to the Innocence of Muslims video. The video was being held up as an example of why it’s wrong to criticize anything Islam. We learned that before the […]

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Video: Rep. Steve King stands his ground on concerns over Huma Abedin

In an interview with the Des Moines Iowa NBC affiliate, Rep. Steve King (R-IA) was asked about his previous comments regarding Huma Abedin’s connections to the Muslim Brotherhood. King did not back down. Salon reported on what King said during the interview but here is the full exchange (fast forward to the 1:38 mark if […]

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Keith Ellison praises John McCain and Chris Christie in interview with Al-Jazeera

U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) and Governor Chris Christie (R-NJ) have been presented with yet another sign that they’re on the wrong side of the Muslim Brotherhood issue. In an interview with Sam Bollier of Al-Jazeera, Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) praised both men for their defense of Muslims with questionable ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. […]

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Gadi Adelman debunks the ‘keep enemies closer’ myth

As evidence continues to mount that the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the U.S. Government, the only defense those who refuse to admit it (think John McCain and John Boehner) will have left is the one that says, ‘Keep your friends close and your enemies closer’. Gadi Adelman does an excellent job of taking that excuse […]

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State Department sends anti-Israel, 9/11 Truther as its Representative to human rights conference

Oh, the irony… An administration that revels in smearing Birthers as conspiracy theorists who don tinfoil hats, is sending an anti-Israel, 9/11 Truther as its representative to a human rights conference?! Apparently, the State Department isn’t finished ripping its mask off. Via the Washington Free Beacon: Jewish leaders expressed outrage Friday over the State Department’s […]

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Al-Qaeda’s Ayman al-Zawahiri: Osama was Muslim Brotherhood

Regular visitors to our site know that we have long maintained – as have others – that al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood have one common goal – the overthrow of western civilization in general, and the United States in particular. Where they differ is on the idea of how best to achieve that goal. The […]

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David Horowitz: Huma Abedin ‘worse than Alger Hiss’, John McCain is ‘bonkers’

While appearing on the Janet Mefferd show, David Horowitz discussed the topic of Muslim Brotherhood infiltration and singled out Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff, Huma Abedin, saying that she has been a ‘Muslim Brotherhood operative’ for ‘all her life’. He even said Abedin is ‘worse than Alger Hiss‘. You can listen […]

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