Tag Archives | muslim brotherhood


Wow! Saudi Gazette publishes Op-Ed that concedes Huma might have Muslim Brotherhood ties

The Huma Abedin sieve may be breaking… Based on the fact that Walid unearthed the Saudi Manifesto that clearly identifies the force behind the work of the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA), the entity for which Hillary Clinton’s closest advisor – Huma Abedin – worked for twelve years as a subordinate to Abdullah Omar […]

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Rep. Keith Ellison projecting again; calls Republican Party ‘Bigoted’

Rep. Keith Ellison has decided to identify anyone who has a problem with Sharia law being implemented in the United States a bigot. Well, if one starts from the premise that says Sharia law is inherently bigoted, where does that leave things? As is the case with the left, the accuser is more often than […]

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American Thinker’s Stella Paul explores the Clinton / Abedin / Weiner ‘soap opera’ dynamic

Stella Paul looks at the similarities and dysfunctions of four powerful and very politically connected individuals; she even refers to this bizarre dynamic as a ‘soap opera’ while describing Huma Abedin’s 2007 Vogue photo shoot. Via AT: The photo of Huma statuesquely displayed on a chair drew attention, as did the eyebrow-raising descriptions of Huma’s […]

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Democrats = Communists?

Keith Davies It appears that the Democrats are just one step away from an admission that they are a full-fledged communist party. The Democrat party removed from the convention platform the mention of God (it is rumored that Allah will replace God at the next Democrat convention’s party platform) and it also removed the policy […]

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Democrats = Communists?

Keith Davies It appears that the Democrats are just one step away from an admission that they are a full-fledged communist party. The Democrat party removed from the convention platform the mention of God (it is rumored that Allah will replace God at the next Democrat convention’s party platform) and it also removed the policy […]

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Report: U.S. tells Israel they’re on their own against Iran

If reports are correct, the Obama administration has told Israel not to expect any support from the United States if Netanyahu decides to attack Iran. Via the Debkafile: The Obama administration has put Israel on harsh notice that an attack on Iran to disrupt or delay its nuclear armament will be refused US missile backup […]

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Egypt’s Mohamed Mursi and John McCain on same page over Syria – Why?

Senator John McCain (RINO-AZ) used his speech at the Republican convention to give voice to a common refrain of his – that the United States should arm the Syrian rebels against Bashar al-Assad (video at bottom of this post). Almost simultaneously, Muslim Brotherhood leader / President of Egypt Mohamad Mursi was calling for the end […]

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Jumah Prayer at Democratic Convention should sound loud Alarm Bells

This Friday, approximately 20,000 Muslims are expected to descend upon Charlotte, NC for a Jumah prayer at the Democratic National Convention. The event is being hosted by an entity that bills itself as the Bureau of Indigenous Muslim Affairs (BIMA). If you think that name is similar to the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA), […]

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Huma Abedin’s Defenders Outed

Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack Much has happened since Reps. Michele Bachmann, Louie Gohmert, Trent Franks, Lynn Westmoreland, and Tom Rooney fired off those five letters to various Inspectors General back on June 13th. Based on all that has transpired to this point, we thought it a worthy endeavor to chronicle the individuals / entities […]

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Infiltrated: Republican Party and Fox News

Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack As we demonstrated with The Abedin “Affairs” with Al Saud, there is a movement afoot in the West that seeks to transform Muslim minority lands into Muslim majority lands. And while the Right points fingers at the left on an array of issues, we need to seriously examine this movement’s […]

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Latest Huma Abedin Defender: MPAC’s Washington, D.C. Director

At some point, those who are standing on the sidelines relative to the debate about Huma Abedin’s connections to the Muslim Brotherhood must begin to factor her defenders into the equation. In fact, Republican Party members who have sided with Abedin over Reps. Michele Bachmann, et. al. will have to start doing a little more […]

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Another Republican Congressman sides with Huma Abedin

Not sure how we missed this one but identifying all Republicans in Congress who are taking the side of Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin over Reps. Bachmann, et. al. is something we’d like to continue tracking. It’s safe to say that Rep. Richard Hanna (R-NY) has chosen to employ Operation: Ostrich. Back […]

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So how’d that meeting between Rep. Joe Walsh and the Muslim Community go?

If you have time, check out this post before continuing as this is an update. The good news is that Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL) did not apologize during his meeting with nearly one hundred Muslims from his community, led by Moin “Moon” Khan. The bad news is that, as expected, not much was accomplished and, […]

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Video: Rep. Steve King standing with Michele Bachmann

It looks like the Bachmann five has now finally become the Bachmann six as Rep. Steve King (R-IA) has expressed support for the concerns of Bachmann, et. al. about Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the U.S. Government in general and Huma Abedin’s ties to the Brotherhood in particular. At a town hall meeting, King expressed solidarity […]

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The Egyptian Presidential Palace Crucifixion Debate: Truth or Hoax?

By Walid Shoebat The crucifixion of opponents to Muhammad Mursi in front of the presidential palace is a story that went viral; it was initiated by Arabic Sky News and created much buzz; it is now being challenged by many as “another Christian legend”. World Net Daily brought in a YouTube video to show that […]

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Huma Abedin’s fellow Board Member at MSA defended TLC’s All American Muslim

Recently, we wrote about Huma Abedin’s time on the Board of the Muslim Students Association (MSA) at George Washington University. A woman she served alongside with on that Board is Souheila Al-Jadda, who is currently a member of the Board of Contributors for USA Today. Al-Jadda has also served as a legislative assistant for Rep. […]

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