Tag Archives | muslim brotherhood


Rabbi still going after Bachmann over questions about Huma Abedin

If you decide to take a trip to the north pole, head south because the world is upside down. The latest example comes from Rabbi David Saperstein, who is going after the very pro-Israel Michele Bachmann for inquiring about the verifiable connections Deputy Chief of Staff to Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, has to the Muslim […]

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Slate’s Dave Weigel publishes letter sent to Boehner that defends Bachmann

The Huma Abedin controversy may not be playing out much in the liberal or conservative media but make no mistake; it’s playing out inside the beltway. John Boehner opened his mail to see a letter addressed to him by – among others – National Review’s Andrew McCarthy, Ret. General Gerry Boykin, and former Director of […]

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Muslim Congressman promotes report in response to 16-Page Bachmann letter

Talk about a low-wire, left-wing circus act. In response to Michele Bachmann’s 16-page letter from three weeks ago, Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison apparently thought it a wise course to tout a report written by Peter Montgomery that included a meandering foreword about freedom of religion by left wing hack Bill Moyers. To call Moyers’ screed […]

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Diana West puts Huma Defenders in Check, not far from Checkmate

Anyone who is siding with Huma Abedin over the issue of the letters from Reps. Bachmann, Franks, Gohmert, Westmoreland, and Rooney is losing the argument BIG TIME. The latest example comes courtesy of Diana West, whose last four stanzas in her August 3rd column, drive a stake through the heart of any argument Huma’s defenders […]

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Claims of Former National Security Council official against Bachmann ring hollow

Former National Security Council / State Department official (1993-2000), Eric Schwartz is the latest to come out against Michele Bachmann’s questions about the background of Huma Abedin. Given what happened at the State Department during his time there (Abdurahman Alamoudi was an Islamic affairs advisor in the Clinton administration during the late 90’s and is […]

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McCain and Boehner: Ignorant or Complicit?

It’s an age old tradition. Politicians will always choose looking ignorant or stupid over revealing a cold hard truth they don’t want to deal with. In politics, being perceived as foolish is preferable to being perceived as cowardly. That’s where Senator John McCain and Speaker John Boehner come in. Frankly, it’s simply not possible for […]

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Washington Examiner editor David Freddoso spikes Column on Huma Abedin

Diana West, a columnist whose articles appear in the Washington Examiner, wrote a piece about Huma Abedin, as well as the concerns expressed by Reps. Bachmann, Franks, Gohmert, Rooney, and Westmoreland about Abedin’s background and access to State secrets as Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff. Her editor (David Freddoso) refused to publish it and […]

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Perhaps the three John Espositos should start a Baseball team

This is a follow-up post to this story about the ‘Three Espositos.’ For those who would feel comfortable with more evidence that John Esposito, John L. Esposito, and John I. Esposito are the same person… Remember, the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA) once listed John Esposito with no middle initial at all. It now […]

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It’s time for Karl Rove to come clean about what he knew

After publishing this post yesterday, which included a photo circa 2000 that shows Abdurahman Alamoudi meeting with George W. Bush and Karl Rove, I decided to look into the book that Rove was quite likely given by the delegation seen in the photo. It’s entitled, The Cultural Atlas of Islam and was written by a man […]

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Newt Gingrich rightfully defends Michele Bachmann in Op-Ed

Last week, Newt Gingrich interviewed with POLITICO and defended Michele Bachmann’s efforts to investigate Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the U.S. Government in general, and the background of Huma Abedin, who has close access to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in particular. Gingrich has followed that up with an eight-page Op-ed. Via POLITICO: Unlike the Cold […]

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If Bashar Al-Assad Is Ousted, The Islamists Will Take Over Syria

By Theodore Shoebat Those who think that the U.S should help the rebels in Syria oust out Bashar al-Assad, do not know anything about the Middle East. Within this region of the earth, people have been living under dictators for thousands of years. In a nation like Syria, as is most of the Near East, […]

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More Evidence connecting Heba Abedin (Khalid) to IMMA

On July 27th, we posted about Huma Abedin’s sister – Heba Abedin – also being listed as an Assistant Editor with the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA). We also concluded that the name “Heba A. Khalid” which appears on the IMMA website is actually Heba Abedin. Today, we explain how we reached that conclusion. […]

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Exclusive: Huma Abedin’s Sister (Heba) also connected to Muslim Brotherhood

It has been learned that the sister of Huma Abedin (Heba Abedin), like Huma, has served on the Editorial Board of the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA) as an Assistant Editor; Heba continues to serve in that capacity after Huma left in late 2008 to work for Hillary Clinton at the State Department. Please […]

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House Majority Leader defends Bachmann (sort of)

After John McCain’s Senate floor rant in defense of Huma Abedin, Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) was asked to chime in and essentially defended Abedin as well. He has been taking a lot of heat from those who have the cold, hard facts. Perhaps that has something to do with why House Majority […]

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Trent Franks grills Asst Attorney General on criminalizing criticism of Religion (Islam)

Two very important names here. First, Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ) is one of the five Congressmen who signed five separate letters to various IG’s. Those letters call for investigations into the potential of Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the U.S. Government. Second, Thomas E. Perez is the Assistant Attorney General for the Justice Department’s Civil Rights […]

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Washington Post publishes defense of Huma Abedin; authored by IMMA Board Member

The Washington Post has published an op-ed by an individual named John L. Esposito, who vehemently defends Hillary Clinton Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin against what he calls ‘xenophobic’ attacks against her character by the likes of Michele Bachmann. What neither Esposito nor the Washington Post offers the readers is a full disclosure. There […]

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