Tag Archives | muslim


Norwegian Rapes: 100% By Men of “Non Western Background” (IE, PC for Muslim)

http://shoebat.org/videos/assaultOslo.php In last 5 years in Norway 100% of rape cases are carried out by Muslims or men of “Non Western Background.” The Western Media cannot bring themselves to even utter the word “Islam” in their reports. If it were Jews doing such things it would be on the tip of their tongues. At least […]

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Here is a Memorial of the Very Massacre the “Palestinians” Celebrate

Click Here for a Hebron Massacre Memorial The arabs want to convince the world the Israelis and Jews are the aggressors and killers, while at the same time trying to cause the world to forget the first massacre, a massacre they committed… You can click here for the footage that inspired us to show this […]

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‘Son of Hamas’ Attacks My Veracity

[Click here for an archive of the discussion AND the original media that started it.] In an attempt to defend himself from my exposure of his record and actions, Mosab Hassan Yousef has solicited help from Gonen ben Itzhak – Yousef’s former handler within Shin Bet (Itzhak was fired from the organization). Itzhak intended to […]

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Response From Walid Shoebat to Mosab Hassan Yousef

Mosab, a direct point-by-point response to your letter: Mosab stated: Nevertheless, I want you also to know that I forgive you with all my heart Walid’s response: 1—What sin am I in need for your forgiveness? Show me a single line I have written that was in error or any of my translation work that […]

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Dear Walid Shoebat, Signed Mosab Hassan Yousef

Dear brother Walid, I would have liked to have sent you a letter in private, but since I don’t have your personal address and since your first message to me was public, I must reply publicly. Walid, I want you to know that I love you in our Lord Jesus Christ with an unconditional love. […]

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Islam Not Mentioned in Honor Killing Report

Gruesome murder of stepdaughter by Muslim fundamentalist, issues of Islam or “honor killing” not even mentioned in Fox affiliate report. No report at all from other main Stream Media. Politicians and Media from both parties complicit in downfall of America. We the people are all that are left to fight the Islamo fascists. Original Report

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The Mosab Yousef Saga: Did Hamas ‘Defector’ Dupe All of Us?

By Walid Shoebat While a prisoner of Israel in 1996, Mosab Hassan Yousef — the son of Sheik Hassan Yousef, a founding member of Hamas — was approached by Shin Bet agents who looked to recruit him to spy within Hamas. He agreed. Mosab’s information soon had Shin Bet calling him “the most reliable source […]

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The Ethnic cleansing of Jews from Arab lands

http://shoebat.org/videos/ethnicCleansing.php As Israel independence day approaches, the Arab propagandists of hatred like to trot out their “Nakba” (disaster) day, when their Arab brothers tried to slaughter all the Jews of Israel in 1948. History did not quite work out in the Arabs’s favor and as a result caused a humiliating defeat for them with about […]

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