Philia: a combining form used in the formation of compound words that have the general sense “unnatural attraction” (necrophilia), “tendency” (hemophilia); also forming abstract nouns that correspond to adjectives ending in -philic, or -philous, or nouns ending in -phile. In response to leftist actor Ben Affleck’s performance on Bill Maher’s show last week, American Spectator’s […]
Tag Archives | New York Times
Islamic Terror State Pretending to Expel Islamic Terrorist Leaders
Two of the Muslim Brotherhood’s top leaders still reside in Qatar one year after it was reported that both had been expelled. Spiritual leader Yusuf al-Qaradawi and Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal still enjoy safe harbor in Qatar. Yet, we’re to believe courtesy of a Muslim Brotherhood leader’s facebook page, that leaders of the terrorist group […]
Egypt and United Arab Emirates “former allies” of the United States secretly bomb Libyan Islamist targets
The U.S. Had No Idea Egypt and U.A.E. Were Going to Bomb Libya by Adam Chandler at Egypt and the United Arab Emirates “former allies” of the United States secretly teamed up to launch two airstrikes against Islamist forces in Libya. This development comes as little surprise, after all, both countries are waging their […]

Setting Up Captured Benghazi Suspect as Obama’s Star Witness
By Ben Barrack Get ready. The same thoroughly discredited New York Times writer who gave us the Benghazi propaganda novel disguised as journalism last December – David Kirkpatrick – may be helping to lay the groundwork for helping the Obama administration to resurrect the video narrative. He’s using the apprehended “lead suspect” to do it. […]

Lying NY Times Writer Busted, Doubles Down on Benghazi
The release of a bipartisan Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) report on Benghazi last week was preceded by a discredited New York Times piece by the paper’s Cairo Bureau Chief David Kirkpatrick. In fact, the SSCI report itself delivered a haymaker to Kirkpatrick’s credibility but alas, as liberal New York Times writers are wont […]
NYT Reporter Merits Lara Logan Treatment over Benghazi
If CBS’s Lara Logan was run out of 60 Minutes on a rail over a discredited witness, New York Times’ Cairo (emphasis on CAIRO) Bureau Chief David Kirkpatrick should suffer the same fate, at minimum. You see, in his fictional December 28th missive, Kirkpatrick said that neither al-Qaeda nor any international terrorist groups were involved […]
NY Times Writer Accidentally Tells Key Benghazi Truth
In his largely fictional missive about Benghazi, New York Times writer – and Cairo Bureau chief – David Kirkpatrick argued that neither al-Qaeda nor groups outside Libya were involved in the attack on the U.S. Special Mission Compound. He seemed to concede Ansar Al-Sharia was, but in so doing, Kirkpatrick decided to play semantics. As […]
Why NY Times Lied about Benghazi
Cairo Bureau Chief should know better The New York Times’ David D. Kirkpatrick may have a motive for wanting to leave out any evidence of an Egyptian connection to the Benghazi attacks on 9/11/12; he is the Cairo Bureau Chief. After reading what amounts to his “novel” – replete with actual chapters – in the […]
Egyptian Military giving Propaganda Agents (CNN, New York Times, and Al Jazeera) taste of their own Medicine
CNN, Al-Jazeera, and now the New York Times all seem to be getting outed in Egypt, by both the people and the military, for what they are – Muslim Brotherhood and Barack Obama administration propaganda agents / apparatchiks. These bullies for liberalism and Islamism are running into a bit of a buzzsaw. Don’t look now […]
Michele Bachmann’s concerns about Huma Abedin vindicated by… the New York Times?
It would appear that John McCain, John Boehner, Marco Rubio, Ed Rollins, and a handful of other Republicans owe Rep. Michele Bachmann an apology for defending Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff last year after a letter sent by Bachmann and five other congressmen identified Abedin as having familial connections to the Muslim Brotherhood. Why […]
Shocker: After being proven wrong, useful Muslim Sisterhood idiot Nicholas Kristoff still has no Intellectual Curiosity about Benghazi
Whistleblowers at the House Oversight Committee hearings into what happened at Benghazi revealed some shocking realities relative to the lies told by UN Ambassador Susan Rice on 9/16/12. These realities included the firsthand account of Gregory Hicks, the State Department’s top guy in Libya after Christopher Stevens was murdered. The Weekly Standard’s Stephen Hayes presented […]
Former New York Times reporter who libeled Shoebat as a ‘fraud’, compares Jeremiah Wright to Jesus
Some of our readers might remember the name Christopher Hedges. He is a former New York Times reporter who smeared Walid as one of ‘three stooges’ and a ‘fraud’ back in 2008 in an attempt to discredit him. Thanks to some video that has surfaced of Hedges in Chicago recently, we can contrast his opinion […]
New York Times Interview with Innocence of Muslims filmmaker raises question about YouTube channel
There was an interesting tidbit found toward the end of a 6-page article written by Serge Kovaleski and Brooks Barnes of the New York Times – in which the two reporters revealed the contents of their interview with Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the man behind the Innocence of Muslims video. Until now, it was only assumed […]
When Intellectuals Become Prophets
Walid Shoebat Sandy Rios, a contributor to Fox News, sent me an email asking me for an interview about some intellectual-hack named Thomas Freidman who wrote an asinine article about his hope for the Arab Spring. Friedman, after quoting a bunch of Middle Eastern intellectuals who complained about Islamic extremism, concluded: “… this moderate backlash […]
New low in Double Standards for the New York Times
Folks, seriously, at some point, entities like the New York Times will simply have to admit to being dhimmis because no other explanation fits. Last week, the Grey Lady ran a virulently anti-Catholic ad in its paper. Seeing the opportunity to prove a point, Atlas Shrugs’ Pamela Geller submitted an ad that virtually mirrored the […]
Like CNN, New York Times in bed with Terrorists
We’ve already presented evidence that shows CNN has collaborated with CAIR. Now, it looks like the New York Times can stake the same claim. For starters, any news outlet that begins with the premise that CAIR is a credible source should be granted no credibility itself. CAIR is a front group for Hamas and an […]