The Plight of Assyrian Christians (Part 3) Click here to view the media:
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Sisterhood List and It’s Defined Goals
THE SISTERHOOD LIST AND DEFINED GOALS In Al-Liwa Al-Arabi, it defines the roll of Muslim Women in the Muslim Brotherhood: “The sources acquired by The Arab Brigade for information and documents regarding the most serious international body of the prohibited Brotherhood organization—The Muslim Sisterhood. This [branch] comes directly after the secret service of the Muslim […]
TV Show ‘End Times Today’ Starring Walid Shoebat, Episode 4 Please enjoy and share, it is through your generous support through purchase of our products and donations that we are able to accomplish projects such as this.
‘Son of Hamas’ Attacks My Veracity
[Click here for an archive of the discussion AND the original media that started it.] In an attempt to defend himself from my exposure of his record and actions, Mosab Hassan Yousef has solicited help from Gonen ben Itzhak – Yousef’s former handler within Shin Bet (Itzhak was fired from the organization). Itzhak intended to […]
Response From Walid Shoebat to Mosab Hassan Yousef
Mosab, a direct point-by-point response to your letter: Mosab stated: Nevertheless, I want you also to know that I forgive you with all my heart Walid’s response: 1—What sin am I in need for your forgiveness? Show me a single line I have written that was in error or any of my translation work that […]
Dear Walid Shoebat, Signed Mosab Hassan Yousef
Dear brother Walid, I would have liked to have sent you a letter in private, but since I don’t have your personal address and since your first message to me was public, I must reply publicly. Walid, I want you to know that I love you in our Lord Jesus Christ with an unconditional love. […]
Dear Mosab Hassan Yousef, Signed Walid Shoebat
Dear Mosab, I would hope you publish our exchange on your blog as I will publish it on mine. Since many are confused, I think that we should post this dialogue. Mosab, read carefully. I am not a man who bases my faith on emotion, but I am not immune from hurt either. And this […]
The Mosab Yousef Saga: Did Hamas ‘Defector’ Dupe All of Us?
By Walid Shoebat While a prisoner of Israel in 1996, Mosab Hassan Yousef — the son of Sheik Hassan Yousef, a founding member of Hamas — was approached by Shin Bet agents who looked to recruit him to spy within Hamas. He agreed. Mosab’s information soon had Shin Bet calling him “the most reliable source […]
Tribal Leader – Protector of Bin Ladin
Amazing interview with Pakistani Tribal Leader who protected Osama and other Al Qaeda Leaders from us.
Coming Soon to a Campus Near You: The Wall of Lies Exposing Palestinian myths, lies and propaganda.
Two “Teaser” Trailers For Future Plans With Walid Shoebat Foundation
We had already placed our “King of Heaven Tour” trailer on our YouTube Account. We also added a permanent link on our website: Click Here To View: We have a trailer for a new Show on ABN (Aramaic Broadcast Networ) Arab Christians and former Muslims now Christians will give you the truth that other […]
For Our Australian and New Zealand Friends
Friends Here is a promotional vidoeo made by United Christian Broadcasters to promote the Walid Shoebat and Chuck Misler’s Kingdom of Heaven tour in Oct/Nov 2010. Please share with as many in Asuralia and New Zealand as possible. Thanks Keith
Dr. Zakir Naik: Islam, the Religion of Peace Dr. Zakir Naik: Islam, the Religion of Peace Dr. Zakir Naik is reknown for speaking on “Peace TV” preaching on how Islam is the Religion of Peace. But is that what he really believes? Is he preaching the truth about his own Religion? CLICK HERE TO VIEW