Mayor Rudolph Giuliani made news recently when he said he didn’t believe that Obama loves America. This was the reason for his appearance on Fox News with Megyn Kelly. After giving Giuliani the opportunity to apologize, Kelly hammered the former New York City Mayor for not doing so. Giuliani then invoked two names when describing […]
Tag Archives | Saul Alinsky
Lucifer Always Loses And His Followers Always Lose their Minds
Lucifer always loses, even though so many on the left think he’s invincible. His liberal followers could use an anthem that perfectly illustrates their modus operandi. It’s a mentality that places ends above means; it allows selfishness to trump selflessness; it allows the violation of every Commandment (the ten given to Moses and the two […]

Setting Up Captured Benghazi Suspect as Obama’s Star Witness
By Ben Barrack Get ready. The same thoroughly discredited New York Times writer who gave us the Benghazi propaganda novel disguised as journalism last December – David Kirkpatrick – may be helping to lay the groundwork for helping the Obama administration to resurrect the video narrative. He’s using the apprehended “lead suspect” to do it. […]
Obama using Alinsky to Trap himself
On Today’s show… We’ve been told that Barack Obama is a master at the Saul Alinsky strategy. Alinsky’s son David said, “Obama learned his lesson well” during the Obama’s 2008 Presidential campaign. All that may be true but as someone who dedicated his seminal work to Lucier, the strategy necessarily must have inherent flaws. We’re […]
Alinsky smiling up at Obama over “Phony Scandals” line
By Ben Barrack In 2009, when Barack Obama said the Cambridge police “acted stupidly”, it was a mistake. When he went out on the campaign trail last week to campaign for a campaign that doesn’t exist, he made reference to “phony scandals”. This was not a mistake; it was a political calculation. We know this […]
Video: Pat Robertson says Islam is ‘Demonic’, has a ‘religious veneer’
On a recent broadcast, Pat Robertson minced no words when it came to his thoughts about Islam. Check out this :35 clip during which the 700 Club leader sums up his thoughts quite succinctly. After the video, we’ve posted some of the comments that appeared on the YouTube channel of Right Wing Watch, where the […]
Time to revisit Hillary Clinton’s September 13th Speech?
While the talking points recited by U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice on September 16th continues to be a point of interest, confusion, and conflicting accounts, looking at the words uttered by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton three days earlier might shed some light on how those talking points got altered. The conflicting stories between former CIA […]
Are Military Superiors throwing Subordinates under the Bus?
Well, it appears that all the groveling has paid off added fuel to the fire. Let that be a lesson to you. When Islamists and leftists use intimidation to get you to apologize, they’re usually just getting you to put more blood in the water. Everyone and their brother has apologized for the Qur’an burnings […]
Bearing False Witness for Political Gain
I was smeared by CNN so I know exactly what the Koch brothers are going through. However, they appear to be getting smeared from someone higher up the food chain, according to former Solicitor General Theodore Olson. Via WSJ: How would you feel if aides to the president of the United States singled you out […]