Tag Archives | Trey Gowdy

Ex-CIA Director Petraeus Pleads GUILTY In What Carries Stench of Blackmail by Obama Administration

Several Obama White House scandals stink to high heaven, to include Benghazi. Whatever former CIA Director David Petraeus knows about it, he seems to know too much. Why hasn’t his voice been heard when it comes to this scandal? A factor that can’t be avoided is that the Obama administration has been very interested in […]

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Obama Administration officials Who are Muslim and Who Are LINKED to Muslim Brotherhood Fail to Make List of 20 Officials Benghazi Committee Chairman Wants to Interview

It is important that when the House Select Committee on Benghazi does something good, it be acknowledged. Along those lines, Chairman Trey Gowdy should be commended for identifying 20 current and former members of the Obama administration that he plans to interview beginning in early April. While the names on the list are those of […]

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Muslim and Huma Abedin Defender Who Obama Welcomed Into White House this Week Shows True Colors by MOCKING Concerns about Muslim Brotherhood Infiltration

On Wednesday of this week, it was reported that President Obama met with ‘American Muslim leaders’ at the White House. The report captured more attention because the names of those Muslim leaders were not officially made public until they were listed at the end of the transcript of Thursday’s White House press briefing. Muslim comedian […]

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At Third Benghazi Hearing, State Department Official who was ‘Friend’ of Ambassador Murdered in Islamic Terror Attack STONEWALLS and Helps Keep Truth About His Friend’s Death Suppressed

When witnesses are sworn in to testify, they pledge to tell “the truth, the whole truth and NOTHING BUT the truth, so help me God” (at least that last part should be in there – it has a way of keeping people honest when they give any thought to it). Yet, for some reason, when […]

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Ex-Defense Dept Official Connects Outsourcing of Security to Muslim Terrorists in Benghazi to Company that had Congressman’s Wife as Vice Chairman on its Board of Directors

If there has been a U.S. Congressman whose behavior relative to the investigation of what happened in Benghazi on September 11, 2012, has been bizarre, it’s Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI), the recently retired congressman and former chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI). According to John Shaw, former deputy undersecretary of defense […]

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Trey Gowdy Gives TROUBLING Answers on Benghazi in Interview

Not sure how we missed this but it is a potentially disturbing development for those relying on Rep. Trey Gowdy and his House Select Committee to get to the bottom of what happened in Benghazi. After the committee’s second hearing on December 10th, Gowdy appeared on Greta van Susteren’s On The Record to discuss what […]

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State Department Official Admits Someone Responsible for Refusing to Give Americans Machine Gun to Protect Against Muslim Terrorists

Another potentially very explosive admission was made by a State Department witness at the second House Select Committee on Benghazi hearing last week. It came after Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) asked Asst Secretary of State for Diplomatic Security Gregory Starr about a request made for a machine gun by personnel on the ground in Benghazi. […]

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U.S. Congressman AGAINST Benghazi Select Committee BEFORE He Was For It

During an appearance on CNN’s State of the Union, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers (R-MI) was asked at the end of his exchange with Candy Crowley, about his Committee’s recently released report on Benghazi. Perhaps most notably, Rogers denied claims that his committee’s report is the final word on the investigation and touts the […]

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EXPLOSIVE: Witness at Second Benghazi Select Committee Hearing Tells Gowdy to Ask Ex-U.S. Ambassador to EGYPT why Christopher Stevens was in Benghazi

The second House Select Committee on Benghazi hearing took place today. In many ways, it was sadly more uneventful than the first hearing, which took place in September. However, there was ONE MAJOR EXCEPTION and it had to do with a name given by one of the witnesses, who was being questioned by Chairman Rep. […]

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Conservative Media Taking Obama’s Race Bait

On today’s Barrack-Ast: Stories are constantly fighting for time in the 24-hour news cycle. The Obama administration has proven quite adept at determining what stories dominate. If you see a story in any mainstream media outlet involving the administration, odds are beyond very good the administration wanted it there, even if it seems unflattering. That’s […]

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Clock Running Out on Slow-Moving Benghazi Select Committee

If you’re one of those people who’ve been wondering where the House Select Committee on Benghazi has been, you’re not alone. Now, as a new Congress is about to begin, the House will have to reauthorize the Committee’s formation and work, which makes the timing of the release of the recent House Permanent Select Committee […]

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EXCLUSIVE: Benghazi Now a COVER-UP by both Democrats and Republicans

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** The 36-page House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) report on Benghazi has finally been released and it smacks of cover-up. There are several highly questionable assertions in the report but also one very critical omission. In November of 2013, Committee Chairman Mike Rogers (R-MI) was interviewed […]

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#BringBackOurGirls Campaign Officially Failed to Rescue Schoolgirls From Muslims But Served Its Purpose for Obama and Hillary

“If we keep on getting distracted by this problem, then we are not solving it.” – Senator Barack Obama, 2007 When Barack Obama uttered those words during a debate, he was saying something totally ridiculous but it was also a predictor of how he would govern. The notion that a problem is not solved if […]

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Prosecutor of Muslim who Masterminded World Trade Center Attack Slams Chairman of Benghazi Select Committee

When it comes to the House Select Committee on Benghazi, there simply cannot be enough healthy skepticism. Those who optimistically assumed the appointment of Rep. Trey Gowdy as Chairman would ensure success are the ones who could use more. In addition to all of the concerns Shoebat.com raised early on, the antennae of the man […]

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House Vote to Arm Syrian Rebels Reveals Majority of Benghazi Select Committee Members not Qualified to be on Committee

More than four months after the announcement of a House Select Committee on Benghazi, the first hearing has finally taken place. Unfortunately, even after all that time, most members demonstrated through their recent vote on authorizing military aid to the Syrian rebels that they’re not qualified to be on the Select Committee. Fortunately, Chairman Trey […]

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New Red Flag with Benghazi Committee?

On today’s show… Do people who want the House Select Committee on Benghazi to get to the truth have something new to be concerned about? This week, it was announced that Lt. Gen. Dana K. Chipman (Ret) was named chief counsel to the Committee. This may be a great choice but there is a relationship […]

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