In another heated exchange between State Department spokesman Marie Harf and AP reporter Matt Lee, the issue of whether any governments are funding ISIS / ISIL is proving to be a hot button issue. In this particular exchange, Qatar is the focus but other countries – specifically Turkey – should start getting spotlighted soon. Harf […]
Tag Archives | turkey
From Turkey, Hamas Leader Accepts Responsibility for Murder of Three Israeli Teens
Hamas leader Saleh Al-Arouri didn’t just accept responsibility for the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teens earlier this summer; he did so from Turkey in a public forum. One can conclude from this that Mr. Al-Arouri feels quite safe and at home in Turkey. Via the Jerusalem Post: A senior Hamas official admitted for […]
Obama Choosing Turkey, Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas over Israel; and NATO makes it easier
For the second day in a row, State Department spokesman Marie Harf was pressed on Turkey’s support for Hamas launching a coup in the West Bank so that it can better fight Israel. There is also grave concern over Turkey’s alleged harboring of a Hamas leader implicated in the kidnapping and subsequent murdering of three […]
U.S. Fighting ISIS in Iraq while Bashar al-Assad Fighting ISIS in Syria
Exactly one year after the chemical attack in Syria which prompted calls from U.S. politicians from both sides of the aisle to launch air strikes on Bashar al-Assad, the two countries are fighting exactly the same enemy. Despite the increasingly obvious reality that ISIS makes up the opposition, some interesting figures are choosing to downplay […]
Either U.S. or Turkey MUST Leave NATO
Despite Turkey’s increasingly obvious anti-Israel / pro-Hamas position in the world, it remains a NATO ally of the U.S. When State Department spokesman Marie Harf was asked why Turkey is continuing to receive high tech arms shipments from the U.S. shortly after it was learned that Turkey is harboring a senior Hamas figure, she deferred […]
The Demonic Turkish Iranian Alliance Just Begun in the Land of Antichrist
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Reports from the Middle East covered what is probably considered one of the most important events for Turkey’s advancement into the Muslim world during the three days (July 17 to 19) which was held in the Turkish city of Istanbul. The impressive initiative was carried out by the religious affairs […]
CIA Director Alleged to have Converted to Islam said idea of Islamic Caliphate ‘Absurd’
Two years prior to becoming CIA Director, during his tenure as Homeland Security Advisor in 2011, John Brennan stated emphatically that counterterrorism policies would not be based on a “feckless delusion” of an Islamic Caliphate, calling the idea “absurd”. Last year, in the weeks prior to Brennan being sworn in as CIA Director, former FBI […]
The Antichrist Nation is not ROME but TURKEY. Get ready for the End Times.
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Many students of Bible Prophecy insist that the Antichrist stems from a revived Roman Empire centered in Rome, a model that positions the end-times beast kingdom in Europe. But current news out of the Middle East provides some damning evidence that debunks such theory. The “Europe” model for an Antichrist kingdom became prominent during […]
How The CIA Supported the Rise of The Muslim Caliphate and Antichrist
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Over the last two decades, every U.S. military intervention has been justified by humanitarian concerns. These occurred in areas that had been part of the Ottoman Empire and where secular regimes were replaced by Islamist ones. From bombing Serbia in support of Izetbegovic’s Muslim Regime in Bosnia in 1995 […]
When a U.S. President IS Muslim Brotherhood
A short but explosive video of former CIA Director James Woolsey in 2006 has been introduced into evidence at the trial of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and his officers. In that video, Woolsey advocates for the removal of Middle Eastern dictators, even mentioning Mubarak by name while strongly implying that after the fall of […]
British MP who Expressed Solidarity with Turkey calls for Elimination of Israel
British MP George Galloway supported the Turkish-backed Gaza flotilla. Last week, video surfaced in which he called for the town he represents to be free of Jews. Now video has surfaced that shows him calling for the end of Israel. In the video below, take note of the yellow flags in the audience. Those are […]
ISIS a Common Enemy of Syria’s Bashar al-Assad and U.S.
Those who supported the idea of a U.S. air strike on Syria’s Bashar al-Assad – to include Karl Rove, Bill Kristol and everyone else on this list – have major ostrich egg on their faces because they’ve had their heads in the sand for quite some time. Obama’s air strikes in Iraq prove it. The […]
Shoebat talks ISIS with Michael Savage
On August 8th, Walid joined the Savage Nation and talked about the latest developments in Iraq with ISIS. The conversation turned toward Turkey and the caliphate as well as why American pastors have been silent in the face of their Christian brothers and sisters being brutally slaughtered. PLEASE CONSIDER A ONE-TIME OR MONTHLY DONATION TO […]
Hamas Fires Rockets into Israel as Cease-Fire Ends on Islam’s Holiest Day of the Week
Though you’d never know it by reading the New York Times headline – ‘Cease-Fire in Gaza Expires with Rockets Fired Into Israel’ – Hamas launched more rockets into Israel as the latest 72-hour cease-fire ended (at least they’re getting better and didn’t launch the rockets 90 minutes in to the cease-fire this time). The rockets […]
“ISIS was started by the Jews” Who Knew?
Renowned Iraqi Sunni Cleric: “ISIS Created by Jews, Al Baghdadi Is a Dog” Source Al Monitor Mid East News It is truely breath taking what Arab Muslims and even Christian Arabs come up with to tar the name of Jews. This cleric swears by his Satanic diety that he will go to hell if he […]
‘Tolerant’ Muslims Shout ‘Heil Hitler’ at Pro-Israel Rally in City with Muslim Mayor
During a pro-Israel rally in Calgary, Canada, pro-Palestinian protesters began cussing at the group for expressing solidarity with Israel. Then, it broke into shouts of ‘Heil Hitler’. Calgary’s mayor is a Muslim named Naheed Nenshi who last month seemed to play the moral equivalency card and was largely silent when Hamas supporters assaulted pro-Israeli supporters […]