Thank You Rescue Christians Donors, Aid in Guinea is starting to Make a difference

Earlier this month, we provided information about Rescue Christians’ initiative to proved aid to Christians in Africa generally and Guinea in particular. We would like to relay the contents of a letter we received from our contact there (name will remain anonymous):

We bring you greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns over the nations!

Thanks to Rescue Christians and to all your donors who continue to pray, support us, assuring us that you are still holding forth on our behalf. Though the week that is ending has been quite hectic, we give praise to the faithful God who on a daily basis supplied the needed strength and grace to meet every need / challenge.

Rescue Christians Banner in Guinea

Rescue Christians Banner in Guinea

By the grace of the Lord we have finished with the identification and I have contacted some of the companies from the capital city “Conakry” for the pro-forma invoices. But there is a need for me to travel to Conakry for that purpose. I was to make the trip on Monday September 23, 2013 but due to the legislative election that is slated for Tuesday September 24, 2013 I have decided to travel immediately after the election.

Along with the identification, we carried out some food and medical assistance from the money you sent to us in favor of victims in horrible situations.

Guinea Team helps to Rescue Christians

Guinea Team helps to Rescue Christians

The Banner came late so most of our activities are not with the banner. The t-shirt also will be in our office later today. By the grace of God our activities from next week will be with both the T-shirt and the banner.

I am adding photographs of some members of our team and some activities they carried out with the banner.

This Christian woman was arrested by Muslims. After torturing her badly, they put gas (petrol) on her head and body and put fire on her and stood to see her burn to ashes, while she was screaming in the fire they left her there, saying, “She is dead. Let us not waste our time here”. As they were discussing, a military truck came and they ran away and left her there on the ground in great pain. The military truck came to the spot but none of the military men rendered any assistance to this lady. After a while, she crawled into a building and hid herself; she stayed in there for three days with her hair and skin burned. At the end of the third day, calm was restored and she came out. People then helped take her to the Hospital.

Woman burned in Guinea, left for dead.

Woman burned in Guinea, left for dead.

Over a month now she has been there with no help with her treatment or even sufficient food. But we thank God for Rescue Christians. Today, she is being assisted with medications and with special food requested by the Doctors for her because of her condition.

This is just one case among many cruel cases.

In order for us to help to the degree of saving thousands from persecution, we also need thousands of people to participate at any level they can afford. G-d will bless you for your generosity in not turning your back on your brethren. If you can help, great. If you can spread the word of our work by word of mouth and get others to know what we are trying to do, then you will also be doing wonders for G-d’s people.

If you are moved to contribute, please click here.

