Archive | May 22, 2012


Huffington Post hires Muslim who thinks they’re animals

Imagine an employer hiring someone who thinks his future bosses and co-workers are “animals” that are “mentally inferior” to him. Can you imagine the degree of self-loathing that must require on the part of the hiring manager? Now, imagine what’s going through the mind of the mentally superior subordinate as he starts his new job. […]

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Middle East Forum report on Christian Persecution by Muslims… in April alone!

Whenever someone has the audacity to factually state that terrorist acts and religious persecution is committed so overwhelmingly by Muslims that it’s beginning to reach a point of exclusivity, leftists and Muslims alike will bring up… Timothy McVeigh as their shining example of a Christian terrorist. Aside from the fact that McVeigh was an agnostic […]

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Why the Muslim world will never Boycott Israeli products

The next time you run into a Jew-hating Muslim on a cell phone, ask him if he knows where the first cell phone was made. When he says, “no” and you tell him, “Israel,” be prepared to be called a liar; it’s the only way the person will be able to rationalize the inconsistency in […]

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Report: 58% of Turks Religious Bigots

Imagine if 58% of Germans didn’t want to live among Jews and 40% of them didn’t want to live among Christians in post-Nazi Germany. Now, replace the word “Germans” with “Turks” in post-Armenian genocide Turkey. Via (h/t Free Republic): Today head of the Armenian science department of “Noravanq” educational foundation, expert on Turkey Alistakes […]

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Turkish Commentator’s wishful thinking: Leftists and Islamists all one big happy family

Walid Shoebat Mustafa Akyol is a Turkish political commentator who seems to be either fooling himself or others by implying that the left and Islam can coexist when their common obstacles are out of the way (Mubarak, Gadhafi, Ben Ali). The problem is that history doesn’t support that notion. Via the Dallas News: For years, […]

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