PLEASE CONSIDER A ONE-TIME OR MONTHLY DONATION TO RESCUE CHRISTIANS On Today’s show… In early 2012, the biography of David Petraeus entitled ‘All In: the Education of General David Petraeus’ was released. Less than one year later, it was revealed he’d had an affair with the author and was forced to resign. Also happening in […]
Archive | April, 2014
Muslim Politician: “Any woman if, whether married or unmarried, goes along with a man, with or without her consent, should be hanged.”
By Theodore Shoebat In the Indian state of Maharashtra, unit chief of the state, Abu Azmi, a Muslim politician, said that women who are raped should be put to death: Any woman if, whether married or unmarried, goes along with a man, with or without her consent, should be hanged. And I will put enmity […]
Obama and Congressman Mike Rogers Caught in War Crimes Coverup if Legendary Liberal Journalist Correct
A highly respected journalist who has broken at least two major war scandals in his lifetime the liberal mainstream media went nuts over, has done it again. However, since his new report implicates the Obama administration, the mainstream media appears to be rather disinterested. The thing is, this scandal implicates a whole lot of people, […]
Terrorist-Supporting Muslims Express Support for British Prime Minister’s position on Syria
By Ben Barrack In a hate preaching demonstration outside a London mosque, terrorist-supporting Muslims – led by Anjem Choudary – demanded the release of terrorists like the “Blind Sheikh”, who was convicted for his role in the first World Trade Center attack. At one point, one of the protesters angrily denounced the Shias for supporting […]
The Muslims Will Invade The Vatican, And Try to Destroy The Roman Catholic Church
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat I remember a few years ago spending time with an Evangelical friend of mine. Within our conversation, somehow, the subject of the Crusades came up. Of course, I defended the Crusades, explaining that they were fighting off Islamic invaders in the Middle East. He, on the other hand, vehemently condemned […]
Hating Catholics–America’s ONLY Accepted Prejudice
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) I recall when I got scorned for attacking homosexuality on my blog with a comment that said, “You are a homophobe, do you not know that God loves everyone including homosexuals,” in which I answered with, “do you not know that God loves everyone including the homophobe?” Indeed, we say […]
Muslims Want To Make Christians Into History
Posted by Theodore Shoebat The ultimate plan of true and authentic Muslims to obliterate Christianity; to make it into history. The following video reflects this goal. It talks about how many Christians in Iraq currently believe that the jihadists want to drive them into non-existance. An excerpt from the video states: The ancient Iraqi Christian […]
The People of Egypt explain just how bad Muslim Brotherhood Rule was
The Cairo Monitor has released a short documentary entitled, The Real Egypt. It details how the brutal Muslim Brotherhood regime under Mohammed Mursi ruled over the country for an entire year. Upon viewing, one is left wondering how so many western nations – including the U.S., Great Britain, France, and the rest of NATO member […]
Turkey’s PM carried ‘a copy of Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf’ around as a child, says former Classmate
According to a man who claims to have been a classmate of Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan from ‘first to fifth grade’ says that Erdogan used to “walk around with a copy of Adolf Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’”. This, according to an article that appeared in ynet news. The ynet article focuses on an anti-semitic […]
Fox News Host makes the Case FOR Islamophobia during interview with CAIR Official
In part 2 of Megyn Kelly’s interview with CAIR”s Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper, she called out the tactic of screaming ‘Islamophobia’, which is nothing more than an attempt to smear truth tellers and intimidate them into not speaking it. Is it a good thing to be afflicted with Islamophobia? Get the new book from Walid […]
Why Catholics Having Icons Is RIGHT, And Evangelicals Not Having Icons Is WRONG
By Walid Shoebat When I first attended church they told me that when it comes to church, that we needed to follow the Book of Acts model. I began to ask myself, what was the church like that was described in Acts? What was the church that Peter and Paul established in Rome like? Did […]
Muslims Seize Three Women, Cover Them In Gasoline And Burn Them
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Thailand took three women, behead them, then covered their bodies in gasoline and burn them, all in the name of jihad. Brad Adams, Asia director at Human Rights Watch, said: Southern insurgents are killing Buddhist women and spreading terror by beheading and burning their bodies … claims by separatist groups […]
David Cameron: “Christians are now the most persecuted religion around the world.”
By Theodore Shoebat David Cameron, ppeaking at an Easter reception in Downing Street, said probably the most truth in his entire term so far: It is the case that Christians are now the most persecuted religion around the world. We should stand up against persecution of Christians and other faith groups wherever and whenever we […]
First Cable Network to expose Human Slaughterhouses in Syria
Regular readers know how difficult it has been difficult to get media outlets to pay attention to the Christian holocaust in Syria. Fortunately, One America News Network (OAN) is not one of them. Executive Director of Rescue Christians appeared on the Daily Ledger, hosted by Graham Ledger to talk about these heinous atrocities: PLEASE CONSIDER […]
Muslims Want To Commit Final Solution On Christians (Get Ready For Another Holocaust)
By Theodore Shoebat In a speech held last night at a Vigil for Syria held at Farm Street Jesuit Church, Lord Alton of Liverpool, a British politician, gave warning to the world of a Final Solution on Christians. Of course, this coming Final Solution will be done by Muslims. Lord Alton stated: We in the […]

House Intelligence Committee Chairman BUSTED in another COVERUP
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** When House Intelligence Committee chairman Mike Rogers (R-MI) traveled to Egypt earlier this year, one of the top items on his agenda was that country’s case (No. 1761) against Malik Obama, the brother of President Barack Obama. The credibility of our source was bolstered by the fact […]