Archive | 2015

Bush 41, Bush 43, The COVERUP of Iran-Contra and the Protection of Islamic Terror States, in the Interest of Self-Preservation

This article is the first in a series. The truth about 9/11 and the fatally flawed post-9/11 strategy is NOT that it was an ‘inside job’ but that there was a coverup of the truth about who was ultimately behind it. One of the many reasons why former and current political leaders will not identify […]

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Muslims Rape 221 Women, In Only Three Days

By Theodore Shoebat Muslim soldiers of the North Sudanese military raped two hundred and twenty one women in only three days. According to the recent report: Sudanese government forces systematically raped and beat at least 221 women and girls in a series of organized door-to-door attacks in Darfur last year, a leading human rights watchdog […]

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Three Muslims Take Three Girls, And They All Rape Each One Of Them, For An Entire Night

By Theodore Shoebat Muslim soldiers of the North Sudanese army attacked three girls and they all raped them for an entire night. Mahassan, one of the victims, said: [The soldiers] said that they were looking for a missing soldier. … They searched the compound. … [T]hen they came towards us. They grabbed me and they […]

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Muslim Opens Fire At Anti-Islam Event In Denmark, And Kills One Person And Injures Three Officers

By Theodore Shoebat A gunman in Denmark opened fire with an automatic weapon at an anti-Islam event, killing one person and injuring three officers. The religion of the masked assailant has not been specified yet, but its quite obvious that whoever he is, that he is Muslim. Here is the only photo of the killer […]

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US Government Releases This Statement: The Muslims Could Just Slaughter 200,000 Christians

By Theodore Shoebat US intelligence is now saying that the Islamic Boko Haram terrorist gang could just slaughter 200,000 Christians in the Nigerian city of Maidiguri. I did a whole video on this: According to the report: Boko Haram forces appear poised to attack Maiduguri, a city of 2 million in northeast Nigeria — meaning […]

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U.S. and Argentina Caught COVERING UP Iran’s Involvement in Largest Islamic Terror Attacks in History of U.S. and Argentina

The case against the President and government of Argentina in the coverup of the largest terror attack committed on its soil is incredibly important and is being watch very closely by the world’s power brokers. Why? Because it features a battle between a corrupt, establishment government that will do whatever it takes to protect its […]

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Insane, Far Left-Wing New York City Mayor Suggests Shooting Deaths of Three Muslims was a Hate Crime Committed by Insane, Far Left-Wing Atheist

Thanks to Facebook, it’s easy for anyone – including New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio – to ascertain a credible profile of the Chapel Hill shooter who killed three Muslim students. It’s also just as easy to formulate a basic profile of those students. Thanks to eye witness accounts of the shooter’s behavior, it’s […]

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India Makes New Law: Muslims Can No Longer Have Multiple Wives

By Theodore Shoebat India recently passed a new law: Muslims can no longer have multiple wives. According to the report: Although their personal law permits men to have four wives, the Supreme Court on Monday ruled that a Muslim’s fundamental right to profess Islam did not include practicing polygamy. “What was protected under Article 25 […]

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An Army Of Three Thousand Muslim Terrorists Are Surrounding Helpless Christian Villages, And They Are Just Waiting For The Opportunity To Slaughter And Eradicate The Christians

By Theodore Shoebat Three thousand Muslim terrorists, consisting of ISIS, al-Nusra and Free Syrian Army fighters, are right now surrounding several small Christian villages in Lebanon, and they are just waiting for the right moment to strike and slaughter the Christians. I did a whole video on this with some interesting footage: According to the […]

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Successor of Prosecutor who was Found SHOT DEAD after Catching His Government in Coverup of Terror Attack that Killed Dozens of Jews Wants President Charged

The successor to an Argentine prosecutor who was found shot dead in his apartment last month in an extremely high profile case, is pressing forward and recommending that charges be brought against Argentina’s President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner. Gerardo Pollicita’s predecessor Alberto Nisman was found shot dead hours before he was to implicate government officials […]

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JUST CAME OUT: VIDEO of ISIS Parading POWs In Cages For A “Cage Burning” Festival In Which They Are Burned ALIVE

By Walid Shoebat ISIS calls it Qafas Al-Harq (English: The Cage Of Burning) and they just packed an array of these cages with Kurdish POWs and paraded them in middle ages style as if it was the Rose Parade in Kirkuk. As it seems, Muslims are getting board with beheadings and public shooting and it is time […]

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After Liberal Atheist Murders Three Muslim Students who were Members of Anti-Semitic, Muslim Brotherhood front Group, President of Turkey Demands Obama Condemn Shooter for Committing Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes… and Obama Listens

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was not satisfied with what he perceived to be a lack of outrage on the part of Barack Obama over the shooting deaths of three Muslim students in Chapel Hill this week. While in Mexico, Erdogan expressed disgust over Obama’s failure to adequately address the issue as an anti-Muslim hate […]

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The Secret Best Way To Keep Muslims Far Far Away

By Walid Shoebat If you want to annoy ISIS terrorists, just blow a horn or play a musical instrument. Muhammad, the prophet of Islam said so: “Anas narrated that the prophet said, “Two sounds are accursed in this world and the hereafter: (the sound of) musical instruments in time of happiness and wailing during calamity.” […]

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The Government Of Egypt Is About To Rescue All The Christians In Libya Before ISIS Slaughters Them All

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) ISIS released photos which show 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians being led to the slaughter on a beachfront in Libya. As a result, the situation in Egypt is heating up to emulate events in Jordan prior to when ISIS burned POW Muath Al-Kassasbeh. If ISIS releases horrific videos, this could be a game changer on […]

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Muslim Students Who Were Shot Dead by Atheist, Pro-Gay Marriage Liberal Were Members of Muslim Brotherhood Front Group

We already know that the shooter of three Muslim students in Chapel Hill shares more in common with Timothy McVeigh than with any of those right-wing, conservative, Tea Party, Christian types but how about the shooting victims? It turns out the male victim expressed a good dose of anti-Semitism in his tweets. He also appears […]

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Six Homosexual Muslims Take Another Muslim And Each Take Turns Raping Him

By Theodore Shoebat Six homosexual Muslim men in Syria took another Muslim, who was openly homosexual, and each took turns raping him. I did a whole video on this: TO LEARN MORE ABOUT CHRISTIANITY’S WAR AGAINST SATAN, CLICK HERE TO GET OUR NEW 2-DISK DVD SPECIAL ON CHRISTIAN MILITANCY

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