By Theodore Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Bas Rutten, undefeated UFC world champion, for the first time ever, has done an interview talking about his faith in Jesus Christ, and how the Catholic Church changed his life. Bas Rutten did an excellent interview with Theodore Shoebat, and you can watch it here: ARE YOU TIRED OF OVERLY […]
Archive | 2016
PAKISTANI MUSLIM: “How dare you run away from us, Christian girls are only meant for one thing – the pleasure of Muslim men”
By BI: A Christian girl has been killed after she and two friends shrugged of the advances of some young drunken Muslim men from one of the elite areas of Lahore, Defence Colony. British Pakistani Christians Kiran (17), Shamroza (18) and Sumble (20), three Christian girls were simply walking home through Defence Colony after a hard […]

Muslims Slaughter Forty Christians, Christians Carry Up Their Arms And Fight In Battle Against The Muslim Murderers
By Theodore Shoebat Muslim Kurds, all members of the terrorist YPG, murdered forty Christians by attacking three restaurants in the Assyrian Christian neighborhood of Al-Wusta in Qamishli in Iraq. This story goes to show you: the Kurds are not the friends of the Christians! The Christians responded with valor and not timidity. Christian militiamen established […]
GERMANY: Muslim invaders are defecating and ejaculating in the pool as well as sexually harassing German girls
By BI: Now that a German swimming pool has been forced to lift its ban on Muslim male migrants, according to Bäder GmbH (Baths Inc.), Muslims have been masturbating and defecating into the water, and are sexually harassing and groping women in the Sauna, while trying to storm the women’s changing rooms. Other reports claim Muslim migrants […]
What would the Russians do to smoke out a Muslim terrorist who barricaded himself in his house?
By BI: Hint…You can bet they would do something the Obama Regime would never allow. After learning that there was a Muslim terrorist in their midst, the Russian special forces decided to root out the problem. When he barricaded himself inside a home, the Russians didn’t leave a stone unturned to get him.
Obama Pays Ransom to Iran for Falsely Imprisoned Americans, i.e HOSTAGES
source Israeli National News Ari Yashar – Israel National News Republicans demand an inquiry as Iran reveals US taxpayer fund transfer was ‘in return’ for prisoner release, and came on the same day. In the wake of a prisoner swap between the US and Iran on Sunday, that took place the same day America gave […]
SWEDEN: As Muslim mugger is about to rob an old lady in the subway, young mother with children intervenes and stops the robbery attempt
By BI: In retaliation, the Muslim thug then kicks the young woman and spits on her before running away.
GERMANY: Swimming pool forced to lift ban on Muslim male migrant rapists just 24 hours after four children were molested by Muslim migrants
By BI: The swimming pool in Bornheim, Germany made headlines worldwide last week when it banned Muslim migrant males from entering, but just days later they have buckled under pressure from bleeding heart leftists to lift the ban. Breitbart The decision to re-admit migrants from a nearby camp comes despite reports of incidents across the country, including one […]
Now that the capital of Britain has been officially dubbed “Londonistan,” can a Muslim mayor be far behind?
By BI: Sooner than you think if the Labour (far left) Party has anything to do with it. Labour has chosen Sadiq Khan as its candidate for Mayor of Londonistan in 2016 – a Muslim career politician with strong sympathies for Islamic radicals and extremists.
The failure of multiculturalism in a Dutch classroom
By BI: African Muslim immigrant pounds on the teacher (who already has a broken arm) while his pals in the background encourage him to finish off the teacher. The ugly incident took place in a classroom where the majority of students are Muslims.
HALAL BACKLASH: Danish town makes serving pork mandatory in schools and public institutions
By BI: Muslim immigrants living in the West have been relentless in their campaigns to make Christian-majority schools and businesses sharia-compliant by insisting on the removal of all pork products from school menus and company cafeterias, claiming that Muslim not only are forbidden from eating pork, they can’t even be in the same room where others […]
The Oldest Christian Monastery In Iraq Has Just Been Destroyed By Muslims
By Theodore Shoebat The oldest Christian monastery in Iraq was just destroyed by ISIS Muslims. According to the report: The Islamic State just bulldozed St. Elijah’s Monastery, the oldest Christian monastery in Iraq, which has survived every other assault for 1,400 years until now. ISIS took out the location with bulldozers, sledgehammers and perhaps even […]
Erdogan To Take Control Of The Islamic United Nations Setting The Islamic Caliphate Within His Site And “By Peace” He Is Deceiving Egypt While Planning To Destroy Many
By Walid Shoebat What Caliph Al-Baghdadi wanted to gain through terrorism, Erdogan of Turkey was able to gain ‘by peace’ where he is “deceiving many”. Erdogan in two months will lead the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (O.I.C) considered to be the Muslim ‘U.N’ coming second to the United Nations in size and global power. But thats not […]
Are you sure you still want to take that vacation in Germany?
By BI: Imagine being subjected to this noise pollution five times a day as Christians in many areas of Germany already are. Don’t like it? Better not complain or you could be arrested for “racial hatred.”
Downtown Islamabad? Abbottabad?
No, downtown ‘Londonisbad’
SHEESH! Somewhere in IslamoEU or IslamoUK, 11 cops are intimidated by one young Muslim invader wielding what appears to be a knife
By BI: It isn’t clear what the charging perp is waving around, but it is shiny and looks like a knife. The police seem to be armed with billy clubs (most cops in the UK and other parts of Europe don’t carry guns) but back away from the running man when he approaches them. Remember, […]