Archive | 2018

The Omarosa Affair Is Another Worthless Commercial In The Distraction That Is The Trump White House From His Campaign Promises And Re-Igniting Global Nationalism

Since President Trump assumed office, there has been a continual list of scandal, disruptions, and White House turmoil that would seem more fit for reality television than an office of government. In another scandal, Omarosa Manigault, a former actress on The Apprentice show with Donald Trump during his reality television days, secretly recorded private conversations […]

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People Who Tell You To “Just Be A Good Person” Are Nazis

By Theodore Shoebat Here is a video I did on some of my experiences with people who brag about how they want you to “just be a good person.” What I find is that they tend to be nazi types who are for Sodom and eugenics:  CLICK HERE TO DONATE AND HELP SPREAD OUR […]

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Satanist Burns Down 18th Century Christian Church

  By Theodore Shoebat A Satanist in Russia is said to have burned down an 18th century, as we read in one report from RT: A historic 18th century church has burned to the ground in Russia’s Republic of Karelia, after being deliberately set on fire. A teenager, referred to by some locals as a […]

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Leaked Cables Expose CIA Employees Writing Gay Erotica About Torturing Prisoners With Homosexual Acts During Interrogations

In another torture scandal breaking, leaked cables expose that CIA employees stationed at a US installation in Thailand where Muslim prisoners have been tortured have been writing gay erotica about torturing prisoners in homosexual ways: A declassified cable detailing torture at a CIA blacksite in Thailand operated by now-CIA Director Gina Haspel employed hokey language […]

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Evangelicals Are So Desperate To Keep Churches Open They Are Putting Churches In Bars And Movie Theaters

The tales of bringing the gospel to the world and prosperity before all are hallmarks of American evangelical Christianity. However, what once seemed to be a reality has become but a fading dream, one which many churches are waking up to in a painful way. Religious practice in America has steadily declined for the last […]

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Muslim Woman Becomes Christian, Her Husband Threatens To Divorce Her And Take Her Baby If She Does Not Apostatize To Islam

Christians and in particular, converts to Christianity from Islam continue to suffer intense persecution. Often times this persecution comes to them from those closest. In one such case a Muslim woman became a Christian, and while married to another Muslim man he demanded that she return to Islam or else he will divorce her and […]

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Belgium Is Now Euthanizing Pre-Teens

Belgium is a country that has been in the news frequently over the years. It is the center of the European Union. It is a nation which has been going through a rapid Islamification owing to Muslim immigration and a declining birth rate as well as apostasy. It also is now a nation that has […]

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Priest And School Teacher Tied Up And Stabbed To Death

A Jesuit priest was found dead after being tied and stabbed multiple times. Police are investigating a former student who was expelled for behavior and had made threats according to a report: A Spanish Jesuit priest was stabbed to death at a school he ran in an Amazon village in Peru, his religious order and […]

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Man Invites Another Man To His House, Drugs His Drink And Sodomizes Him When He Falls Asleep

A man was arrested for raping another man after drugging his drink. Teshawn Mills invited the man over, and then put drugs into his drink, after which the man fell asleep and Mills proceeded to sodomize him: The man who was raped by another man while he was asleep, told police that he was drugged […]

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New Evidence Suggests Coptic Bishop Was Murdered Not By A Muslim, But By A SODOMITE And The Coptic Church Is Trying To Cover Up The Homosexual Activity

In July 2018, reported on the story of a Coptic bishop that was beaten to death in Egypt. While many times there is persecution of Christians by Muslims, evidence suggests not that the persecutor was a Muslim, but was a homosexual attempting to cover up for his and other persons’ homosexual activity at the […]

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Thousand Of People Have Been Murdered And Dozens Of Villages Burned As Violence Engulfs Cameroon

The African Nation of Cameroon is in a civil war right now, as 2000 people have been killed, 170 villages burned, and countless more raped, kidnapped, and attacked as intranational violence rips the nation apart according to a report: Over 2,000 people have been killed and 170 villages burned in English-speaking regions of Cameroon which […]

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Persecuted Christians Who Fled Iraq Declare ‘There Is No Way We Are Ever Going Back To Iraq’

There has been talk about Christians who fled Iraq returning to their home nation with pledges of monies to help rebuild the nation destroyed by ISIS and those who backed her. However, the reality is that Christianity is not going to return. Christians, which numbered over one million during the days of Saddam Hussein and […]

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Hindu Nationalist Organization That Slaughters Christians And Has Promised To Murder All The Christians In India Is Setting Up Terrorist Training Camps Throughout The USA To Raise Up A Hindu Army

Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, known as the RSS, is a major Hindu nationalist organization and terrorist group. They have promoted for decades the creation of a Hindu ethnostate and have promised to commit genocide against all the Christians of India. Their promises and threats are not to be disregarded. While India’s ruling party is the Bharat […]

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Religion Will Never Go Away, because human beings are naturally religious

By Theodore Shoebat I hear a lot of talk about how religion does nothing good for society, and that thus we should get rid of religion. I also hear a lot from Evangelicals about how they don’t need religion because they have “Jesus + nothing.” This is all nonsense, because we humans are naturally religious: […]

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Trump Lavishly Bestows The Gift Of Economic War And A Crashing Lira On Erdogan, And He Could Not Be Happier

No, the title is not a joke. Trump has established US economic sanctions against Turkey at time when the Turkish Lira is plummeting: President Donald Trump said Friday he is greenlighting a doubling of steel and aluminum tariffs on Turkey and warned that US relations with the country “are not good at this time.” The […]

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