By Theodore Shoebat After so many years of seeing people who supposedly against something evil, stand for something evil, I would like to say one thing that I’ve concluded: it doesn’t matter what you are against, what matters is what you are for: We Are About To Enter A New World War, A Blood […]
Archive | 2018
Muslim Man Becomes A Christian, His Relatives Attack Him And Pour Hot Cooking Oil On Him
A Muslim man who became a Christian was attacked less than a week after his conversion by his family, who poured hot cooking oil on him: A week after a young Muslim in eastern Uganda put his faith in Christ, relatives attacked him with hot cooking oil, sources said. Gobera Bashir, 27, is still in […]
US General Shills For More War After Claims That ‘ Russia Is Arming The Afghan Taliban’
After the American-backed support of the revolutions in the Middle East, Ukraine, and support of Islamist movement in Central Asia and parts of Siberia, US General John Nicholson now claims that Russia is supplying weapons to the Taliban in Afghanistan to fight the Americans: Russia is supporting and even supplying arms to the Taliban, the […]
Turkish air force bombs one of the oldest churches in the whole history of Christianity
By Walid Shoebat and Theodore Shoebat A site of Christian antiquity was destroyed in northeastern Syria by Turkish air raids, adjacent to the city of Afrin, which was just conquered by Turkey days ago. The site is called Brad, and according to the Directorate-General of Antiquities and Museums: “Turkish regime planes bombed the archaeological site […]
How the Ottoman Empire made the Great War into a World War
By Theodore Shoebat When discussing the First World War, what most do not point out is that when the Ottoman Empire entered conflict, joining Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, it made the conflict from just being limited to Europe, into spilling over into the Middle East, making the Great War into a world war: Christianity […]
An Islamic empire can never rise without the help of Europeans
By Theodore Shoebat Thats right. An Islamic empire can never rise without the help of European powers: Christianity Is At War, This Is Why We Must Prepare Our Souls For The Great World War That Is To Come. Click Here To Get Our New Book And Educate Your Mind And Ready Your Soul For The Coming […]
Chaos and horror are all over Afrin as Erdogan vows to expand into Iraq. 167,000 people have already fled the city and Turkish troops have already killed over 200 civilians
By Walid Shoebat and Theodore Shoebat Turkey’s expansion continues after it has invaded Afrin in northern Syria, with Erdogan declaring that Turkish forces will expand deeper into Syria and eventually into Iraq. The chaos that will only intensify can be seen in howTurkish backed militias are acting in Afrin. Syrian rebels, backed by the Turkish […]
Chief Sephardic Rabbi Of Israel Who Said That ‘Gentiles Only Exist To Serve Jews’ Declares That ‘Africans Are No Different Than Monkeys, We Should Only Pray For Them If Their Parents Were White’, When Confronted He Refuses To Apologize
The Chief Sephardic Rabbi of Israel, Yitzhak Yosef, who famously said that the only purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews, stoked controversy again after he called black people “monkeys” and that one should not pray for them unless their parents were white: A civil rights group dedicated to fighting anti-semitism has hit out at […]
Lying President Trump Declares That Gun Rights Which President OBAMA Gave Americans Are Bad And That He Will Restrict Guns
President Obama passed a pro-firearms regulation that legalized the ownership of bump stocks. Now President Trump is saying it was a “bad idea” and that he will seek to ban ownership of bump stocks and possibly further gun regulations: Perhaps needing a distraction from the fiscal folly of today’s $1.3 trillion monster spending bill… or […]
Watch And Take It In #MAGA Debt Slaves: Wannabe Turkish Sultan Erdogan’s Henchmen Attack US Citizens And The Federal Government Drops All Charges Against Them Without Even An Apology
Last year, reported how Turkish President Erdogan’s bodyguards attacked protesters in Washington D.C. in broad daylight. In spite of the video evidence and the crime that was committed, the federal government has dropped all charges against Sultan Erdogan’s henchmen: On American soil! Erdogan’s bodyguard violently kicks a helpless bloodied lady. This guy should be […]
Mob Of Homosexuals Attack, Spit On Catholic People Demonstrating In Netherlands While Chanting “Hail Satan” And “God Is Gay”
A mob of homosexuals attacked Catholic people in the Netherlands protesting for family values. They spit on and assaulted the people repeatedly which chanting “God is gay” and “Hail Satan”: Conservative Catholic demonstrators were physically harassed, spat on and assaulted by LGBT activists earlier this month while protesting an Amsterdam-based clothing retailer’s “overt and offensive” […]
Illinois Congressional Aid Arrested For Sodomizing Teenage Boy In Car He Met On Gay Sex Phone App
Famous Conservative Speaker Dennis Prager famously said that there is nothing wrong with sodomizing teenage boys. However, a US congressional aid did as such but was caught and arrested for having a homosexual liason with a 17-year-old in a car: A congressional aide in Illinois was fired after being caught by cops shirtless in a […]
Man Slashes His Girlfriend’s Throat, Then Cuts Her Heart And Left Lung Out, Puts Them In A Pan And Cooks Them On The Stove
A man was arrested after slashing his girlfriend’s throat and the cutting her heart and left lung out, putting them in a pan and cooking them on the stove before stabbing himself repeatedly in the throat with a pair of scissors:` A cannibal has been arrested in Russia after killing a mother-of-two – then cooking […]
Israeli man goes to the major Auschwitz holocaust museum and urinates all over the memorial built for all of the Jews killed by the Nazis. Its another proof that there are indeed Jews who love Nazism
By Theodore Shoebat An Israeli man went to the major Auschwitz holocaust museum and urinated all over the memorial for all the Jews killed by the Nazis. But is this really surprising? I discuss how there are indeed Jews who promote racism, eugenics and Nazism: Christianity Is At War, This Is Why We Must Prepare […]
Famed Atheist Forced To Eat His Own Words Against Christianity With The Rise Of Islam
Famed Atheist Richard Dawkins, who is famous for his hatred of Christianity, is now being forced to reconsider his own positions as he believes the decline of Christianity will bring about “something worse”: Atheist author and evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins has warned against celebrating the demise of Christianity, calling it a “relatively benign” faith compared […]
Facebook Is Dead: The Future Of Social Media
The future of social media is changing rapidly. In light of the Facebook scandal, what has already been taking place slowly is about to speed up a LOT faster. I discuss this in my video: CHRISTIANS ARE BEING TORTURED AND MURDERED AS WE SPEAK. PLEASE CLICK HERE TO GIVE A DONATION THAT WILL HELP UR […]