Two Rare White Giraffes Found Dead By Poachers In Kenya

White giraffes are similar to “white rhinos” in that they are very rare. However, two of them have been killed in an apparent act of poaching in eastern Kenya according to BBC news.

Two extremely rare white giraffes have been killed by poachers in north-eastern Kenya, conservationists say.

Rangers had found the carcasses of the female and her calf in a village in north-eastern Kenya’s Garissa County.

A third white giraffe is still alive. It is thought to be the only remaining one in the world, the conservationists added.

The poachers have not yet been identified, and their motive is still unclear.(source)

While stories about poaching are nothing new into themselves, the fact is that it is coming at a time of the COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic, especially in China.

We know that China uses a lot of rare, odd, or just strange things in what are essential witch-doctor-type “medicines” to treat all kinds of odd ailments, even though such “cures” usually are just based on supersitions.

It is also a fact that China has been actively involved in poaching from Africa, given her presence there, such as the reason why, as reported, the rhinoceros population in Botswana declined.

This incident, coming at the time it has and which I have mentioned before, leaves one to wonder if this act of poaching was done by Chinese or Chinese-backed poachers in an attempt to smuggle meat, skin, or other animal parts back to China to make “traditional medicine” for a wealthy man, or sold on the black market.

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