Why Turkey Supports Azerbaijan Against Armenia By Shoebat on October 11, 2021 in Featured, General, Highlight My thoughts on why Turkey supports Azerbaijan against Armenia: Share this:FacebookTwitterRedditLinkedInPrintMoreSkypeWhatsAppTelegramPocketPinterestTumblr Continue Reading 0
Japanese soldiers committed cannibalism By Shoebat on October 11, 2021 in Featured, General, Highlight One of the things about the Japanese in WW2 is that they committed cannibalism: Share this:FacebookTwitterRedditLinkedInPrintMoreSkypeWhatsAppTelegramPocketPinterestTumblr Continue Reading 0
Heroes Are Hated By Those They Save By Shoebat on October 11, 2021 in Featured, General, Highlight By Theodore Shoebat Heroes are hated by those they rescue, just as a prophet is rejected in his own hometown: Share this:FacebookTwitterRedditLinkedInPrintMoreSkypeWhatsAppTelegramPocketPinterestTumblr Continue Reading 0