Archive | July 8, 2024

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Six-Hundred And Two Villages In Iraq Have Evacuated, Fleeing The Turkish Military As It Has Already Scorched Thousands Of Acres Of Farmland

In The Duhok province of Iraq, hundreds of villages have evacuated, fleeing the Turkish military which has already scorched 20,000 dunams (nearly 5000 acres) of farmland. Because of the recent Turkish AF bombardments in the Kurdistan region, 80% of the agricultural lands and forests in 5 villages in the Bargare area in Amedi district have […]

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The World Is Pushing For A German Dominated Europe

Recently, DW released a video report on how there is a shift for Germany to lead security in Europe within NATO. In the video report, one can see Poland’s prime minister, Donald Tusk, saying: “I cannot imagine Germany not becoming a leading nation in terms of joint European and Polish security.” The video also showed […]

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The Republican Party Is Changing Its Platform, To Be Less Focused On Abortion And More Fixated On Immigration And Isolationism

The Republican party has come up with a new draft which is backed by Donald Trump. It is is not strong in language against abortion and fixates more on isolationism, nationalism and immigration. During the 2016 and 2020 elections, the Republicans pursued a federal ban on abortion after 20 weeks. Now, the party is simply […]

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Speaking Against The Pope Is Worse Than Pedophilia, According To The Catholic Church

One thing that Vigano’s excommunication teaches us is that within the Roman Catholic system, speaking out against the pope is worse than pedophilia. Vigano was thrown out for spreading schism against the pope, but the pedophile, sexual predator priests, and the bishops and cardinals who have covered up for them? No excommunication:

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