Donald Trump Declares: ‘The Democrats Did A Coup To Overthrow Joe Biden.’

Donald Trump said on Fox News that the Democrats overthrew Joe Biden, calling it a coup, as we read on the Hill:

Trump, appearing on Fox on Thursday morning, called Biden’s speech from the Oval Office the night before “terrible” and described the president’s exit from the race as a “coup.”

“I think it was a coup. They didn’t want him running. He was way down in the polls, and they thought he was going to lose,” Trump said. “They went to him and they said, you can’t win the race, which I think is true, unless I did something very foolish, which I wasn’t going to do. And I think he was so far down and they said, ‘You’re not going to win, and you’re not in great shape, and you did poorly in the debate.’ I think the debate started everything.”

But it looks like Trump got what he wanted, because as he said recently, “Harris will be easier to beat than Joe Biden would have been”.
