Archive | July 27, 2024

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Lindsey Graham: ‘Ukraine Has Trillions Of Dollars Worth In Minerals, We Gotta Seize That Money For The Good Of America.’

In yet another example of how feigned altruism is used to cover up money hunger in war, Lindsey Graham recently stated that Ukraine is sitting on trillions of dollars worth in minerals and that the US needs to seize those assets, as we read in Geopolitical Economy: Ukraine is a “gold mine” with $12 trillion […]

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People's deputy of Ukraine from the Volyn region Ihor Guz

Major Ukrainian Politician Calls For Mobs Of Nationalists To Enter Russian Churches And Throw “Muscovites” Out

A major Ukrainian politician, People’s deputy of Ukraine from the Volyn region Ihor Guz, is calling for mobs of Ukrainian nationalists to enter Orthodox churches (that are under the Moscow Patriarchate) and throw out “Muscovites” or Russians, as we read in Raskolam: People’s deputy of Ukraine from the Volyn region Ihor Guz demands to ban […]

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The Government Of Ukraine Now Wants To Ban The Ukrainian Orthodox Church

The Ukrainian government is working to ban the Ukrainian Orthodox Church because its under the Moscow Patriarchate, as we read in Raskolam: Doctor of Philosophy, professor of the Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lyudmila Filipovych, commented on the unsuccessful attempt by the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada to […]

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Hezbollah Bombs Soccer Field In Israel And Slaughters Twelve Youths As They Were Playing A Game Of Soccer

Hezbollah struck Israel, hitting a soccer field and slaughtering twelve people, including children, as we read in Ynet: The heavy disaster on the 1st (Saturday) in Majdal Shams, in which 12 children and boys between the ages of 10 and 20 were murdered by a direct hit from a Hezbollah rocket that exploded on a […]

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Kamala Harris Declares: ‘If A Baby Survives An Abortion, The Doctor Must Kill The Child Outside Of The Womb.”

Now that it looks like Kamala Harris is slated for the Democrat nomination, its time to look at what she saidabout babies who survive abortion: she believes that a doctor must let the child die. As we read in Fox News: Vice President Kamala Harris blasted Republican legislators in the House of Representatives after they […]

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