A Polish survivor of the Holocaust, Janina Iwanska, recently warned the world that it is no longer possible to say that the Holocaust will never happen again, as we read in the New York Times:
Lamenting the “shocking” spread of “rampant antisemitism,” Ms. Friedman said: “Eighty years after the liberation of Auschwitz, the world is again in crisis. Our Jewish Christian values have been overshadowed worldwide by prejudice, fear, suspicion and extremism.”
At the end of World War II in 1945, said Janina Iwanska, another survivor, “people believed this could never happen again” but “it is impossible now to say ‘never again.’ War and chaos can erupt anywhere, leaving no place for people to flee.”
At an election rally on Saturday in eastern Germany, AfD politicians and Elon Musk, who spoke by video link, urged Germans not to feel guilty for the Nazi-era crimes of their grandparents.
That and calls at the rally for a “Great Germany,” said Poland’s prime minister, Donald Tusk, on Sunday, “sounded all too familiar and ominous, especially only hours before the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.”
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. (Matthew 19:24)
Christ was not against wealth, but really was speaking of the elite of society. And for good reason. Anytime an evil ideology takes hold of society, you can rest assured that financing its spread is an elite circle. We see the same thing with the industry of science and technology.
“Scientists and technologists had acquired the reputation of being magicians who had access to a special source of information and wisdom out of reach of mankind.” — Herbert York, American nuclear physicist who was very close to Eisenhower.
When one looks to the rise of the Third Reich, you will find that behind the rise of this frankenstein were the industrialists and financial establishments. Today, we see a very similar phenomena of industrialists supporting the rise of today’s nazism, which is the transhumanist idea that mankind must evolve by merging with Artificial Intelligence, and that if he refuses to do so, he will be inferior to a new race of cyborgs that will surpass man in the process of evolution. If the Nazis of the past aspired to be ubermensch or supermen, the nazis of today want to evolve into cyborgs. Here, we demonstrate how we are digressing to what the Book of Wisdom warned us about:
Let us oppress the righteous poor man;
let us not spare the widow
or regard the gray hairs of the aged.
But let our might be our law of right,
for what is weak proves itself to be useless. (Wisdom 2:10-11)
All of this evil always starts off by elevating a type of a ubermensch (superman). In our own time, we have the transhumanist fantasy about the cyborg. Elon Musk holds to the transhumanist vision of merging man and machine. Speaking at the Tesla launch in Dubai, Musk stated:
“Over time I think we will probably see a closer merger of biological intelligence and digital intelligence … “It’s mostly about the bandwidth, the speed of the connection between your brain and the digital version of yourself, particularly output.”
Musk believes that if humans can colonize Mars, that this will lead to the next step in human evolution. In a 2015 video Musk explained:
“What are the important steps in the evolution of life? Obviously there was the advent of single celled life, there was differentiation to plants and animals, there was life going from oceans to land, there was mammals, consciousness, and I would argue also on that scale, should fit life becoming multi-planetary.”
Musk sees space travel and the merging of man and machine as the next step of human evolution. Hence why he believes that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is going to be superior to humans to the point that we will be as apes in the site of machine intelligence. In order to ‘evolve,’ insists Musk, humans need to have injected in their heads computer chips made by his company, Neuralink. By having this chip implanted into our heads, humans can escape their impending state of inferiority:
“I think generally people underestimate the capability of AI — they sort of think it’s a smart human … But it’s going to be much more than that. It will be much smarter than the smartest human. …Can a chimpanzee really understand humans? Not really … We just seem like strange aliens. They mostly just care about other chimpanzees. And this will be how it is, more or less. … If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em — that’s what Neuralink is about. Can we go along for the ride with AI?”
Preaching science fiction to bedazzle the airheads of atheism, Musk then markets his company and pushes for his ideology of transhumanism, or the ideology that in order for human evolution to continue, mankind must ‘evolve’ by becoming a cyborg or partially machine himself. Those who do not merge with machine will then be like apes, at least in the twisted perspective of technocrats like Musk. So, those who do not conform, will be seen as inferior apes, much like how the Nazis and the rest of the scientific racists of the 20th century saw their enemies as being lower in the scale of human evolution, or as being closer to primate than human (or supermen). We know that these scientists are never going to create their ‘evolved’ humans. This is not the concern at hand. The concern is that if these agents of darkness ever get full power, what depths of destruction are they willing to bring in the name of ushering in their fantasy into reality? The rebels of 18th France wanted complete equality in society — this was their fantasy that never came to existence — and they were willing to butcher hundreds of thousands to fulfill their fantasy. The Nazis had dreams of becoming supermen, and their only result was countless dead and the world brought low to an abyss. Transhumanism is truly the eugenics of the 21st century, and we are seeing its ideology entrenching the soul of current generations, drunk off of a dangerous fantasy.
“… In holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.” — Dwight D. Eisenhower, Farewell Address.
When Herbert York, the director of the Research and Engineering Department at the Pentagon, heard these words of Eisenhower, he felt a sense of consternation. In the mid-1960s, York visited Eisenhower at his winter home in the California desert and asked him what he meant by what he said. “I asked him to explain more fully what he meant by the warnings, but he declined to do so,” recounted York. “I pressed this line of questions further by asking him whether he had any particular people in mind when he warned us about the ‘the danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.’” Eisenhower replied: “(Werhner) von Braun and (Edward) Teller [father of the hydrogen bomb].” (See Jacobsen, Operation Paperclip, ch. 20, pp. 378-379)
Wehrner von Braun was an SS scientist who had slaves working to help build his giant V-2 rocket, and yet von Braun ended up in the United State working in NASA’s space program. None of this is surprising, given the fact that it was the United States’s eugenic programs that inspired the Nazis’ own eugenic policies. Thus, von Braun getting employed by the US was merely the teacher hiring the student; it was symptomatic of the convergence between eugenics and industrial elitism. This was not only seen after the Second World War, but before, when the United States’s industrial and financial players backed the rise of the Third Reich. Today, we see the technological elite supporting transhumanist eugenics, so it was in the past when America’s industrial and financial establishments supported the eugenic regime of the Nazis. A statement that really reveals this was from William Dodd, the US Ambassador to Germany, when he wrote to President Roosevelt in 1936 (three years after Hitler came to power) about how the Germans were being backed by over a hundred different American corporations, including DuPont, Standard Oil, and American IG:
“Much as I believe in peace as our best policy, I cannot avoid the fears which Wilson emphasized more than once in conversations with me, August 15, 1915 and later: the breakdown of democracy in all Europe will be a disaster to the people. But what can you do? At the present moment more than a hundred American corporations have subsidiaries here or cooperative understandings. The DuPonts have three allies in Germany that are aiding in the armament business. Their chief ally is the I.G. Farben Company, a part of the Government which gives 200,000 marks a year to one propaganda organization operating on American opinion. Standard Oil Company (New York sub-company) sent $2,000,000 here in December 1933 and has made $500,000 a year helping Germans make Ersatz gas for war purposes; but Standard Oil cannot take any of its earnings out of the country except in goods. They do little of this, report their earnings at home, but do not explain the facts. The International Harvester Company president told me their business here rose 33% a year (arms manufacture, I believe), but they could take nothing out. Even our airplanes people have secret arrangement with Krupps. General Motor Company and Ford do enormous businesses here through their subsidiaries and take no profits out. I mention these facts because they complicate things and add to war dangers.”
Here we can see how multiple companies were putting in tremendous amounts of finance into Germany’s military industry. Dodd put into his diary on how he met with an American attorney in Germany and asked him regarding the Standard Oil Company in New York sending a million dollars to Germany to help them make synthetic gasoline from coal for military use:
“These men were hardly out of the building before the lawyer came in again to report his difficulties. I could not do anything. I asked him, however: Why did the Standard Oil Company of New York send $1,000,000 here in December, 1933, to aid the Germans in making gasoline from soft coal for war emergencies? Why do the International Harvester people continue to manufacture in Germany when their company gets nothing out of the country and when it has failed to collect its war loses? He saw my point and agreed that it looked foolish and that it only means greater losses if another war breaks loose.”
Much of American history can be summed up as the Americans creating monsters only to later slay them. The creation of the Nazi monster was greatly due to finance from Wall Street in the 1920s and aid from big American industry. For example, the Reich’s military was reliant on synthetic oil, but how did it learn to produce this? It was thanks to Standard Oil giving IG Farben (one of the major industries in Germany) their hydrogenation patents and technology. It was thanks to these patents and technologies that Germany went from producing less than 300,000 tons of synthetic gasoline in 1934 to producing 6 1/2 million tons, 85% of which (5 1/2 million tons) was synthetic oil using the the Standard Oil hydrogenation process. The Kilgore Committee reported on how Germans were sent to Detroit to learn about this process and how how IG Farben sent scientists to the US to learn American arial technology:
“Germans were brought to Detroit to learn the techniques of specialized production of components, and of straight-line assembly. What they saw caused further reorganization and refitting of other key German war plants. The techniques learned in Detroit were eventually used to construct the dive-bombing Stukas. … At a later period I.G. Farben representatives in this country enabled a stream of German engineers to visit not only plane plants but others of military importance, in which they learned a great deal that was eventually used against the United States.”
The same Kilgore Committee stated that the “United States accidentally played an important role in the technical arming of Germany.” But the truth is that this was no accident, and the American industrialists knew that they were helping Nazis in their war efforts. In the words of historian Gabriel Kolko:
“The business press [in the United States] was aware, from 1935 on, that German prosperity was based on war preparations. More important, it was conscious of the fact that German industry was under the control of the Nazis and was being directed to serve German rearmament, and the first mentioned most frequently in this context was the giant chemical empire, I.G. Farben.”
The financing of Germany, which is what boosted the country to reindustrialization, came from the US due to the Dawes Plan and later the Young Plan, both US government programs to financially aid Germany after the First World War. The Treaty of Versailles, which was the result of Germany’s defeat in World War One, put a financial burden on the country. International bankers saw this as an opportunity to float profitable loans for German industrial cartels in the United States. Both Plans were contrived by these same central bankers. In 1924 the Allies chose a committee of bankers led by American banker Charles G. Dawes, to develop the plan (hence the name). These bankers would become the Committee of Experts, and It was their American funding that would eventually bankroll industries that were essential to Nazi Germany, IG Farben and Vereinigte Stahlwerke, in the mid-1920s.These bankers acted as both creditors and statesmen. When they worked as creditors they were giving away loans with the hopes of making profit; when they donned their statesmen hats, they were working to “solve” the “problem” of reparations. As Georgetown University Professor of International Relations Carroll Quigley put it:
“It is worthy of note that this system was set up by the international bankers and that the subsequent lending of other people’s money to Germany was very profitable to these bankers.”
In 1929, Owen Young became the chairman of the Committee of Experts, which consisted of J.P. Morgan himself, alongside TW Lamont, a Morgan partner, and TN Perkins, a banker with Morgan associates. There were also German members of the Committee of Experts. There was Hjalmar Schacht, president of the Reichsbank, who would eventually finance the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP), better known as the Nazi Party. So, a Nazi was involved in these delegations, representing German interests. The Plans to give loans to Germany was done, supposedly, to maintain peace. But they had the opposite effect. In the words of James Martin: “These loans for reconstruction became a vehicle for arrangements that did more to promote World War II than to establish peace after World War I.”
If you look at the details of the loans, you will see how three major corporations that would be the industrial backbone for the Third Reich were bankrolled by three Wall Street syndicates. Allgemeine Elektrizitats Gesellschaft (AEG) or German General Electric, got $35 million from National City Co. AEG was amongst the corporate powerhouses that backed the Nazis. National City Co. also gave $30 million to American IG Chemical, or the American Branch for IG Farben which would be the most notorious industry for the Third Reich. Dillon, Read & Co. gave $70,255,000 to Vereinigte Stahlwerke, or United Steelworks, which would also go on to support the Nazis. Both IG Farben and Vereinigte Stahwerke would become the dominating industries in the chemical and steel markets under the Third Reich for the German military, especially for things like explosives and synthetic gasoline. Between 1937 and 1938, 95% of Germany’s explosives were produced by these two companies. It was thanks to Standard Oil’s cooperation with IG Farben that led the latter to having a monopoly on Germany’s synthetic gas production. In the words of Anthony Sutton:
“In brief, in synthetic gasoline and explosives (two of the very basic elements of modern warfare), the control of German World II output was in the hands of two German combines created by Wall Street loans under the Dawes Plan.”
There was also a lot of help from American industry for Nazi Germany. For example, the two biggest tank producers in Nazi Germany were Opel, a subsidiary of General Motors, and Ford AG, a subsidiary of the Ford Motor Company of Detroit. In fact, the Nazis gave tax exempt status to Opel in 1936, in order to enable General Motors to expand its production plants in Germany. It is no wonder that Henry Ford was decorated by the Nazis for his services to the Reich. (See Sutton, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, ch. 1) The funding of the Nazi Party when it was still new also had connections to American finance. When Fritz Thyssen, the German steel magnate who was very close to the Nazis, was interrogated in 1945, he recounted how he was approached in 1923 by General Erich Ludendorff at the time when French troops were evacuating the Ruhr. Not too long after this meeting, Thyssen was introduced to Adolf Hitler and then financed the Nazi Party through Ludendorff. Thyssen then arranged a loan of 250,000 marks for the Nazis at the Bank Voor Handel en Scheepvaart NV in Rotterdam.
Its not surprising as to why Thyssen would choose this particular bank, since it was a subsidiary of the August Thyssen Bank of Germany, which was ran by his grandfather, Friedrich Thyssen, and also led by his father, August Thyssen (after whom the bank was named). This was Thyssen’s personal banking operation and it was connected with the WA Harriman financial interests in New York. E. Roland Harriman was the director of the Union Banking Corporation in New York City, which was controlled by the Dutch Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart NV, the very subsidiary of the August Thyssen Bank through which Fritz Thyssen funded Hitler. Roland Harriman’s fellow director at the Union Banking Corporation in New York was Nazi financier Hendrick Jozef Kouwenhoven, who in the 1930s would become a director of the Vereinigte Stahlwerke AG, the very company that would be an industrial powerhouse for the Third Reich and which was founded thanks to Wall Street funds in the 1920s. (See Sutton, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, ch. 7, pp. 103-107).
So in this history we see the financial establishment and the technological establishment being the backbone for a eugenic regime. Today, we are seeing the cultivation of a new eugenic ideology of transhumanism, and just like in the past, it is the industrialists like Elon Musk who is advancing it. The same elites who backed the Nazis, are the same types of personalities we see supporting the new eugenics of today — people like Musk, Peter Thiel, etc., — and so here we are, descending down the same spiral towards chaos.