Author Archive | Andrew Bieszad

Homelessness Set To Increase by 45%

When people lose their jobs, they can’t pay their bills. When they can’t pay their bills, they tend to lose their homes. When they lose their homes, they become homeless. This is what is happening, for according to the Los Angeles Times by way of MSN News, homelessness is set to increase by 45% due […]

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40% Of “Lower Income” Workers By Household Have Lost Their Jobs

Poor people have always suffered, but the situation with COVID-19 has significantly worsened their plight, for according to CNN, 40% of low income workers by household have lost their jobs due to the economic fallout. The Federal Reserve Bank on Thursday reported just how unequally the coronavirus-induced economic downturn is hitting Americans. On one hand, […]

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This Is Going To Be The Christmas From Hell

For those who have worked in the world of retail, also known as “retail hell”, it is an absolutely brutal job that stresses the physical and mental health of millions of underpaid, overworked, and frustrated workers just trying to survive. However, according to CNBC, that has just become harder as retail sales have suffered a […]

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Trump Declares He Will Mobilize The Military To Administer COVID-19 Vaccine

Conservatives have been talking about Bill Gates, the Democrat party, and other Democrats who they love to hate and saying that they were going to force Americans to “get vaccinated” against COVID-19. Regardless of what one thinks about vaccines or a COVID-19 vaccine, the amount of fear-mongering has been nothing short of astounding. But not […]

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Jewish Journalist Blasted By Warsaw After He Tries To Stir Up Anti-Catholic And Racial Hatred Of Poland

Enrico Mentata, a Jewish journalist from Italy, recently was heavily criticized by Warsaw for saying that Hitler put Auschwitz in Poland intentionally because the country is Catholic as Il Secolo di Italia reports. Enrico Mentana ends up at the center of the controversy. That post on Poland and Auschwitz unleashes an uproar. The juxtaposition of […]

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We Warned You: Ten Thousand Americans Have Openly Registered As Socialists Since March has been tracking the social and political trends of Millennials and Zoomers for years. While the trends pertain to all generations, the two up-and-coming ones are the most susceptible to becoming socialists, as the support of socialism has drastically increased among them. As we have noted, this is a favorable future and long-term trend […]

Continue Reading 0 Prediction Comes True As Plastics See A Major Comeback

For a long time, plastics were considered to be something that causes pollution and was avoided by many of the environmentally conscious. However, plastics do have their benefits, such as they are cheap, can be quickly produced in many conditions, and are disposable and burnable. I noted on that those who are financially savvy […]

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At 36.5 Million Unemployed The Entire State Of California Is Basically Out Of Work At This Point

California is the largest of the states in the US, and with 39 million people, she is a major source of cultural and economic power for the country. Having noted this, it is of equal interest that the current population of unemployed is now at a record 36.5 million, or almost the entire state population […]

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UK Treasury Chancellor Declares That UK Is In For A Major Recession

COVID-19 has exposed the economic corruption of the nations of the world, as well as their fragility. According to a recent report from the BBC, the UK is set to experience a major recession. The chancellor has said it is “very likely” the UK is in a “significant recession”, as figures show the economy contracting […]

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Senate Bill Defeated By One Vote That Would Give All Personal Web History To The FBI Without A Warrant

The Constitution has been for the most part eviscerated, but there are still laws that protect people. One of these things is that in spite of spying, the FBI cannot get one’s Internet search history without a warrant. A recent bill on the Senate, sponsored by Republican Mitch McConnell, would have passed allowing for the […]

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Just Wait For Oil To Go Negative Again

In an economic first ever, the world saw negative oil price contracts come to pass. Many people, especially futures market traders, are hoping that this is the end of such abnormalities, and that life would “go back to normal”. but now Zero Hedge is reporting that there may be a second round of negative oil […]

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Federal Reserve Bank Chairman Declares Looming Economic Destruction Due To Debt

The current Federal Reserve Bank Chairman Jerome Powell has said in a report published on Bloomberg that the current problems with finances could lead to greater debt issues that could cause long-term, serious destruction to the US economy. The U.S. economy faces unprecedented risks from the coronavirus if fiscal and monetary policy makers don’t rise […]

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He Who Cries “Anti-Semitism” Without Addressing Jewish Abuses Of Power Is Bad For The Jews

“Anti-semitism” is a cry used by many Jews- sometimes rightly, and sometimes not rightly. However, in an article on the The Hill, a former congressman asks the question is America in now “safe for Jews” because of “anti-semitism”. The state of Israel is strong. But for Jews in America, it seems downright ominous. Our country […]

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Trump’s Failure Son-In-Law Jared Kushner Makes Pre-Emptive Declaration Against Lockdown

President Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner is similar to King Midas, but while everything that Midas touched turned to gold, it seems that everything which Kushner touches falls apart. The interesting irony of this is that it is said that Kushner functions similar to how Dick Cheney operated under the Presidency of Bush II. Just as […]

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“Unprecedented” Migrant Crisis Opens Up At The US Border

Migrant crises often are connected to political or social crises. COVID-19 is no exception, and due to the spread of the virus, the Washington Examiner reports that millions of Central Americans are migrating toward the US Border it what may become an ‘unprecedented’ migrant crisis. “If there is economic collapse in a given country, it […]

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Sodomites Spread Hundreds Of Cases Of COVID-19 Across South Korea

During the 1970s and 1980s, the spread of HIV was directly linked to sodomite clubs and bars. Basically, where sodomites activity took place is where the disease would tend to concentrate and grow in because of the activity they would partake in. Now Reuters reports that sodomite night clubs and bars have again been linked […]

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