In the original Terminator film, protagonist Kyle Reese tells Sarah Connor regarding the terminator robots that “The 600 series had rubber skin, we spotted them easy. But these are now, they look human. Sweat, bad breath, very hard to spot. I had to wait for him to move on you before I could zero him.” […]
Author Archive | Andrew Bieszad
Are Stocks About To Get Slaughtered Again?
Stocks have been seriously beat up by the COVID-19 crisis because most of the American economy is based on consumption, and when people stop consuming, money is not made and the economy suffers. Now according to a report from Business Insider, stock markets may take another major hit with a possible massive sell off in […]
Will Biden Pair Up With Clinton And Obama?
As the Democrat presidential race, if one can even call it that, becomes stranger by the day suggests that Biden may pair up with Clinton and Obama. Desperate times do indeed call for desperate measures. For the Democrats, a truly desperate time could come if Joe Biden is forced to withdraw from the presidential […]
Monty Python Skit Comes True
Years ago, there was a very famous comedy sketch from the British troupe Monty Python. The skit involved a man who sold a dead parrot to a customer, and then tried to deny it when the purchaser attempted to return the dead bird’s corpse. In interesting news, simply for the sake of some levity (as […]
CDC Declares That 3% Of Meatpacking Workers Have COVID-19
Amid the spread of COVID-19 at meatpacking plants, tension has emerged between businessmen and the government over the closure of meat plants, both in the name of public safety as well as driving up meat prices. Whatever one may or may not believe, the risk of contracting the disease is very real. According to CNBC, […]
Biden Officially Declares ‘Not Me’ As ‘Me Too’ Type Claim Emerges
Regardless of what one thinks of Biden, it is undeniable that he has a long history of behaviors that seem to be objectively creepy towards women. One can see this with his many statements and behaviors. However, in what may be his most drastic and serious statement yet, Biden issued a statement denying sexual assault […]
Millennials Officially Overtake Boomers By Demographics
While the saying “demographics is destiny” is often used by those with racial or nationalistic impulses, it is also a very true statement. Any nation, community or area is defined by her people, and economy, politics, and government change with the people. If the people change, the area changes, for better or worse. This is […]
Venezuela Economic Collapse Continues As Government Sets Price Controls On Food
While the world has been consumed with reports about COVID-19 and the effects of the global economic crisis, the South American nation of Venezuela has been struggling with her own collapse amid internal revolution. Now price controls have been fixed on the nation for commodities such as eggs, thus creating her own food crisis as […]
Russia Declares That She Will Replace Soldiers With Robots
Robots are going to be a major factor in the future of war. According to Forbes magazine, Russia is also developing robots to serve as soldier replacements. For Russia, the question of robots taking over the role of soldiers on the battlefield is a matter of when, not if. “Living fighters will gradually begin to […]
Six Hundred Thousand Gallons Of Milk Dumped So Far Just From One Dairy
While food shortages have increased dramatically, millions of pounds and gallons of food have been dumped or destroyed. According to Midwest Crop Report, one dairy alone has dumped over a half-a-million gallons of milk. Golden “E” Dairy in West Bend, Wisconsin has been continuously dumping milk for nearly a month. The Elbe family was notified […]
Russian Orthodox Church Prepares To Open Cathedral With Murals Honoring Stalin, Putin, And The Soviet Union
In November 2018, I reported that the Ukrainian Orthodox Church was opening a church with National Socialist and occult imagery. Since both of these things are directly opposed to Christianity, the act was not only blasphemous, but the equivocation of God and Christianity with national politics, something that is a tremendous and unresolved problem in […]
Millennials Are About To Get Seriously Beaten In The Stock Market
If Millennials have been beaten up a lot, Zero Hedge is warning the generation to prepare for another round of trouble as many are moving into a dangerously unstable stock market trying to make investments. TD Ameritrade added 608,000 accounts in the first quarter, Charles Schwab Corp. added 609,000 accounts, and E*Trade saw a gain […]
Trump Declares “I Am Not F-cking Losing To Joe Biden”
President Trump is known for making many colorful statements. According to a recent statement reported on by the Associated Press, Trump said “I am not f-cking losing to Joe Biden”. President Donald Trump erupted at his top political advisers last week when they presented him with worrisome polling data that showed his support eroding in […]
Worst Year For Auto Sale Since 1990
2020 is destroying many thing, including according to Edmunds has caused a crash in the auto market, making the current year the worst one yet since 1990. he car shopping experts at Edmunds say that April will be a record down month for the auto industry due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, forecasting that 633,260 […]
Iowa Tells Workers To Get Back To Work Or Lose Benefits
While I cannot definitively prove it to be true, the recent push by the state of Georgia to “reopen” seems to have little to do with principle and all to do with money, as Georgia has a long history of being a state that places a disproportionate value on earning money even to the detriment […]
Mnuchin Was Right, Thirty Million Americans Are Now Out Of Work
I really wish that I did not have to report on this. According to the Associate Press, thirty million Americans are now unemployed. More than 3.8 million laid-off workers applied for unemployment benefits last week as the U.S. economy slid further into a crisis that is becoming the most devastating since the 1930s. Roughly 30.3 […]