Author Archive | Shoebat

Christians Must Bear Arms And Become Militant, Or Else They Will Be Eradicated

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat and Walid Shoebat Palestinian Christians in Tel-Aviv, Israel, have gathered together to openly and boldly support Israel, and its protection of Christians, and to call out on the EU’S indifference toward the massacre of Christians. They also came to reveal the plan to eradicate Christians in the Middle East, and […]

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Japan’s Government Approves Itself To Export Weapons

By Theodore Shoebat The ruling bloc of Japan’s government has just approved for their country to export weapons to other countries. The Buddhist party, New Komeito, while often presenting itself as a party of peace, also approved of the resolution. forewarned you about the New Komeito’s activities in regards to enabling Japan to transfer […]

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“Christians are the most persecuted group on the planet”

By Theodore Shoebat John Allen Jr., former Vatican correspondent, has made, this revealing statement: In effect, our era is witnessing the rise of a new generation of martyrs And how very true this is! The massacre of 80 Christians in the Armenian village of Kessab just took place, and the world is just as indifferent […]

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Antichrist Nation Of Turkey Wants To Revive Genocide Of Christians

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Walid Shoebat While the FSA (Free Syrian Army) is loosing momentum in Syria, the Muslim terrorists are working with the Turkish government. yesterday reported attacks on Kessab, a predominately Christian Armenian city of 50 thousand inhabitants in which over 80 Armenian Christians were massacred and today we obtained footage of further […]

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Thousands Of Russians And Muslims Fight In Mass Brawl

By Theodore Shoebat Thousands of pro-Russian supporters came before the Parliament building in the Crimean capital of Simferopol, and there to spoil the procession were 5000 Muslim Tatars. One protestor cried out “Crimea is Russian!” and eventually a brawl ensued. Russia supporters fought hand to hand against Muslim Tatars; the Tatars rushed inside the Parliament […]

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Muslims Massacre 80 Christians In Horrific Massacre, And Desecrate Churches

By Theodore Shoebat and Walid Shoebat (EXCLUSIVE) Muslims entered the Armenian village of Kessab on March 21st, and killed eighty Christians and desecrated several churches. They forced the civilians to flee up to the hills. The Syrian Army and the Self Defense Force militia (SDF) fought for three days and drove the jihadists out, on […]

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The Emerging Muslim Sexual Revolution

**SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** By Walid Shoebat The word Nikah literally means “legal copulation”. The word for marriage is zawaj. Take a look at Jihad Nikah. This is an indoctrination of young girls to have sex with Jihadists. We recently reported 3000 cases of impregnated young girls who were persuaded to participate. I have reviewed documented cases […]

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Muslims Charge Into Church And Murder six Christians

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims entered a church in Kenya and murdered six Christians, and injured 18 people, including 12 women and 4 children. They say that screams of agony and anguish filled the room as the Muslims committed their blood shed and fulfilled their insatiable lust for violence and sadism. People from the congregations tried […]

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War With Japan Is Inevitable

By Theodore Shoebat EXCLUSIVE Japan right now is playing the role of a peacemaker merely worried about the swelling power of China. For example, just today Japan agreed to transfer 700 pounds of plutonium to the United States, and this is considered by Fox News to be “a victory” for Obama’s plan to secure nuclear […]

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Christians Fight Muslims With Heavy Canons, Guns And Bravery In New Crusade

(SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE) By Walid Shoebat and Theodore Shoebat Christians in Syria have risen up in a new militia called The Lions of the Canyon , and they fight with heavy canons, guns, and bravery in a new crusade. The cries of man are an endless sea, surrounded by precarious lands upon which stand the hollow […]

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Muslims Gun Down Two Innocent People

By Theodore Shoebat A man was gunned down by Muslims in Pakistan just after being acquitted for blasphemy law. The man’s name was Ashraf Gola, and when he and his friend Iftikhar Ahmed were driving, a number of unidentified men approached them and sprayed the car with bullets, killing both of them. As Business Standard […]

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Muslims Crucify Man On Public Display

Posted by Theodore Shoebat (EXCLUSIVE) Watch this video showing a crucified man on public display. Muslims are crucifying people, and you will see this more frequently. This is all in accordance to the Quran: The punishment of anyone who fight against Allah and His apostle and do mischief in the land is to be killed […]

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Muslims Slaughter 400 People In Killing Fields And Impregnate 3000 Women

By Walid Shoebat and Theodore Shoebat (EXCLUSIVE) Muslims in Syria have butchered 400 people in mass killing fields, and have also impregnated 3000 women through sex jihad. We have learned this information through our Middle East contact Sister Hatune Dogan, who we partnered with in order to rescue Christians in Syria and Iraq, Turkey and […]

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Leaked Video Reveals How Life Really Is Under Islam (Obama does not want you to see this)

By Theodore Shoebat (EXCLUSIVE) Last month I wrote on how Muslim jihadists are imposing sharia in the Syrian city of Raqqa. As I wrote earlier this month, they are beating and killing women for not wearing the full hijab, and forcing Christians under the punishment of death, to pay the jizya tax for non-Muslims. Now, […]

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Muslims “are intentionally decimating entire Christian villages.”

By Theodore Shoebat A large body of Christians in Nigeria gathered together today to mourn the recent massacre in which Muslims killed 150 people. This is not the first slaughter of Christians in Nigeria, and it seems as though these major massacres are happening almost at a weekly basis. The pool of Christian blood is […]

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Why We Must Focus On Buddhism As A Threat To America

By Theodore Shoebat (EXLCUSIVE) I once had a conversation with an American who converted to Buddhism. He continued to repeat the typical mantra, that Buddhism is a religion of peace. After hearing his case long enough, I told him, “The men who bombed Pearl Harbour, which religion did they belong to?” He stood silent for […]

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