By Theodore Shoebat Muslims have torn down a 300 member Church in South Sudan, under the orders of the government of Omar al-Bashir, who is working to uproot Christianity in his devil-riddened country. The police officer in charge of the demolition of the church told a member of the church: We have orders from above […]
Author Archive | Shoebat
Muslim Blows Himself Up And Slaughters Innocent Christians
By Theodore Shoebat A Muslim group linked to Al-Qaeda, called Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis, has one of their jihadist low lives suicide bomb himself like a kamikaze in a tourist bus filled with Christians from South Korea, in Egypt. Over a dozen Christians were injured, three Christians were killed, and the bus driver also lost his […]

Why We Must Watch Japan In Our Study Of End Times
By Theodore Shoebat While the world is focusing on China and North Korea, there is one nation that has escaped the eye of the universal radar: Japan. Many evangelical writers have continuously affirmed that the armies of the Antichrist will comprise of armies from the Middle East, China, and Russia. While they are fixated on […]
The Persecution of Christians That Muslims Don’t Want You To See
By Theodore Shoebat As we strive to to deliver the persecuted Christians from the their suffering, we realize that while some cases of persecution are told to the public, there are countless others that are not. We are currently dealing with a very difficult and case. A Christian man named Sajjad Masih was arrested in […]
Muslims Murder 93 Christians In A Very Short Amount Of Time
By Theodore Shoebat The savage killing of Christians by Muslims is already happening. Just this Sunday, Muslims stormed the Christian village of Izge in Nigeria, making their cries of “Allahu Akbar!”, killing everyone in sight, and indulging in plunder. According to one resident, the Muslim barbarians butchered 93 Christians in cold blood. One witness survivor […]
The Most Savage Killing Of Christians Is Already Happening
By Theodore Shoebat (Exclusive) We live in the midst of death, in the presence of tyrants covered in the blood of the guiltless, protected by the shields of sycophants and callous cantonments of men who have given their hearts to idols as lofty as the darkest cloud, who have kept the soil of their souls […]
Muslims Promote Antichrist One-World Religion In Brutal Plan To Kill Christians
By Theodore Shoebat There are two kingdoms, one of pure light and the other of pure darkness, and as all of humanity bears witness, the glimmering brilliance of the dawn’s awakening foretells which one shall gain the victory, with the borders of Heaven meeting and giving comfort to the miserable earth. Amongst the ranks of […]
American Government Plan Will Lead To The Annihilation Of Christians
By Theodore Shoebat It has been pointed out many times by the superficial media, that the Syrian Islamic uprising began with “pro democracy” movements. Well, through detailed documentation, it will be found that the Islamic invasion of Syria was actually planned years ago, in great part, by the American government. This unraveling also reveals that […]
Italians Combat Islam, Refuse To Allow Islamic Art Museum
By Theodore Shoebat In the land where Italian Christians once arose to fight Muslims and the advancement of Islam, there still lies a remnant of that Crusader spirit in the city of Venice, where conservative Italian are refusing to allow a Muslim art museum. Prime minister of Italy, Enrico Letta, announced the plan to have […]
Obama’s Brother Works With Muslim Who Murdered Christian Man
By Theodore Shoebat It has been proven, on the Shoebat website, many a time that Obama’s Brother, Malik Obama, works with Omar al-Bashir, the Muslim dictator of North Sudan. Well today it was reported that Omar al-Bashir bombed a Christian area in the South Kordofan state, in which they dropped three bombs on Damardago village; […]
Muslims Beat Christian Man Within An Inch Of His Life
By Theodore Shoebat This man had a gun put on his head, by Muslim jihadists, and he was told that if he did not convert to Islam that his children would be kidnapped. He was beaten so badly by the Muslims that he was a hair away from death, and from losing his life. Thanks […]
Muslims Attack Christian Professor, And Cut His Hand Off
By Theodore Shoebat TJ Joseph, a Christian professor of Newman College in India, was attacked by a Muslim mob after being accused of blasphemy against the prophet Muhammad. The Muslims cut his hand, and part of his arm, right off in Muvattupuzha. A case was observed in Kerala, and one man, Sajan George, president of […]
Muslims Lynch Christian Man, Relative Says, “They cut his neck like a cow”
By Theodore Shoebat A Christian man, named Pumandele, was attacked by a Muslim mob; they grabbed him pushed him around, stabbed him and then cut his throat. They then dumped his body into a ditch. A Washington Post journalist actually witnessed the slaughter. When the Muslims saw him, they said to him, ““Allez, allez — […]
Muslims Stone Girl To Death, For Using Facebook
By Theodore Shoebat A girl was stoned to death by Muslims in Syria just for using Facebook. Our contact, Hatune Dogan, wrote on the occurrence: Fattoum Al Jassim is a girl from Al Raqqa State in Syria ( A syrian governorate that is controlled by DAESH, the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq ). The […]
Muslims Take Young Innocent Girl, And Slowly Strangle Her To Death
Posted Theodore Shoebat Here is a video of Muslims slowly strangling a young innocent girl in Syria PLEASE DONATE TO SAVE CHRISTIAN LIVES IN SYRIA
Pastor Receives This Message: “You must leave the region or you’ll die.”
By Theodore Shoebat In Columbia, recently, a pastor received this letter from the socialist-marxist organization, FARC: You must leave the region or you’ll die. The socialists also included a photo of a coffin alongside the letter. The socialists, as they always have, want to massacre the Christians in Colombia. They are no different than the […]