By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Nigeria kidnapped a Christian girl named Hajja, and used her to lead their desired victims, only to ambush and slaughter them. She was used to bait five men, who were in turn ambushed and butchered. This is what she witnessed: They took them back to a cave and tied them […]
Author Archive | Shoebat
Muslims Tie Girl To A Tree, Burn Her With Cigarettes And Gang Rape Her
Watch this video of the account of this Christian girl, who Rescue Christians saved, of the unendurable pains she suffered under the Muslims. I posted this video before, but it did not get the views it deserved. AFTER WATCHING THIS, PLEASE DONATE AND SAVE CHRISTIAN LIVES
Christian Holy War Is Coming Back, And God Wants A Crusade
By Theodore Shoebat A violent and reckless horde of Muslims are marching toward your neighborhood. When they arrive they will massacre your people, and ruthlessly torture you, very slowly. They will make you watch your wife being raped, and then force her to watch you die, and there is a chance that they will make […]
Muslims Murder Men In Diabolical Ritual, And Abuse Their Corpses
Here is a recent video showing a gang of Muslims, without any human affection, slaughtering a man and then abusing his corpse: Here is another video showing a series of gruesome murders conducted by Muslims This is all human sacrifice, and its demonic. After watching this video, understand that these are the people who are […]
Muslims Slaughter Christians, Only One Family Survives
Watch this video of a Christian giving his testimony on what horrors he experienced under Muslim hands: AFTER WATCHING THIS, PLEASE DONATE AND SAVE CHRISTIAN LIVES
Muslims Enter Christian Home, Butcher Husband, Wife, And Two Children
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Nigeria murdered four family members in their home, Joel Pam; his wife, Jemimah Pam, and two of their children, 2-year-old Jephtah and 4-year-old Joseph. The other two children, 10-year-old Susannah and 15-year-old Alfa, are being hospitalized and are now parentless. In one week in April, 17 Christians were slaughtered in […]
Muslims Murder Christian, And Burn Cross On His Face
By Theodore Shoebat Ninar Odisho, an Assyrian Christian in Syria, was walking with two Muslims when a number of Islamists stopped them. They let his friends go as soon as they found out that they were Muslims, but they kept the Christian for their own demonic pleasures. They killed him mercilessly, and burned a cross […]
Muslims Attack Cab Driver, Pull Him Out Of His Car And Behead Him
By Theodore Shoebat Recently, a Coptic Christian cab driver named Aziz was driving down the road when a Muslim noticed that he had a cross hanging from his rear view mirror. This vexed the demonically possessed souls of the heretics, and within moments the devils surrounded his car like the reprobates of Sodom, pulled him […]
Christian Militias On The Rise; A New Crusade Coming
By Theodore Shoebat …Not a campus crusade, but a true crusade, in which the saints carry their cross to fight with the forces of darkness. Christians in the Middle East have for a long time been accustomed to staying away from the fray with Muslims. This has come as a result of both comfort and […]
Muslims Kill Christians And Drink Their Blood, And Say It Gives Them Salvation
Watch this video of Theodore Shoebat talking with Michael Voris on what demonic and bloody rituals Muslims do with Christians in the Islamic World: AFTER WATCHING THIS, PLEASE DONATE AND SAVE CHRISTIAN LIVES
The Homosexual Agenda Is Nazism With A Smiley Face
By Theodore Shoebat The sodomite agenda is here, to use the words of Jesus, “only to steal and kill and destroy.” (John 10:10) And this is what I have been warning for quite some time now. The entire goal of the sodomites is the destruction of Christianity, and such hatred for the Faith leads to […]
Christians Raise Arms To Fight Holy War Against Muslims
By Theodore Shoebat So few ears have heard the news on the very recent and greatest massacre of Christians in Syria. Forty five saints, in the village of Sadad, were slaughtered by the Muslim heretics, this is not just a mere killing, but a foreshadowing of a future holocaust. Here is a video filmed by […]
Kuru Disease Devoloping In Syria Due To Cannibalism
By Theodore Shoebat Janelle Vaesa, a scientist with a Master of Science degree in Public Health from the University of Louisville, published an article on September of this year, in which she referenced our article on the one Syrian rebel who ate a man’s lung and on the other who barbequed a man’s head, and […]
Cannibalism In Syria Causes An Extremely Rare Disease
By Theodore Shoebat Its called Kuru, an extremely rare disease which virtually became extinct after extinguishing cannibalism in Papua New Guinea. Amazingly Kuru has now been found in 8 to 20 people, out of all places, in war-torn Syria, and the only way it could have come about, doctors confirmed, is through cannibalism and the […]
People Say That Christianity Is Not Political, But Is This True?
By Theodore Shoebat If I were the devil, I would tell people that it is more civil and fashionable to keep Christianity away from politics. If I were the devil, I would tell Christians to relax, be themselves, and restrict their Faith only within the sphere of social life, and not within government. If I […]
Words “Islam” and “Jihad” Taken Out of Counter-Terrorism Manuals By Obama Adminstration
Here is a video of Brooke Goldstein speaking out on the horrific persecution in Pakistan, Egypt, and the rest of the Muslim world, and on how while Obama refuses to speak against Islamic persecutions on Christians, he is supporting the Muslim cause. Please click here to watch Watch the latest video at Donate now […]