
CNN Contributor: Secularism in Turkey is dead

Walid was roundly ignored when he warned about what was happening in Turkey several years ago. In 2006, during an appearance on Glenn Beck’s Headline News program, Walid warned that Islam was on the rise in Turkey and that secularism was in danger of being thrown into the dust bin. Now that it’s already happened, […]

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Video: Former Attorney General slams Obama on Osama raid

Former Attorney General, Michael Mukasey appeared on Hannity’s television show and was quite forthright about what he thought of a memo penned prior to last year’s Osama bin Laden raid in Pakistan. If true, it’s quintessential ‘heads I win, tails you lose’ tactics by the Obama administration. Based on Mukasey’s take, the memo leaves no […]

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Germany: Muslims beat up Leftists… No, Really

Perhaps the perfect microcosm to demonstrate the left-right-Islam dynamic. A right-wing / anti-Islamist movement in Germany gathered for a protest at which Muhammad cartoons would be displayed. Apparently, some Salafists became so enraged that they began beating the leftists. Via Islam vs. Europe, h/t BNI: Hundreds of assorted Muslims and far-left extremists turned up to […]

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Report: Muslim Brotherhood group ISNA actively working to re-elect Barack Obama

Consider this one of the unintended consequences of not identifying the real enemy of the United States after 9/11. Instead of declaring war on a tactic (terror) – while identifying al-Qaeda as the target – we allowed other groups under the Muslim Brotherhood umbrella to set down stronger roots and accumulate power. Now, one of […]

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Video: Muslim Hate groups on Campus (think MSA)

99.99% of all Sunni Muslim groups in the United States are extensions of a group that Americans are growing more familiar with as a result of the Arab Spring; that group is the Muslim Brotherhood. Daniel Greenfield has released a pamphlet that he’s trying to get out to as many college students as possible. One […]

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Moroccan Cleric rules that Carrots may be used as Vibrators

Abd Al-Bari Al-Zamzami is a Muslim cleric from Morocco and a Member of the International Union of Muslim Scholars. Not only has he issued a ruling that necrophilia is ok as long as it’s between spouses but that women are permitted to use a certain vegetable to… uh… well… Interestingly, as part of his defense […]

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A Starker Contrast you will not find

The real threat (Islam) is not only ignored but vehemently defended by those who demonize that which will protect them most from that threat (Christianity). Pardon our redundancy but if you’re not a Muslim and you ignore Islam while attacking Christianity, Stockholm Syndrome is the best explanation for your behavior. Blessed are you when they […]

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Emerson and Pipes: Chris Christie doesn’t have the “Moral Compass” to be Vice President

There is a lot of buzz about the potential for New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to be tapped by Mitt Romney as a vice presidential running mate. Unfortunately, for as much as Christie seems to understand the dangers of teachers unions, he’s seemingly just as ignorant about Islam. IPT’s Steve Emerson and Daniel Pipes have […]

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Muhammad Cartoons incite Salafists to attack Police in Germany

This debate is very simple. When cartoons of Muhammad lead to violence, who’s to blame? Is it A.) the drawer of the cartoon, B.) the people who showcase the cartoons at a rally on a public square, or C.) the hypersensitive Muslims who become unhinged and commit assault because the cartoons were in their presence. […]

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According to Muslim Leader, Burka-clad Militants in Afghanistan guilty of Hate Crimes

Just last week, Muslim leaders in Philadelphia called it a ‘hate crime’ for bank robbers to dress up as women in burkas because it discriminated against Islam to do so. Uh, we’re still waiting to hear from those same leaders about the Muslim men in Afghanistan who dressed as women in burkas to commit murder. […]

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Islam and Sexual Perversions

Walid Shoebat Sexual perversions are not exclusive to the Muslim world; they exist in every culture. What makes the Muslim world different is the multitude of religious officials who use word games to avoid identifying deviant behavior as such. In the Muslim world, Necrophilia has magically become “Farewell Intercourse,” which is actually rejected by a […]

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Greece: Muslim Immigrant Detention Camp opens; more to follow

Well, now isn’t this an interesting development? Via Reuters: Greece opened its first purpose-built detention centre for illegal migrants on Sunday in Athens, a week before a national election where illegal immigration has emerged as a key issue. About 130,000 immigrants cross the country’s porous sea and land borders every year, the vast majority via […]

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2004 Video: Egyptian Presidential candidate supported Armed Resistance in Iraq

Regular readers of our blog know about Abdel Moneim Abol Fotouh. He is a finalist in the race for president of Egypt. In 2004, he said he fully supported the armed resistance against the United States in Iraq “100%.” In the video below from 2004, he said that he would take up arms himself against […]

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