Archive | General

This category includes articles and announcements.


Muslims torch Catholic Church in Khartoum, Sudan

With the Christian South and the Muslim North already on the brink of war, a Catholic church in Khartoum was torched by Muslims. Via the AP: A Muslim mob has set ablaze a Catholic church frequented by Southern Sudanese in the capital Khartoum, witnesses and media reports said on Sunday. The church in Khartoum’s Al-Jiraif […]

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Minnesota Governor (D) Encouraging Muslims to follow their Sharia Dreams

A state that elected the first Muslim to the U.S. Congress (Keith Ellison) now sports a Governor who is encouraging Muslims to get engaged in politics. Both are Democrats. Via the Star Tribune: Gov. Mark Dayton is expected to address participants of the 8th Annual Muslim Day at the Capitol on Thursday, according to event […]

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2007 Flashback: MSNBC Host explains why he won’t Criticize Muhammad

It’s what we all know but few on the left ever admit; criticism of Islam is off-limits because of fear. This is a fascinating piece of audio in light of how Islam has risen in the world since current MSNBC host, Lawrence O’Donnell made a shocking admission nearly five years ago on Hugh Hewitt’s radio […]

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Will Muslim Immigrants throw Sarkozy out of office in France?

A common trait of socialists on display in France. If you thought it was bad here in the United States, with Democrats becoming indignant over voter ID laws so they can get the illegal alien vote, take a look at France. That country is on the verge of electing a far left socialist who is […]

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Sudan’s Omar al-Bashir declaring War against South Sudan

We have been monitoring the situation in the Sudan closely for the last couple of months and war continues to look increasingly likely. In July of 2011, South Sudan officially seceded when devout Christian president Salva Kiir was inaugurated. In the months since, the issue of oil, the majority of which is in South Sudan […]

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Muslim Brotherhood meets with U.S. Chamber of Commerce behind closed doors

Did you know that the Muslim Brotherhood recently met with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce? Via Canada Free Press: Reports of a meeting between representatives of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and members of the Freedom and Justice Party of Egypt, the political wing of the Muslim Brotherhood, were confirmed today. According to information provided […]

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Egyptian Presidential Election and a Mossad Connection

In the west, “bracketology” is a technique used to make sense of March Madness. The Middle Eastern equivalent comes in April this year as the Egyptian presidential campaign is replete with Arabic hijinks, political intrigue, and a jockeying for position that takes mudslinging to an entirely new level. Multiple candidates have been disqualified and The […]

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Where is America in Bible Prophecy?

By Walid Shoebat For many years, it has been taught that in the Last-Days literally every nation of the earth – including the United States – will be utterly dominated by the Antichrist; there will be no place to escape from the dreaded Mark of the Beast; every last nation of the world will come […]

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Camel Urine: A Mouthful a Day [Does Not] keep the Doctor Away

By Walid Shoebat “A mouthful a day” is supposed to keep the doctor away, reports CNN in Arabic, under “Health and Technology.” You can take it straight up, fill up direct from the source, in capsule form – just like you would with fish oil, massage it into your hair or apply it directly to […]

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Sudan’s National Assembly designates South Sudan “an Enemy”

Well, that didn’t take long. South Sudan declared its independence when an overwhelming majority of its citizens voted for Salva Kiir to be the president of their new nation last January. Last July, Kiir was inaugurated. Now, Muslim Sudan is declaring South Sudan (Christian) an enemy. Via the Sudan Tribune: The Sudanese national assembly on […]

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Camel Urine: Drink Up and Bon Appétit!

Message from Walid… In the Arab world, Camel Urine products are going viral.. It’s a solution for cancer, hair loss, cosmetics… even camel urine shampoo, in capsule forms, camel urine oils… debates on which is the best way to apply camel urine on blogs, I searched and searched the Arabic for some sanity but no […]

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Stratfor tackles the issue of Turkey’s Strategy

We often talk about the Biblical import of Turkey and have been warning about its rise for quite some time. George Friedman has an excellent piece that examines the geopolitics in the region generally, as well as Turkey’s strategy specifically. Via Stratfor: Turkey is re-emerging as a significant regional power. In some sense, it is […]

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Why the Arab Spring will Descend into an Islamic Age

Steven Simpson Guest Columnist The much vaunted and praised “Arab Spring,” which took the world by surprise in December 2010, is slowly but surely turning into an Arab winter, which will inexorably become an Arab Islamic Ice Age in the near future. Already, the icicles of pan-Islamism are beginning to form throughout the Maghreb (North […]

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(Sharia) Law and Order, Egypt-style

Ah, the rule of (Sharia) law. Via CNS News: Egypt’s convoluted presidential election campaign became even more muddled at the weekend with an official electoral body’s decision to disqualify 10 out of 23 candidates, including three tipped as strong possibilities to win. The move brings further uncertainty over the future of the Arab world’s most […]

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