Archive | General

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The Arab Street Revolt and the Brotherhood: This Time It’s Different

The Arab Street Revolt and the Brotherhood: This Time It’s Different Click here for original article By Steven Simpson Thursday, February 3, 2011 When Mohamed Bouazzi of Tunisia immolated himself on December 17, 2010, the incident barely was mentioned in most news media. After all, who cared about a troubled and insulted man with economic […]

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INSIDE THE MIND OF THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD By Walid Shoebat 2/2/2011 PREPARE, [Wa-a-iddou] is a single Arabic word which appears on the Egyptian based Muslim Brotherhood’s logo written under the sign of the two swords, the symbol of Islamic Jihad. “Prepare” actually comes from the Quranic verse: “Prepare against them as you are able of […]

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The prophecy on Egypt now comes to fruition‏

From Isaiah: 19:1 The burden against Egypt. Behold, the LORD rides on a swift cloud, And will come into Egypt; The idols of Egypt will totter at His presence, And the heart of Egypt will melt in its midst. (when Messiah comes) RIGHT NOW: 19:2″I will set Egyptians against Egyptians; Everyone will fight against his […]

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Walid Shoebat’s Response to Egyptian Crisis

Friends The crisis in Egypt has opened up the doors of the media for Walid to explain to the public what is actually occurring there. Walid will be on The Hannity TV show tonight at 9.10 pm EST. On top of this, Walid appears today on The G. Gordon Liddy Show, Larry Elder, The Bull […]

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Will Arabic Become the Official Language of America?

Will Arabic Become the Official Language of America? By Steven Simpson Monday, January 10, 2011 Since the Islamic atrocities perpetrated against the United States on September 11th 2001, a huge array of Arabic and Islamic terminology has entered the Anglo-American lexicon. With the current (and still undocumented) resident in the White House proudly affirming his […]

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2 Pieces of Media: “UN Vote To Create Israel” and “A Real Leader in the Making”

Friends Excellent short film on the UN vote to create the Modern State of Israel: Superb speech and leadership from Congressman Allen West, a real leader in the making: Correction the name of Church for Sunday in Myrtle Beach. The Church’s name is Grand Strand Baptist, I left out “Strand” from the name […]

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Islamists Blame Jews for Coptic Church Bombing

Islamists Blame Jews for Coptic Church Bombing IPT News January 3, 2011 The New Year’s Eve suicide bombing at an Egyptian Coptic church that killed 21 people is stoking fears of a new onslaught against Christians by radical Islamists. In response, some radical Islamists are turning to their great bogeyman to deflect attention – […]

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Christian persecution in Iraq and Turkey Today, 2 New Videos

From Journeyman Pictures December 2010 In Iraq… Christians have lived in Iraq for 2,000 years but this Christmas they’re not celebrating. Under increasing attack from Islamic fundamentalists are they about to be driven from their ancestral homeland? Meet Canon Andrew White, an Anglican priest who serves the largest congregation of Christians in Baghdad. His service […]

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All Arabs Are Equal But Some Arabs Are More Equal

All Arabs Are Equal But Some Arabs Are More Equal: The “Palestinian” Arabs and the Forgotten Iranian Arabs By Steven Simpson Tuesday, December 14, 2010 The Islamic Republic of Iran—which would be better known as the Islamic Occupation Regime—has for over thirty years championed itself as the “Palestinian” Arabs greatest supporters in the Islamist quest […]

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Politically Incorrect Message for the Holidays‏

I wrote and sent this out last year but it bears repeating. As we have added thousands of new readers since then who may not have read it: As a “right wing Jewish extremist” as many of my fellow Jews might describe me, so as to isolate me from the “lamestream” I have a question […]

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Is Israel ‘a rogue state’? You’d better hope so…

Is Israel ‘a rogue state’? You’d better hope so By GABRIEL LATNER 16/11/2010 An expectation-defying speech delivered at a Cambridge University student debate last month. This is a war of ideals, and the other speakers here tonight are rightfully, idealists. I’m not. I’m a realist. I’m here to win. I have a single goal this […]

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November 21st Ft. Hood Event is About Honor over Dishonor, Truth over Lies, and Facts over Self Delusion.

November 21st Ft. Hood Event is About Honor over Dishonor, Truth over Lies, and Facts over Self Delusion. On November 21, 2010 in Killeen, TX there will be a special [second] memorial service and symposium to honor the fallen of Ft. Hood, as well as all of our brave men and women who continue to […]

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UK Christian Congregation Evicted by Village Council for support of Israel‏

Yesterday was the last service the Christian Congregation “Fathers House” held at Gwernymynydd Village Centre, North Wales as a consequence of being evicted after 11 years because the management Committee disagreed with their beliefs concerning Israel. “Fathers House” stands firm in their support of Israel and belief that the land of Israel was given to […]

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